Green Man King:"@Boss Ye, please tell me that what they said is not true."

Although Green Man King's words contained some unquestionable threats, everyone could hear the pleading in them.

He absolutely could not accept that his beloved wife would cheat on him.

Ye Yan:"Haven't you already guessed the answer in your heart?"

"Why keep deceiving yourself?"


The Green Man King was instantly struck by lightning, and felt like the sky was falling.

However, Ye Yan's next words made him see hope again.

Ye Yan:"@Green Man King, you don't have to worry too much."

"Now that my sister-in-law is still by your side, it means she hasn't done anything to let you down."

"But if you don't want tragedy to happen, pick up your Snow Drinking Mad Blade and return to the arena."

"Because my sister-in-law likes strong people"

"She is not willing to be a village woman."

Although Yan Ying in the original novel can be said to be a fickle and fickle woman.

But in fact, she is also a very"dedicated" woman.

That's right, she is dedicated to admiring the strong.

This is actually true. Let me ask you, from ancient times to the present, which woman does not admire the strong?

On the contrary, the Green Man King is a bit pretentious and does not understand the heart of a woman.

He is obviously a world-famous swordsman, but he insists on being a farmer?

Even from the plot of the TV series, it seems that the Green Man King is a bit chauvinistic and has never communicated with Yan Ying about what kind of life he wants.

Yan Ying asked Nie Renwang to come out of the mountain several times but was rejected.

Even when Yan Ying wanted to put her hope on little Nie Feng, Nie Renwang refused to teach Nie Feng martial arts.

This may be one of the reasons why Yan Ying was completely discouraged and was captured by Xiongba.

So in Ye Yan's view, as long as the Green Man King continued to walk the rivers and lakes under the name of"Northern Drinking Mad Knife", even if he just devoted himself to teaching Nie Feng martial arts, instead of being a woodcutter in this remote place, and asking Nie Feng to be a woodcutter, Yan Ying would not leave Nie Renwang

"This is impossible. This is absolutely impossible."

"I gave up everything so that she and the child could live a stable life, how could she not like it?"

When the Green Man King said this, Kankan and the others immediately felt something was wrong. It turned out that the Green Man King really didn't ask Yan Ying what kind of life she wanted. Did he think that if he gave up everything and lived in seclusion in the mountains, Yan Ying would definitely like it?

This is too self-centered!

Ye Yan:"Whether I am talking nonsense or not, you can ask my sister-in-law and you will know"

"Also, let me say one more thing"

"You have been in the martial arts world for so many years, don't you know that for a swordsman like you who has become famous all over the world, the only way to truly retire from the martial arts world and return to the mountains and forests is to die?"

"Although you are hiding your identity now, there are still many people who will do whatever it takes to find you and fight you in order to become famous."

"The tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop"

"If you don't fight, they will capture your son, kill your wife, and force you to fight."

"Also, the Snow Drinking Mad Blade in your hand is also a peerless divine weapon. It is the ultimate dream of many swordsmen in the world."

"Do you really think you've retired?"

"How ridiculous!"

Ye Yan paused here and continued:

"Now that I have spoken, I will tell you your future fate."

"After a while, Xiongba will come to you"

"In order to force you to take action, he tricked your wife away and finally made your wife fall into the abyss to force you to take action"

"You fought with hatred, but were bitten to death by the Fire Kirin that suddenly appeared."

"Although your wife survived the disaster, she was rescued by Po Jun and fell asleep"

"After that, Po Jun got tired of playing with him and sold him to Jue Wu Shen, who also gave him a little son."

"In the end, Yan Ying was killed by Jue Wushen's eldest son."

It was only then that Ye Yan remembered the tragic ending of the Green Man King.

He must not let the Green Man King die, otherwise how could he communicate with the Fengyun World?

How could he obtain the various peerless magic skills in the Fengyun World, the Dragon Yuan and Phoenix Sui, these treasures of heaven and earth?

But when Ye Yan said this, the Green Man King was still in shock and did not react, but the whole group exploded.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Ye, can you deduce the secrets of heaven?"

"He even knows how the Green Man King and his sister-in-law will die in the future?"

Zhiqiu Yiye has no doubt that Ye Yan has such ability.

After all, in their demon world, there are also such capable people.

But he can also deduce the secrets of other worlds, which is a bit shocking.

Li Mochou:"Oh my God! Handsome brother has such ability?"

"It's too greasy!"

"Handsome brother, I want to read your fortune too."

Li Xun Huan:"Is there such a mysterious thing? Boss Ye wants to read your house!"

"How many children can my cousin and I have?"

Li Xunhuan didn't really believe these things at first.

But now he has come into contact with chat groups, the world of demons, and the world of immortals, how could he not believe such things?

Mu Nianci:"Handsome brother, I want to ask my godfather about his wife and children who have been separated for many years."

Wanwan:"Handsome brother, I find that the more I get along with you, the less I understand you."

"You are so awesome. I want to have my fortune told. Come and help me read my whole face."

After Wanwan finished speaking, she sent another private photo to Ye Yan.

When Ye Yan opened it, his pupils trembled and his nose almost bleed.




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