"Bastards, get up, all of you!"

"He is not the god of thunder, he is a demon"

"You are all warriors of my Great Jin, you believe in the true God, kill him"

"If you don't kill him today, you will all die."

"Kill him, and each person will get one tael of gold, and the first person to get the most merit will get 5,000 taels of gold."

Wanyan Honglie started talking, to boost morale.

He didn't believe that Ye Yan was some kind of thunder god.

At most, he was a legendary immortal cultivator.

But what about an immortal cultivator?

Wanyan Honglie didn't believe that Ye Yan could always stay like this.

Moreover, Ye Yan was obviously a Han Chinese, and had a hostile relationship with him.

If they didn't take this opportunity to kill Ye Yan, would their Jin Kingdom still have a way to survive in the future?

The Jin soldiers were shocked when they heard this.

They felt that what Wanyan Honglie said made sense.

They immediately picked up their weapons and swarmed towards Ye Yan.

Chi chi chi ~

At the same time, thousands of arrows were fired at the same time, like rain, and the later ones arrived first, rushing towards Ye Yan and Mu Nianci.

""Looking for death."

Ye Yan didn't want to kill them all, but these Jin soldiers were looking for death.

Then he couldn't stop Ye Yan.

"《Yin and Yang Thunder》~"

"" Break~"

Ye Yan shouted, and four Yin-Yang Thunder Dragons soared into the sky and exploded instantly.

They turned into thousands of lightning arcs and blasted towards the thousands of feather arrows.

Bang, bang, bang~

A series of violent explosions sounded in the sky.

Ten thousand sharp feather arrows exploded instantly.

Such a horrific scene instantly made Wanyan Honglie and his party numb.

They widened their eyes and looked unbelievable.

What the hell!

What kind of monsters are we treating as opponents? Is this really a skill that can appear in the world of martial arts?

Cheating, it's definitely cheating.

However, this is not over yet.

"《Dragon and Tiger Thunder Roar》~"

Ye Yan immediately mobilized the rich spiritual energy in his Dantian and gathered it in his throat.


The roar of tigers and dragons was like thunder rolling in the sky, shaking the eight directions and shaking the soul.

The invisible sound waves swept through, and wherever they passed, the Jin soldiers' internal organs were shaken, their souls were severely damaged, and their bodies fell down in pieces.

In less than a moment, ten feet away from Ye Yan, the bodies of the Jin soldiers piled up like a mountain, forming a circular circle of corpses.

Although these soldiers did not look like they had any scars on the outside, this kind of death was even more bizarre. The

Jin soldiers, who were originally full of morale, were frightened and fled for their lives, and their army was completely defeated.

Chat group.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my! Boss Ye is awesome!""

"This is the"Dragon Tiger Thunder Roar" uploaded not long ago.》?"

"It makes my blood boil, I want to learn it too"

"From now on, if I see that martial arts master bullying me because my magic cannot work on people, I will yell at him to death."When

Zhiqiu Yiye saw this scene, he did not feel the slightest bit of cruelty, but felt relieved.

After all, these Jin soldiers were not only of a different race, but they also burned, killed, looted, bullied Song women, and killed Song men.

They deserved to be killed.

In addition, these Jin soldiers wanted to kill Ye Yan, and it would be unreasonable for Ye Yan to be soft-hearted.

Since they want to exchange Ye Yan's head for gold, they must be prepared to be killed by Ye Yan.

Wan Wan:"Handsome brother, so domineering, the more I look at you, the more I like you"

"Handsome brother, you always surprise me, you have so many tricks, and you are really handsome."

Since getting Zhu Yuyan's support, Wan Wan has been looking forward to Ye Yan's appearance.

After seeing that Ye Yan's appearance is completely in line with her aesthetic standards, Wan Wan is now like a little girl who has successfully met Ye Yan in person.

She wishes she could give herself to Ye Yan and have a sweet love.

So she speaks more boldly.

As for Ye Yan's killing of these Jin soldiers, Wan Wan didn't think there was anything wrong.

Now it's just like on the battlefield, it's either you die or I die, there's no need to show mercy


None of the other group members thought that there was nothing wrong with Ye Yan's behavior.

Instead, they all sighed that Ye Yan was indeed a big boss and his methods were awesome.


At this time, in the corner of the street in the distance.

A little beggar-like girl, with beautiful eyes, stared at the scene where Ye Yan was covered in lightning and madly killing the soldiers of the Jin Kingdom. Her heart was also full of excitement.

In fact, she noticed Ye Yan from the beginning.

But in just less than ten minutes, the emotional changes brought by Ye Yan were too great.

From the curiosity of seeing Ye Yan appear out of thin air, to the surprise of seeing Ye Yan use"Shuangquan Hands", to the shock of using the lightning arc electric clothes just now.

Until now, the girl's eyes are full of admiration.

Because she couldn't stand these evil Jin soldiers, now seeing Ye Yan so powerful, it was like a hero appearing to save lives in danger.

The point is that Ye Yan's appearance just happened to be on her aesthetic line, which made her little heart beat rapidly.

If she was worried about causing trouble for Ye Yan, she would also go over and frantically display all kinds of skills to kill these Jin soldiers who oppressed the good people.




Today, I have finished updating 10,000 words.

I revised this one again and again before it goes on sale. Because it is a key one, I am under a lot of pressure, so I am late.

Thank you all for your support over the past 10 days, especially Ye Wusheng, who has given me all kinds of flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets. I am a little flattered.

It will be on sale tomorrow. I beg you to give me a first order, please.

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