Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! It turns out that Li Mochou and Qianqian like jewelry."

"Then if I get some beautiful jewelry, won't I also be favored?"

Kanan:"You are dreaming. My heart has been locked by handsome brother's necklace, and no one can undress it."

Li Mochou:"You are dreaming +1. My heart has been locked by handsome brother's bracelet, and no one can undress it."

Ye Yan saw the conversation between the few people and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

It felt like this Li Mochou was led"gay" by Kanan.

If it was Li Mochou in the original book, she would never say such a thing.

But it's better this way, the group will be lively. If everyone is as cold as Nangong Ping'er, then this group will lack a lot of warmth.

Nangong Ping'er:"Ye Yan, I want that jade pendant."

Li Xunhuan:"Huh! Fairy Nangong actually likes the jade pendant from the world of martial arts?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"I think you are just pretending to want the jade pendant. It's true that you want to have your heart locked by Boss Ye."

"I envy Mr. Ye every day + 1 day."

Zhiqiu Yiye's words were recognized by everyone.

After all, how could Nangong Ping'er, a big boss in the world of immortal cultivation, be interested in the jade pendant in the world of martial arts?

However, the next moment,

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Ye Yan - a natural spirit-gathering jade pendant. 】

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my god! There are actually natural spirit-gathering jade pendants in the martial arts world?"

"This Wanyan Honglie's treasure house is too rich!"

Ye Yan was actually a little surprised just now.

He didn't expect that there would be such treasures in the world of martial arts.

This made Ye Yan feel that his understanding of this martial arts world was not deep enough.

But Ye Yan just looked for it, and this jade pendant was the only treasure in the treasure house that was a treasure of the world of cultivation. It was also favored by Nangong Ping'er at first sight.

It can only be said that Nangong Ping'er is worthy of being a big shot in the world of cultivation, and his vision is not comparable to that of people in the world of martial arts.

But Ye Yan didn't feel bad about giving this jade pendant to Nangong Ping'er. After all, wouldn't Nangong Ping'er be his thing in the end?

Li Xunhuan:"Brother Ye, you are even more generous. You can give the Soul Gathering Jade Pendant as soon as you say it will be given away."

"Big Boss, please ask"Seven Eight Zero" to give me that pearl necklace. I want to give my cousin a surprise."

Green Man King:"I also want to give Yan Ying a little gift."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"I want one too.""

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Ye Yan - South China Sea Pearl Necklace】



Ye Yan now has a treasure house, and he was generous when he made a move.

Everyone who saw it got a share.

This made the whole group excited again.

But what surprised Ye Yan was that the people in the chat group were very tactful. They didn't say anything like they would share half of the treasure when they met just because Ye Yan"made a fortune".

But Ye Yan planned to share half with Mu Nianci.

After all, if it weren't for Mu Nianci, Ye Yan wouldn't have been able to come to this world, let alone get so many good things.

"I do not want"

"Handsome brother, you found all these by your own ability, why should you give them to me?"

"I just need one thing."

"This pair of jade pendants, let's consider it as the first gift you gave me."

Mu Nianci had long set her eyes on a pair of fish-patterned jade pendants in the treasure house, and she grabbed them in her palm.

Moreover, before Ye Yan could react,

Mu Nianci looked shy again and handed Ye Yan half of the jade pendant, which was already warm from her little hand.

"Handsome brother, this half of the jade pendant is for you"

"We each have half."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my gosh! Who said Mu Nianci can't flirt?"

"After this, they directly exchanged the token of love."

Li Xunhuan:"So, there is no one who can't flirt, only people who are not interested.""

The Green Man King:"That makes sense.""

Li Mochou:"Oh! Sister Nianci, I underestimated you before.""

Xianxian:"You are right, you are even better at flirting than others."

Xianxian instantly felt a sense of crisis.

She didn't expect that Mu Nianci, who is usually more introverted, would actually do this.

"No, we have to speed up and take down the handsome guy."

"Otherwise, I would be stared at by so many"hypocritical bitches" in the group, and maybe by the time I get there, there would be nothing left."

婠婠 secretly made up her mind


The world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

Ye Yan was also a little surprised at this time.

He didn't expect that Mu Nianci, who was usually an honest and obedient girl, would take the initiative to give him a token of love.

But Ye Yan still chose to accept it.

After all, there is a saying that it is the most difficult to accept the favor of a beauty.

In addition, Ren Susu has been making a fuss about looking for a sister.

So it doesn't matter if Ye Yan accepts Mu Nianci's token of love.

Maybe Ren Susu will be overjoyed when she knows it.

But the next moment, something happened that shocked Ye Yan even more.

Mu Nianci blushed and came close to him.

Then she took a deep breath and said softly.

"Handsome brother, want me"


Ye Yan's eyes widened, he was dumbfounded at the time.

Is Mu Nianci so open-minded?

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Is this something we can see?"

"Where is the reward function?"

"I want to give you a reward."

Li Xunhuan:"Mu Nianci is really a wonderful woman, she dares to love and hate."

"Where is the reward function?"

Green Man King:"The world is going downhill, the world is going downhill!"

