"Oh my god! How can someone stand on a thundercloud?"

"That figure looks so familiar!"

"Is that the handsome brother?"

"Also ~ a father and daughter competing in a martial arts match to find a spouse?"

"Oh my god!"

"Is that handsome guy really a god?"

"And took the father and daughter flying?"

Huang Rong's beautiful eyes were full of envy.

She also wanted to feel the feeling of flying in the clouds.

Thinking of this, Huang Rong couldn't wait to chase in the direction of the thundercloud.

That's right, the thundercloud Huang Rong saw was Ye Yan's"Thundercloud Flying Boat".

Ye Yan naturally discovered that Wanyan Honglie had escaped just now.

Without saying a word, he immediately gave up killing these frightened Jin soldiers and directly set up the"Thundercloud Flying Boat", taking Mu Nianci and the injured Yang Tiexin to chase.

But what embarrassed Ye Yan was that he was not proficient in this"Thundercloud Flying Boat".

In addition, it was the first time he brought people with him, and he actually brought Mu Nianci and Yang Tiexin, so the speed of flying was not that fast. Slow.

They can hardly catch up with the fast horses of Wanyan Honglie and his men.

But since the pressure has been put on,

Ye Yan will definitely not let Mu Nianci and his men get off.

Anyway, Ye Yan is flying in the sky and can see the direction of Wanyan Honglie's escape from a distance.

And according to Ye Yan's estimation,

Wanyan Honglie will stop soon.

Because Wanyan Kang was beaten half to death by Mu Nianci just now.

He can't stand the bumps at all.

So Ye Yan is not in a hurry.

As for Huang Rong, the whole city is in chaos now, and Ye Yan has to hunt down Wanyan Honglie, so he naturally has no time to pay attention.

Otherwise, he will definitely take Huang Rong to fly now to make the Thunder Cloud Flying Boat slower? ? ?


As expected by Ye Yan, Wanyan Honglie's side was just like what he expected.

After running for only a few miles,

Wanyan Honglie realized something was wrong and called for a halt in panic.

"Stop, stop now"

"Master Lingzhi, Kang'er seems to be dying."

"What precious medicines do you have, bring them to me. If you can save Kang'er's life, I will definitely reward you handsomely."

Wanyan Honglie found that Wanyan Kang in his arms had been vomiting blood, his breath was weak, and he kept shouting"cold".

He was very anxious.

If Wanyan Kang died, with his infertile"divine body", even if he could reassemble the army to conquer the world in the future, he would not be able to inherit the throne of the Jin Dynasty.

"Kang Er, you can't die."

"The king orders you not to die."

"This king has a lot of gold and silver treasures, and can recruit troops and martial arts masters."

"As long as you are alive, I will definitely avenge you."

"This king will never let that monster go"

"And that bitch who came to the martial arts competition to get married, I want her to be your dog."

Wanyan Honglie's face was full of resentment, and his heart was filled with monstrous hatred.

"OK...OK, I want to...I want to destroy that bitch……"

When Wanyan Kang heard Mu Nianci, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

But it was only a flash.


At this moment.

Thunder rolled in the sky, like the wrath of the gods.

Wanyan Honglie and others were so scared that their necks suddenly shrank.

When they looked up, they seemed to see some horrible scene.

The resentment in Wanyan Honglie and Wanyan Kang's eyes immediately turned into fear.

The four masters were so frightened by the scene before their eyes that their souls were scared out of their wits. They widened their eyes and looked unbelievable.

"What? Thundercloud?"

"Riding on the clouds?"

"How can this be?"

"Could this guy be the legendary immortal?"

"Immortal, please spare my life!"

"We just take money from people to help them get rid of disasters."

"Let us go!"

The four masters knelt down.

Speaking of Ye Yan's thunderous methods before, he could still use tricks to deceive his heart.

But the scene of flying in the clouds and mist directly broke the defense line in their hearts.

This is not a demon. Have you seen a demon who can fly in the clouds and mist? This is a god.

"You are wrong. This sentence should be"take money to"protect" people from disasters"."

