Wanwan:"@Mu Nianci, sister Nianci is right, we must destroy Yang Kang, the evil villain who forgot his ancestors."

"I have a short passage of the secret method of"Heavenly Demon Sound" that can temporarily put people into a fantasy world."

"Although it is not the full chapter, it can be activated without the"Heavenly Demon Secret Book" and can deal with high-level second-rate masters without any problem"

"Let him go crazy in public, fight with dogs for food, and let him be socially dead."

"It would be even better if he got rabies and died of madness."

Li Mochou:"@Mu Nianci, I have a gift for you too. I'll give you a gift of Ice Soul Silver Needle that will freeze your feet and hands. I'll give it to him to prick his offspring and make him a eunuch for life. I'll give it to you to cripple that evil villain and see how he teases you."

Mu Nianci:"That's not good...but thank you both sisters anyway. I will definitely cripple that evil villain."

Mu Nianci said no, but her body was honest.

She put away"The Sound of the Demon" and Ice Soul Silver Needle with great joy. She felt a little excited when she thought about crippling a big traitor like Wanyan Kang.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! Women are so scary!"

"Suddenly I feel that it is good not to touch a woman for the rest of my life"

"@Ye Yan, Boss Ye, you can’t have these women."

Wanwan:"@知秋一叶, don’t destroy their image in the handsome brother’s heart?"

"People will be very gentle to handsome brothers"

"Even if someone uses"Heavenly Demon Sound" on a handsome guy, it will only make him happier."

"@"Ye Yan, handsome brother, are you right?"

Mu Nianci:"Handsome brother, we just want to deal with the traitors."

Li Mochou:"Handsome brother, Mochou is very gentle. You are so accurate in fortune-telling, you should know that!"

Ye Yan felt ashamed when he heard what Li Mochou said.

That's right, you were indeed gentle, beautiful, generous, innocent, pure, silly, cute and fair-skinned at the beginning.

But later you were possessed by the scumbag Lu Zhanyuan.

How vicious he was.

Of course, Ye Yan would not let this happen. He immediately told Li Mochou's future fate.

Ye Yan:"@Li Mochou, since you sneaked out of the ancient tomb, have you met a group of swindlers in a busy night market?"

"You exposed their trick of"taking money from the oil pan", and they got angry and wanted to sell you to a brothel"

"You killed them with the Ice Soul Silver Needle, and later you killed many hypocrites who came to seek revenge, so you were given the title of"Red Snake Fairy."

Li Mochou:"Yes, yes!"

"Handsome brother, you are amazing"

"He knows even such details, as if he saw it with his own eyes."

"What will happen to me next?"

Li Mochou was shocked by Ye Yan's words again.

If she had some doubts before, could Ye Yan really have such magical abilities?

Now she is 100% convinced.

How can Ye Yan tell fortunes?

It is as if he saw it with his own eyes.

Ye Yan:"After that, you will meet a scumbag named Lu Zhanyuan."

"He is not good at martial arts, but he is good at sweet talk. He came to deal with you for fame."

"After cheating on you, he married another woman."

"You turned hatred from love and wanted to seek revenge on him, but he was protected by a master, and you were heartbroken and died in the sea of fire at a young age."

Ye Yan guessed that this was the most beautiful version of Li Mochou (Xin version) in history, and naturally he was talking about the plot of her version.

Birds chirped and flowers bloomed, and the spring sun was shining in the sea of flowers.

Li Mochou, who was originally in high spirits and basking in the sun, suddenly turned pale. She was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

After all, who would not panic if they knew that their ending was so tragic?

But soon, Li Mochou was furious.

"Lu Zhanyuan, right?"

"The most powerful thing is sweet talk?"

"Okay, if I see you outside the ancient tomb, I will tear your mouth apart."

"See how you can deceive me."

Li Mochou was already extremely disgusted with this guy named Lu Zhanyuan, and she wanted to kill him immediately.

But she would not tell this plan to the chat group.

Just kidding!

In front of Ye Yan, she still wanted to maintain her ladylike image.

Li Mochou:"@Ye Yan, thank you handsome brother, don't worry, if I want to be deceived, I will let you deceive me, and I will never let that scumbag named Lu Zhanyuan get away with it."

"I'm going to find this guy named Lu Zhanyuan right now. I love you!"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my gosh! Why do I feel an inexplicable murderous aura?"

"It seems that this guy named Lu Zhanyuan is in trouble."

"Women are so scary!"

Li Mochou didn't even bother to pay attention to Zhiqiu Yiye.

Ye Yan could also see Li Mochou's murderous intention and was very satisfied with the result.

Although in many versions of The Legend of Condor Heroes, Li Mochou is definitely a villain.

But since watching Xin's version of Li Mochou, Ye Yan couldn't hate her at all.

On the contrary, he felt that it was too unfortunate for such a beautiful woman to be turned into a female devil by a scumbag, and she must be saved.

But if netizens in later generations knew Ye Yan's thoughts, they would definitely send the classic"Guo Zixing" emoticon package directly.

What the hell is unfortunate? Are you really so kind, to save her? Do you dare to say that you are not greedy for her...? You are so cheap



Nangong Ping'er:"@Ye Yan, what will be my fate?"

"Can he break through to the Nascent Soul stage in the future?"

The always aloof Nangong Ping'er couldn't hold back her curiosity at this moment. As soon as she said this, everyone instantly became curious.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Yes! What is the fate of Boss Nangong?"


"But can Boss Ye calculate it?"

"Master Nangong is the ancestor of the sect who has reached the Jindan stage!"

Zhiqiu Yiye still thought that Ye Yan had calculated everything through fortune-telling.

And calculating the fate of a Jindan master is definitely dozens or hundreds of times more difficult than that of ordinary warriors like Mu Nianci and Li Xunhuan.

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