"Oh my god! Wanwan, this little devil, is she asking me to read her fortune?"

"I think this is playing with fire, it's too much."

Ye Yan saw the private photos sent by Kanan. His nose was about to bleed.

Although Kanan didn't take any photos that shouldn't be seen.

But the bathing feet half-covered by the gauze, the long legs... all of them touched Ye Yan's nerves.

This made Ye Yan more determined to rush into the world of"Double Dragon" and teach this little goblin Kanan a lesson.

10,000 points don't seem expensive.

Sending such photos to oneself again and again is simply too much.

But Ye Yan won't say it in the group now.

Are you kidding!

If Kanan knew that he almost had a nosebleed because of her private photos, would he still have face?

Would he still have his image?

Kanan:"@Handsome brother, why don't you reply to her?"

"Did you panic because you saw something you shouldn’t have seen?"

"Or do you still want to have many children and happiness like others?"

"You are so bad!" provocative.

Wanwan's words were definitely provocative.

All group members couldn't stand it anymore.

They cursed Wanwan again in their hearts that she was really a little devil.

Zhiqiu Yiye was jealous and envious.

Why was no one flirting with him?

Ye Yan would not give in when Wanwan provoked him like this.

Ye Yan:"@Wanwan, if you want me to see the full picture, you have to send me a full-body picture."

"You only posted pictures of your hands and feet, how can I see the whole picture?"


As soon as Ye Yan said this, the whole group exploded instantly.

Li Xunhuan:"The world is going downhill, the world is going downhill."

Li Mochou:"@Wanwan, you are so unethical. We agreed to a fair competition, but you actually sent private photos to tease the big guy."

Mu Nianci:"@Wanwan, you are so unethical. We agreed to a fair competition, but you actually sent private photos to tease the big guy +1."

Wanwan:"@李莫愁, @慕念慈, I like it, if you don't agree, send it to the handsome brother too."

"@Ye Yan, handsome brother, how can you tell our little secret?"

""Wan Wan hates you, woooooo~"

Wan Wan seized the opportunity, pretending to be weak and changing the subject.

Are you kidding!

Although Wan Wan looks dissolute, she has a bottom line. How could she really send Ye Yan a full-body photo that cannot be seen?

At least before the marriage, absolutely not.

""What? What am I thinking about?"

Wanwan was suddenly stunned.

Could it be that she really liked Ye Yan?

But she hadn't met Ye Yan yet, how could she possibly like him?

The more Wanwan thought about it, the more confused she became. Finally, like a possessed person, she imagined the scene of meeting Ye Yan in the future.

This scared Wanwan.

You know, Wanwan usually looks dissolute, but in fact, if a man is so rude to her, she will be moved and disgusted.

It feels that all men in the world are equally black.

But now that she heard Ye Yan wanted to take a full photo of herself, she didn't feel disgusted at all, but a little happy. She couldn't help but imagine the scene of marrying Ye Yan.

This made Wanwan confused, and she didn't know why it was like this.

But in fact In fact, Wanwan's state is easy to understand.

You know, when a woman is curious about a man, she will usually fall in love with him slowly.

It is precisely because she has never met Ye Yan, but Ye Yan is so mysterious and powerful, that Wanwan has such a fantasy.

It is just like the expectations of netizens before"offline dating" in later generations.

Finally, Wanwan seemed to think of some embarrassing scenes, and her delicate little face couldn't help but blush.

If the whole world saw this scene, they would be extremely shocked.

Oh my god~

This shameless witch would actually be shy?

And when she is shy, she is even more charming and seductive, which is completely the rhythm of charming people to death.


Zhiqiu Yiye:"@Wan Wan, you bastard, you witch, you actually sent private photos to the boss again?"

"Please send me some photos, I want to see if they are serious or not, don't pollute the eyes of the boss"

"@Mu Nianci, @李莫愁, if you want to send private photos to Mr. Ye, you must send them to me for approval first"

"You must not pollute the boss's eyes."

Wanwan:"Go away, go to the cool place." Li Mochou

:"Go away, go to the cool place +1."

Mu Nianci:"Go away, go to the cool place +1."

Li Xunhuan:"Go away, you are worthy of watching?"

"@Ye Yan, boss, ignore them, please help me calculate my fate"

"My cousin and I are getting married soon, and I want to know how many children we can have?"

Li Xunhuan hasn't met Long Xiaoyun yet, and he is at the peak of his life at this stage. He is wealthy and has superb martial arts. He is the top three in the imperial examination, and his wedding is approaching.

His life is so perfect that he has no other pursuits, and he just wants to live a happy life after marriage.

But what he doesn't know is that what Ye Yan says next will directly subvert his three views.

Ye Yan:"Your love life is better than that of the Green Man King."

Li Xunhuan:"Really? That's too... huh?"

"Boss Ye, what did you say?"

"Only slightly better than the Green Man King?"

"Impossible. Absolutely impossible."

"My cousin Shiyin will never do anything to let me down."

Li Xunhuan instantly had a bad feeling.

Are you kidding me!

The cuckold king will be completely cheated in the future, and his wife will run away with at least three men in the future.

He is only slightly better than the cuckold king, doesn't that mean...

Zhiqiu Yiye:"@Li Xunhuan, I'm sorry for my loss, brother."

"Why don't you all be like me and stop looking for a wife?"

"Women will only affect the speed of our sword drawing."

Zhiqiu Yiye was obviously gloating.

Li Xunhuan:"Get lost."

Li Mochou:"@Zhiqiu Yiye, get lost, no one will think you are dumb if you can't speak"

"@Li Xunhuan, don't worry! Boss Ye will definitely find a way to help you solve it."

Mu Nianci:"@Li Xunhuan, don't worry! Boss Ye will definitely find a way to help you solve it +1."

Wanwan:"@Li Xunhuan, don't worry! Boss Ye will definitely find a way to help you solve it +1."

Li Xunhuan:"Yes! Boss Ye, you can point out the Green Man King just now, you must be able to point out me, right?"

Li Xunhuan seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw.




I beg for flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation tickets, collections, and various data every day...

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