"If that's the case, then if you can't stop it, you'll have to die."

"《Double hand》~"

Ye Yan snorted coldly, and the blue light from his right hand reappeared, grabbing towards the leader, Master Lingzhi.


"No! Immortal, spare me!"

Master Lingzhi felt as if his mind was being ripped open, and was horrified.

He wanted to fight back desperately, but he felt that his hands and feet were bound by a strange force and he could not move. He could only beg for mercy.

But Ye Yan would not pay attention.

He searched his soul and copied the skills in one go.

【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract the memory of Master Lingzhi and obtain the"Five-Finger Secret Knife - Poison Sand Palm"》】


【Ding, you have successfully integrated the"Five-Finger Secret Knife - Poison Sand Palm" into the"Taoism Scripture", and the 6th level of foundation building skills have been derived 2% of the skills】


Ye Yan was delighted.

He felt that this"Shuangquan Hand" was becoming more and more useful.

However, at this moment


"Monster, we will fight you to the bitter end."

Sha Tongtian and the other two knew they could not escape, so they immediately used their own killing moves, preparing to launch a sneak attack before Ye Yan finished his move.

"Handsome brother, be careful"

"Damn, these evil thieves actually dared to sneak attack handsome brother."

The chat group was shocked.

After all, Ye Yan was still"casting a spell".

Mu Nianci immediately picked up the red tassel spear, but Ye Yan was not afraid of being cast.

With a wave of his left hand, the"Ziwu Penetrating Bone Nail" of the 4th Immortal Old Monster broke through the air.

As fast as lightning.

It penetrated the skin and bones directly, seriously injuring Wanyan Honglie and Sha Tongtian.


Several people wailed all over the floor instantly.

Several people in the chat group felt extremely relieved.

"You deserve it"

"I told you guys to launch a sneak attack."

"Handsome brother, this evil man must die"


Ye Yan stopped talking nonsense and immediately searched the souls of several people to copy their skills. His movements were smooth and he became more and more skilled.

The next moment, the moment that made Ye Yan happy arrived.

【Ding, you use"Shuangquanshou" to extract Peng Lianhu's memory and gain the hidden weapon skill——《Thousand Hands》】


【Ding, you... extract Sha Tongtian's memory and obtain the"Transformation" light skill】


【Ding, you... extract Hou Tonghai's memory and obtain the diving secret technique of"Salon Diving"】


【Ding, you have successfully integrated"Transformation" into"Taoism", and advanced it to"Transformation".》】

【Ding, you have successfully integrated"Salon Diving" into"Taoism Scripture" and advanced it to"Salon Water Avoidance Technique"》】

Various martial arts secrets followed one after another, and the"Taoism Scripture" was transformed and upgraded.

Among them, the ones that I was slightly interested in were"Shapeshift" and"Salon Water Avoidance".

After all, Ye Yan really didn't know how to do body movements and underwater skills.

Although these two skills are not very strong in the world of immortal cultivation.

But after the upgrade,"Shapeshift" has almost surpassed the scope of martial arts.

And it is very cool

"Young man, you don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."

Ye Yan remembered that in the plot of"Once Upon a Time in China",

Zhao Wuji said this and immediately flashed continuously.

It even made Star Master show off.

If it wasn't for the final plot killing, ten Su Qiers who knew the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms might not be able to deal with this trick of flashing continuously.


Ye Yan was inspired and used some"cultivation points" to learn"Shapeshift".

With one step, several phantoms flashed, and instantly caught up with Wanyan Honglie who had left Wanyan Kang and fled.

He was like a ghost.

Wanyan Honglie was directly scared to death.

Ye Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly reached out to search his soul.

That's right, Ye Yan didn't even let Wanyan Honglie go, but he didn't fancy his rubbish martial arts.

It was because this guy just said that he had a lot of gold, silver and jewelry.

Although Ye Yan is also a wealthy man in the zombie world, how can he compare with a Jin Dynasty prince?

Ye Yan is ready to take them all, which will definitely be exchanged for a lot of group points.

