【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract the memory of Shenxian Laoguai and obtain the"Liaodong Wild Fox Fist"》】

【Ding, you... got the"Ziwu Penetrating Bone Nail"》】

【Ding, you... got the"Great Grasping Technique"》】


【Ding, you... got the"Medicinal Beast Breeding Method"》】

《Liaodong Wild Fox Fist: A wild fox fist that imitates the movements of foxes hunting in the snow, with supporting light skills and leg techniques.

The system Xiaobai's sweet reminder sound kept ringing.

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

"Sure enough, it can"

"In other words, now I don't need to find any cheats at all"

"If you don't like someone, just spend some mental energy to search their soul and copy them."

Then Ye Yan searched out more than a dozen"Ziwu Bone-piercing Nails" from the arms of the old monster Shenxian, and drove them into his limbs and heart.

He was in so much pain.

His face turned pale, and he collapsed to the ground, howling miserably.

Such a cruel scene shocked even the villains like Wanyan Honglie.

They never expected that a young man like Ye Yan, who looked gentle and refined, could be so cruel.

But this can't be blamed on Ye Yan.

Who made Ye Yan use the"Shuangquan Hand" just now and accidentally saw the scene of the old monster Shenxian torturing and killing countless virgins.

That was so cruel.

If someone saw those scenes, they would definitely think that Ye Yan's current method of dealing with the old monster Shenxian was not light.


"Monster, who are you?"

"How dare you act so wildly in my Great Jin Territory? Someone come here!"

"Kill this monster immediately"

"Anyone who takes the life of this monster will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold."

Wanyan Honglie and the seriously injured Wanyan Kang were a little panicked.

In addition to Ye Yan's ruthless methods.

When he thought of the weird scene where Ye Yan could emit blue light from his hands and grabbed the head of the old monster Shenxian, he felt extremely uneasy. He immediately thought that it must be some evil method and regarded Ye Yan as the legendary monster.

He must die, otherwise Wanyan Honglie will never be able to sleep well in the future.

Several second-rate masters of Lingzhi Master thought so too.

But the four of them were extremely cunning.

They knew they couldn't beat Ye Yan, but they couldn't explain to Wanyan Honglie if they ran away.

They immediately shouted:"All soldiers, come on!"

""We will protect the prince and prevent the demons from attacking him. Charge!"

After saying that, Lingzhi Shangren and his four second-rate masters immediately ran towards Wanyan Honglie behind them.

Although the Jin soldiers were in their hearts , money was attractive.

Thinking of the thousand taels of gold, all the soldiers were in high spirits, forming a battle formation, with great morale, and all kinds of sharp knives, sharp arrows, swords, spears and halberds came towards Ye Yan.

""Handsome brother, be careful."

Although Mu Nianci knew that Ye Yan was powerful, she couldn't help but feel her heart beat faster under the attack of tens of thousands of soldiers. Except for Nangong Ping'er, everyone else in the chat room began to worry about Ye Yan.

After all, even they were a little unsure when facing so many soldiers.

However, the next moment

""Thunder clothing for body protection~"


Ye Yan shouted loudly, and lightning arcs covered his whole body, forming a lightning clothing, just like a god of war from heaven wearing a lightning clothing, mighty and domineering.

The lightning arcs around his body seemed to be nothingness, but they were indestructible, and they also carried the terrifying destructive power of lightning and thunder, and were not afraid of attacks from swords and arrows at all. Dangdangdang~ bangbangbang~ metal clashed, and thunder and fire splashed.

These ordinary swords, spears, swords and halberds could not break through any defense at all, but were directly blown up.

Chat group.

Li Mochou:"Oh my God! Is this the legendary thunder method?"

"It's too greasy!"

"This handsome guy really looks like the legendary Thor, so handsome."

Xianxian:"Aren't you talking nonsense? This is our handsome guy."

"If I had known that the handsome guy was so handsome, his private photos would have been even better, and I would have definitely taken him down earlier."

Li Xunhuan:"Boss Ye is so scary!"

Green Man King:"Boss Ye is so scary!"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Ye is only at the foundation-building stage!""

"But this body armor is too strong!"

Nangong Ping'er:"It is indeed a bit exaggerated. My Jindan body armor is not as strong as this one."

"It should be that Ye Yan really combined all the skills into one and created a perfect skill."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my! No wonder Ye Da Lao is so awesome!"

"I must @ Mr. Ye later and ask for this heaven-defying technique."

婠婠:"I want it too, I want it too……"

Li Mochou:"I want it too, I want it too, let's form a team and ask handsome brother to lead us, I'm so excited just thinking about it!"


The world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

At this time, Wan Yankang and the others were also shocked by Ye Yan's incredible operation.

"Oh my god? Thunder magic?"

"Is this a god?"

""Thunder God, calm down!"

The Jin soldiers were instantly shocked by this scene.

They wanted to kneel down to Ye Yan, and their morale was completely gone.

It can be said that Ye Yan, a cultivator, came to this world and was just like a cheater.

Absolutely crushing.

This scene made Wanyan Kang and Wanyan Honglie very angry.




8500, there will be another update tonight, it will be on the shelves at 12 o'clock in the evening, please give me the first order

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