"Where is the reward function?"

Li Mochou:"……Mu Nianci, shut up, you are not allowed to treat handsome brother like this."

Nangong Ping'er:"……

Mu Nianci , you need to understand clearly."……"Mu Nianci, I misjudged you. How dare you intercept me?"

Suddenly, the three beauties in the group were extremely anxious. They were frantic and shouted"Mu Nianci".

They looked like they saw the good cabbage in their home being taken away. They were so unwilling and anxious.

But just at this moment...

【Ding, due to frequent group members targeting the same target, the live broadcast has been stuck, and the live broadcast of the Zhutian chat group has been automatically closed.]

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! What kind of system is it that automatically shuts down the live broadcast?"

Li Xunhuan:"Yes, it shuts down halfway through, system, you did it on purpose!"

Green Man King:"No, I have prepared the popcorn, you actually turned it off? You have no martial ethics."

Li Mochou:"Mu Nianci, turn on the live broadcast, I want to supervise whether you have done anything bad to handsome brother."

Kankan:"Mu Nianci, turn on the live broadcast, I want to see handsome brother come back intact"

"……Ye Yan, don't be confused. You should be someone else's for the billionth time in the group."

Nangong Ping'er:"Ye Yan, please answer if you hear me."

【Ding, because you are targeting the same target too frequently, the system is stuck, the chat group protection mechanism is activated, and it is automatically disconnected from the world where Mu Nianci is. 】

Li Xunhuan:"That's good, even Boss Ye can't be contacted."

Green Man King:"Where can I return my popcorn?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! Such a good live broadcast was ruined by you guys!"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

Li Mochou:"Ah! Zhiqiu Yiye, do you want to die?"

Nana:"Ah! Zhiqiu Yiye, do you want to die +1." Nangong

Ping'er:"Ah! Zhiqiu Yiye, do you want to die +1."

The three peerless beauties in the group exploded instantly. They immediately directed their anger on Zhiqiu Yiye.

What a joke!

They were so anxious when they saw that Ye Yan was about to be taken down by Mu Nianci.

But Zhiqiu Yiye was still talking nonsense over there.

Isn't this courting death? Zhiqiu

Yiye knew how to log off.

Li Xunhuan knew how to log off.

The Green Man King knew how to log off.

Can't afford to provoke, angry women can't afford to provoke, so they can only quickly avoid it.

At the same time, Zhiqiu Yiye and the other two envied Ye Yan even more.

There is one at home, and there is one more in the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

He is also being targeted by three peerless beauties and fairies in the group.

How many men envy this?

Even Li Xunhuan and the Green Man King began to feel jealous.


On the other side, Ye Yan and Mu Nianci were both in a state of ecstasy.

The gold was extravagant, the gems were like stars, and the beauties were like jade.

They had no idea that their previous conversation had been seen by everyone in the chat group.


The next morning,

Ye Yan was surprised to find that his cultivation had actually broken through to the sixth level of foundation building.

This saved Ye Yan 60 points of cultivation.》

"Does Mu Nianci have some special physique?"

"Strange, nothing special!"

"Or is it because of the"Small Yin and Yang He Huan Gong"?"

Ye Yan felt that this was possible.

He was immediately delighted.

Mu Nianci also gained a lot of benefits. Now she feels a strong sense of fullness in her Dantian. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Her whole body feels comfortable, as if she has endless strength.

Mu Nianci closed her beautiful eyes and sensed the changes in her Dantian.

She found that it was the internal force in her Dantian that was replaced by a pure spiritual mist.

The spiritual mist was dense, like fog filling every corner of the Dantian.

According to the standards of the immortal cultivation method, Mu Nianci now has the cultivation of the Qi training period.[]

This made Mu Nianci so excited that her breathing became rapid, and her chest was heaving uncontrollably. Ye Yan was immediately furious.

"Brother Ye Yan, have I really entered the Qi training stage?"

"Very good"

"Brother Ye Yan, I love you so much���"

"Ah! I took the"Shengji Huiyuan Pill" again.》??"

"Brother Ye Yan, you are so bad"


The next morning, Ye Yan began to empty Wanyan Honglie's treasury and started the group points earning mode.

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded 15,000 taels of silver and obtained 10 group points】

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded a pearl from the East China Sea and received 5 group points】

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded 500 taels of gold and obtained 10 group points】


【Ding, ding, ding……】

In a short moment, most of the gold and silver treasures in Wanyan Honglie's treasury were uploaded to the group member mall by Ye Yan.

Ye Yan directly obtained more than 5,000 group points.

However, this is not the end.

Ye Yan also uploaded all the martial arts techniques that he had searched from Wanyan Kang and others' minds yesterday.

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded the yellow-level top-grade skills——《Nine Yin Life-Destroying Claws", earn 300 points】

【Ding, Ye Yan uploaded it……《Quanzhen Basic Internal Skills", get 15 points】


【Ding, ding, ding……】

Instantly, more than 2,000 points were added.

It can be said that Ye Yan came to this world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes for free this time, and basically all the group points he used were returned.

He also gained the beautiful Mu Nianci and the sixth level of foundation building.