Sure enough, soon Ye Yan's mind appeared a treasure house as big as a basketball court.

Various gold, silver and jewelry were piled up like mountains.

Even Wanyan Honglie himself couldn't count how much money there was.

Ye Yan's breathing became a little rapid. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Compared to this, his wealth in the zombie world is just a drop in the bucket.

Ye Yan wanted to run over immediately and take it all in his pocket.

"Immortal, you know where the gold, silver and jewelry are."

"Let me go."

Wanyan Honglie begged[]

"Oh! I'll let you go just because you beg?"

"So what should we do with the people of Song State who were killed by you?"

"Let you go back and let you lead the troops to continue attacking the Song Dynasty?"

"Die! Death is your best destination"

"Don't worry, your beloved Wanyan Kang will come back to you soon."


Ye Yan opened his mouth and used the Dragon-Tiger Thunder Roar, seemingly leaving him with an intact body.

But his soul was directly severely damaged.

Even if there is reincarnation in this martial arts world, he can only be a fool in the next... the next life.

Isn't this better than letting his soul fly away?


"Wanyan Kang, it's your turn"

"But don't worry, I won't kill you."

"Your current injuries are hard to be cured even by gods."

"This is all because of your dear father, who just rode a horse wildly."

Upon hearing this, Wanyan Kang was immediately so angry that he couldn't breathe and vomited blood and died.

Ye Yan's words were so heartbreaking.

""Oh no, don't mess it up."

Ye Yan's heart tightened, and he quickly used the"Shuangquan Hand" on Wanyan Kang. He was worried that if he died, his martial arts would not be able to be copied.


婠婠:"Handsome brother, you are so bad"

"Wanyan Kang will probably die with regrets."

Li Mochou:"It's what he deserves. Who told him to bully sister Nianci?""

"But handsome brother, this method of killing people is good"

"If he met that guy named Lu Zhanyuan, he would definitely die a miserable death."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Women are so scary."

Li Xunhuan:"Zhiqiu Yiye, you are talking without any pain in your waist"

"You no one calculated, of course I said so"

"If I were Long Xiaoyun"

"I will make him die more miserably than Wanyan Kang."

The Green Man King:"That's right, Xiongba, why don't you come?"

"My Snow Drinking Mad Blade is thirsty for blood."

Nangong Ping'er:"Anyone who destroys my innocence must die."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! This group is so scary"

"Is it too late for me to quit the group now?~"


The World of Condor Heroes

【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract Wanyan Kang's memory and obtain the fragment of"Nine Yin White Bone Claw"】

【Ding, you... got the"Heart-Destroying Palm Fragment"》】


【Ding, you... have obtained the"Quanzhen Basic Internal Skills"》】

【Ding, you have successfully integrated the"Nine Yin Bone Claw Fragments" and"Heart-Destroying Palm Fragments" into the"Taoism Scripture", and upgraded it to the"Nine Yin Life-Destroying Claws".》】

《Nine Yin Life-Destroying Claws: The five fingers exert force, breaking through anything, destroying bones and organs like piercing rotten soil

【Ding,"Nine Yin Life-Destroying Claws" merged with"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder" to evolve into"Yin Yang Strengthening Claws"》】

《Yin-Yang Destroying Claws: A mid-level skill in the Xuan rank. Five fingers exert force, and Yin-Yang lightning appears. It is indestructible, destroying the enemy's bones and destroying the five internal organs.

"Oh my god! Martial arts skills can actually be integrated with immortal cultivation skills?"

"With this"Yin Yang Destroying Divine Claw", even those bronze-armored corpses, iron-armored corpses, and even gold-armored corpses will have their defenses broken by one claw of mine!"

"In addition, the Yin-Yang Divine Thunder on the five fingers will be poured into the inside, even if the opponent's defense is strong, he will be killed directly."

Ye Yan couldn't help but breathe faster.

However, this is not over yet.

【Ding, you have successfully integrated the"Quanzhen Basic Internal Power Heart Method" into the"Taoism Scripture" and successfully derived the 6th level of foundation building. 】

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

Only one step away, the"Taoism Scripture" method can deduce the 7th level of foundation building.

