Ye Yan:"@Li Xunhuan, don't worry too much"

"Your cousin is not cheating on you"

"You are the one who cuckolded yourself"

"You will become sworn brothers with a man named Long Xiaoyun"

"Long Xiaoyun also likes your cousin. For the sake of your brother, you ignored your cousin's objection and directly gave her a wife, money and a house."

Li Xunhuan:"Really? Great, I was saying that how could my cousin Shiyin cheat on me? It's my own fault.……???"

"What? I cheated on myself?"

"This is impossible."

Li Xunhuan reacted and was completely numb.

Was he mentally retarded?

Zhiqiu Yiye:"666, oh my god! Li Xunhuan, I didn't expect you to be so nice to your sworn brothers?"

"I have a suggestion, let's become brothers now"

"As long as you are happy, I can call you godfather!"

Li Mochou:"@Li Xunhuan, I didn't expect you to treat your wife like this? Just give it to your brother if he wants it?"

"Don’t ever say you know me again."

Mu Nianci:"@李寻欢,…Don’t ever say you know me again +1." Wanwan:"@李寻欢,…Don’t ever say you know me again +1."

The three Li Mochou girls were filled with righteous indignation. After all, which woman could endure being sent around like a gift by the person she loved?

Li Xunhuan also wanted to say that he didn’t even want to know himself.

He didn’t quite believe that this would be the result.

But on second thought, he did value the loyalty of the underworld very much, and it was really possible for him to"help others achieve their goals."

Ye Yan:"@李寻欢, don’t think you are helping others achieve their goals"

"You're an idiot."

"Long Xiaoyun is a despicable person. He planned to approach you from the beginning."

"He sent people to hunt you and Lin Shiyin, and he came out to save you at the critical moment."

"He poisoned your cousin, and after taking the antidote, he helped your cousin take the drug, making you think he was selfless."

"You were the only one who believed him. In the end, you led away your enemies and married your cousin to him so that Lin Shiyin could live a stable life."

"But the truth is, he was the one who instigated those enemies."

Li Xunhuan:"Despicable."

Li Mochou:"So despicable"

"@Li Xunhuan, you are such an idiot, you were fooled so easily? With your brain, how can you get the third place in the imperial examination?"

Mu Nianci:"You are so despicable"

"@Li Xunhuan, you are such an idiot +1."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Very despicable"

"@Li Xunhuan, you are such an idiot +1, if you can get the third place in the imperial examination, I can definitely get the first place."

Wanwan:"Super despicable"

"@Li Xun Huan, you are such an idiot +1."

Although everyone was scolding Li Xun Huan, he was not angry, but felt happy.

Because he felt that he deserved to be scolded.

But now that Ye Yan said this, he could definitely avoid this ending.

"Long Xiaoyun, right?"

"Well, if you dare to come, I will definitely pierce your heart with thousands of knives."


Ye Yan knew that Li Xunhuan's miserable life would definitely change, and he could not help but feel happy.

After all, if Li Xunhuan continued on his original path in life, he would be in a daze for the next ten years, so how could he have the energy to help him find the martial arts secrets?


Ye Yan:"@知秋一叶, don't be too happy too early"

"Your ending is worse."

"Soon, you will meet a scholar named Ning Caichen, who will lead you to meet the thousand-year-old centipede monster."

"In the end, he died in a battle against a centipede monster."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! Big Boss Ye, don't scare me!"

Zhiqiu Yiye was going to continue making fun of Li Xunhuan.

But now he heard that he was going to die without even holding a girl's hand.

And he died because of a man. He was instantly numb.


Ye Yan ignored Zhiqiu Yiye and directly told them the fate of the remaining Mu Nianci and the others.

So that they could avoid the risk.

Ye Yan:"@Mu Nianci, next you will meet a pretty boy named Wanyan Kang in Yanjing. Although he is a Han Chinese, he recognized the enemy as his father in order to become the little prince of the Jin Kingdom."

"You will meet in a martial arts competition, you can't beat him, and he teases you."

"After that, he used sweet words to deceive you into having your body, but he will soon be poisoned to death."

"It's a pity that you gave birth to a son for him, and died of depression."

Mu Nianci's heart skipped a beat.

Because her adoptive father Yang Tiexin just said that he was going to Yanjing.

In other words, she might meet the evil villain Wanyan Kang soon?

Ye Yan:"@Mu Nianci, actually you don't need to worry, with your current martial arts, it will be no problem for you to deal with Wanyan Kang"

"Even if you compete for marriage, you will never be teased by him."

Ye Yan was still good to Mu Nianci and took the initiative to help Mu Nianci with advice.

Mu Nianci:"Yes! My strength has greatly increased now."

"If he met that evil villain Wanyan Kang, he would definitely be destroyed."

""Everyone has the right to punish a traitor like him who has forgotten his ancestors."

Mu Nianci originally wanted to avoid the martial arts competition to win a bride.

But when she thought about getting rid of a traitor like Yang Kang, she was actually looking forward to it.

After all, she and her adoptive father Yang Tiexin had been wandering around the world since they were young, fighting against the strong and helping the weak, and hated the Jin government that oppressed the people.

Now that she has the ability, she naturally wants to teach the Jin lackeys a lesson herself.

Especially a despicable villain like Wanyan Kang who took the thief as his father.

"It seems that Yang Kang is in trouble."

Ye Yan has confidence in the current Mu Nianci, and will definitely defeat the despicable Yang Kang.

However, Wanwan and Li Mochou's next move made Ye Yan know what"the most vicious woman's heart" means.

Instead, he was worried about Yang Kang.

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