He was very happy.

Of course, this was the result of Ye Yan's insistence on giving half of the treasure house to Mu Nianci.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! It took the system a whole night to reconnect to Boss Ye?"

"Wanyan Honglie’s treasure trove is so rich!"

"Is it worth more than 5,000 points?"

"More than 20,000 kilograms of gold???"

"I envy Mr. Ye for another day!!!"

Zhiqiu Yiye exclaimed... but he hadn't finished speaking.

The next moment, something even more shocking happened.

The system notification sound about Mu Nianci uploading gold, silver and jewelry also sounded.

【Ding, Mu Nianci uploaded 50 taels of gold and obtained 1 group point】


【Ding, ding, ding……】

Mu Nianci also instantly gained more than 4,000 points.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Ye actually gave half of the points to Mu Nianci???"

"Ye Yan, Boss, I also want so many points, but what should I do if I am not a woman?"

Green Man King:"I envy Boss Ye and Sister Nianci."

"In the world I live in, even the Tianxiahui of Xiongba may not have so much gold."

"Ye Yan, by the way, were you happy last night?"

Li Xunhuan:"Ye Yan, were you happy last night?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Ye Yan, yes! Were you happy last night, boss?""

"Li Mochou, Qian Qian and the others cried all night"

"By the way, Fairy Nangong seems to be……"

Li Mochou:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, go away, who said I was crying?"

"Isn’t it just that sister Nianci took the lead?"

"What's there to cry about? It will be my turn next."

婠婠:"Ye Yan, handsome brother, you liar, didn't you say you would be the first one to come to my place?"

"Why did I cry last night... woooo, woooo, I'm so sad."

Nangong Ping'er:"When I see a leaf in autumn, this fairy cries? Do you have any evidence?"

"Do you want me to tear your mouth apart?"


The whole group exploded again, with envy, resentment, sadness, and���Nangong Ping'er was angry.

Ye Yan and Mu Nianci were confused.

But they soon reacted.

"Oh! I seem to have forgotten to turn off the live broadcast last night"

"Are we all……???"

"No way!"

Mu Nianci felt like the sky was falling.

Yesterday, she was either competing in the arena or paying attention to Ye Yan, and she forgot that she was broadcasting live.

If it was a live broadcast, how could she face people in the future?

Ye Yan was instantly numb.

Yesterday, he was busy counting gold and forgot that Mu Nianci was broadcasting live.

If it was a live broadcast, wouldn't he be socially dead on the spot?

Fortunately, Zhiqiu Yiye explained. He had been disconnected when Mu Nianci was talking last night.

This made Ye Yan secretly relieved.

Mu Nianci's face turned red with shame, and she felt embarrassed.

What she said last night was actually broadcast live to the whole group?

Oh my God!

Are you going to play tricks on me?

Mu Nianci was instantly socially dead in public.

She felt that she would not have the face to chat in the group in the future.

Of course, at this time, Mu Nianci felt a little incredible when she thought of everything that happened yesterday.

Even she didn't expect that, She would say those words to Ye Yan like she was possessed.

But actually this is very normal.

Although Mu Nianci is a good girl, she is not stupid. She knows it is not easy for Ye Yan to come to the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

If she does not seize this opportunity, she may not have much intersection with Ye Yan in this life.

After all, compared with Kankan and the others in the group, Mu Nianci feels that she does not have much advantage.

So Mu Nianci mustered up the courage to say those words to Ye Yan at that time.

This is because she did not want to lose Ye Yan.

This is actually very normal. It is just like ordinary men and women in the passionate love period, who are willing to completely lose their minds and do things that they dare not do in order to please each other or not want to part with each other.

But now things have developed to this point.

Looking back, Mu Nianci is very glad that she made that decision.

She does not regret it. She will be with Ye Yan for the rest of her life.

【Ding, friendly reminder, Ye Yan's time travel is about to end】

【After the countdown ends, Ye Yan will return to the original world, the timeline is uncertain】

【10, 9, 8, 7……】

"No way! 24 hours is over so quickly?"

"I haven’t had enough fun yet!"

"Huang Rong is still waiting for me!"

Ye Yan suddenly felt a headache.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he saw Huang Rong watching the martial arts competition for marriage yesterday.

Originally, Ye Yan wanted to find Huang Rong after taking away Wanyan Honglie's treasure yesterday.

Do not get me wrong, Ye Yan is a serious person.

Strategy means to get Huang Rong's favor like that stupid Guo Jing.

Let Huang Rong help find various martial arts secrets, such as the complete version of the Nine Yin Manual, or the martial arts skills of Peach Blossom Island.

But Ye Yan did not expect that he spent so long with Mu Nianci yesterday.

It was five, six, seven, at least 10 hours.

【2, 1...0]

The countdown ended.

Ye Yan's eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he was back in the study room of the zombie world.

Thinking that he hadn't found Huang Rong yet, Ye Yan felt���Regret.

But at this moment, Ye Yan was so excited that something happened.

【Ding, Mu Nianci begins to conceive her first child.

You will receive a pregnancy gift pack*1. Do you want to open it?】


I'm going!".

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