The late stage of foundation building.

Once the breakthrough is successful, the combat power will increase dramatically.

But unfortunately, Ye Yan's"cultivation points" are only 42 points now, and he still needs 18 points to break through.

"It seems that I can only get two bottles of"Sheng Ji Hui Yuan Dan" for Ren Susu so that I can quickly break through."

Ye Yan thought of the"Small Yin Yang He Huan Gong" and felt a little helpless.

But it might make Ren Susu suffer.



Wanyan Kang could feel that Ye Yan had already obtained everything he had cultivated so hard.

He was instantly furious. He couldn't catch his breath and fell to the ground with a scream.

Seeing this, Ye Yan directly gave him a"Dragon Tiger Thunder Roar", which injured his soul and made him and Wanyan Honglie a pair of loving brothers in the next life.


After that, Ye Yan used the red hand of"Shuangquan Hand" to help Yang Tiexin recover from his injuries.

What surprised Ye Yan was that

Yang Tiexin couldn't help but shed a tear at this time.

Yang Tiexin was confused?

What happened?

Ye Yan naturally knew that this was the automatic reaction of the body after seeing the tragic death of flesh and blood after being separated for many years.

However, Ye Yan did not intend to tell Yang Tiexin about this.

It was not worth it.

Anyway, Wanyan Kang was dead. What else could Yang Tiexin do except be heartbroken if he told the truth now?

Even let Mu Nianci feel guilty for killing her adoptive father's son.

It was too bloody.

As for why Ye Yan was a bad person to the end, to move Wanyan Kang to be good?

To reunite Yang Tiexin's family?

Please, is this possible?

Wanyan Kang in the palace is the best example of"southern orange and northern citron", and he has long been bad.

Keeping him will definitely continue to do bad things, and even kill Yang Tiexin.

Instead of this, it is better to let him die in peace.

At most, Ye Yan would use the"Shuangquan Hand" to erase the unpleasant memories of Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo, so that they could adjust their bodies and have another child.

Anyway, they are both in their 30s now. They can have a child.

Just think of it as Ye Yan helping Mu Nianci and repaying her for raising him.

At most, Ye Yan would give them the"Small Yin and Yang Hehuan Gong" and a few"Shengji Huiyuan Dan".

Hmm! Pay attention to this, and it's a happy decision.


Soon, Ye Yan set up the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" again, and took Mu Nianci and Yang Tiexin to the palace of Wanyan Honglie.

Let Yang Tiexin go find Bao Xiruo by himself.

The plot over there is too bloody, so Ye Yan will not get involved.

He happily took Mu Nianci to the secret room of Wanyan Honglie's study and the treasure house behind it.

If it weren't for the soul search of Wanyan Honglie's memory, Ye Yan might not be able to find this place after searching for several days.


The heavy stone chamber mechanism opened.


The bright golden light almost blinded Ye Yan and Mu Nianci.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my God! Golden legend."

Kanan:"Oh my God! So much gold, handsome brother has made a fortune."

Green Man King:"I have never seen so much gold in my life"

"If Yan Ying saw it, wouldn’t her legs go weak?"

Li Mochou:"Oh my God! That ice jade bracelet is so beautiful!"

"Handsome brother, I want"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Ye Yan—Ice Jade Bracelet]

Li Mochou:"Wow! Handsome brother, Mochou loves you so much."

Kanan:"I want one too, I want one too, handsome brother, I want that gem necklace, it can tie my heart!"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Ye Yan - a necklace made of meteorite gemstones from outer space. 】

婠婠:"Oh my god! It's actually a necklace made of gemstones from outer space, so mysterious!"

"Handsome brother, you are just right for me"

"My heart has been locked, I love you!���The means are becoming more and more skillful.

Even Ye Yan felt sweet in his heart after hearing this.

He secretly cursed this little goblin for becoming more and more bold.

After finishing the things here, he must find an opportunity to go over and teach this little goblin a lesson.


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