Li Mochou:"@Ye Yan, handsome brother, you haven't read the chat group notes yet!"

"Since the chat group has just been established, it is not very stable"

"The timeline of each of our worlds is different, so sometimes when you log off and come back, the timeline will deviate a little."

"But don't worry, at present, the deviation is only a few days at most."

"It's okay."

Ye Yan was stunned at first, but then he felt it made sense.

After all, everyone comes from different worlds, and the passage of time is different.

Now that they are forcibly linked together, it is naturally impossible to lock everyone in a certain time period.

Especially when you go offline, it is good enough to not completely disconnect from the chat group.


Soon, other group members also came out of seclusion.

The chat group became lively again.

Wanwan:"Oh my god! My inner strength has increased so much. I am now a top second-rate master."

"@Ye Yan, handsome brother, you are awesome, Wan Wan loves you so much."

Green Man King:"Hahaha! I didn't expect that my internal strength increased by only 5 days of seclusion, which is almost more than the previous 3 years of hard work."

"My bronze sword energy has turned into blue light, and has advanced to blue-silver sword energy, and my combat power is even better."

"Thank you for the medicine."

You know, the Green Man King is also very talented, and he is definitely a master of swordsmanship in"Wind and Cloud".

But after practicing for half a lifetime, his swordsmanship has only reached the second stage of"Bronze Sword Qi".

It can be seen that if you want to advance your swordsmanship to the next level, it is definitely not something that can be achieved with just time.

It also requires an opportunity and an understanding of the way of the sword.

Originally, even if the Green Man King did not retire from the arena, he would have to fight for a few more years, and he would be able to touch a trace of"Blue Silver Sword Qi" through understanding in battle.

But now that he has taken Ye Yan's pill, he doesn't need to fight at all, he can do it by retreating for a few days.

How can the Green Man King not be shocked?

For a moment, the Green Man King had the urge to return to the arena.


At the same time, Li Xunhuan and Mu Nianci also came out of confinement one after another.


Li Xunhuan:"Boss Ye, I don't need to thank you for your kindness. I, Li Xunhuan, recognize you as my brother."

Ye Yan heard this.

He wanted to say something.

Is it the same way as Long Xiaoyun's recognition?

Giving money and houses, and your fiancée and cousin also gave me gifts?


Mu Nianci:"My internal strength is much stronger now, and I feel like I have endless energy."

"Thanks handsome brother +1, Nianci also loves it……"

Mu Nianci was so excited that she almost said what was in her heart, but soon her reason prevailed.

She was shy and couldn't say such explicit words like Wanwan even in the chat group.

But this was enough for Ye Yan.

Although Ye Yan knew that they couldn't really fall in love with him, at least their favorability had really increased a lot. What surprised Ye Yan was that it seemed that due to different qualifications, levels, cultivation methods and wasted medicinal power,

Wanwan and the others got different benefits from their retreat this time. Wanwan broke through the bottleneck and successfully advanced from a high-level second-rate master to a primary-level first-rate master, which was equivalent to 5 years of normal cultivation.

Li Xunhuan took 4 years.

Mu Nianci had the worst martial arts secrets and wasted the most medicinal power.

So even if she gained the equivalent of her 10 years of hard work in internal strength, she might not be able to compare with Wanwan and the others' 2 years of progress.

But this also directly allowed her to improve from the initial inferior internal strength to the primary second-rate internal strength level.

If they were to encounter Yang Kang teasing her in the original novel, they could kill him.

And all this was because of a pill made by Ye Yan.

In an instant, the whole group, except for Nangong Ping'er who looked down on"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill", realized that Ye Yan was not a handsome brother or a pretty boy.

At least he was a big shot second only to Nangong Ping'er.

One by one, they all changed their words and called Ye Yan handsome brother instead of handsome brother.

Ye Yan was very satisfied with the result.

But it was not because of the way everyone called him.

It was because he really got the cultivation feedback from the system.

【Ding, 5 cultivation points from Wanwan】

【Ding, 3 cultivation points from Mu Nianci】

【Ding, 4 cultivation points from Li Mochou】

【Ding, 4 cultivation points from Li Xunhuan】

【Ding, 4 cultivation points from the Green Man King】

【Ding, 12 cultivation points from Zhiqiu Yiye are fed back.

Cultivation points: can be used to practice the specified skills.

1 cultivation point can obtain the equivalent of the host's two years of day and night, wholeheartedly practicing results.

"Oh my god! This is even possible"

"These"One-Turn Yellow Dragon Pills" are only for them to improve their internal strength, but the cultivation points fed back to them can actually be used to practice martial arts?"

"Moreover, the stronger the skills they practice, the more strength they improve, and the more cultivation points they give back to me."

Ye Yan couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised.

Do I need to practice in the future?

Just ask the group members to send red envelopes.

Of course, Ye Yan also needs to have enough elixirs.

But what surprised Ye Yan was

《Isn’t the"repaying parents function" only useful for family members and beautiful women?

"Could it be that group members are also considered family members?"

Ye Yan felt that this was possible.

It couldn't be that Li Xunhuan and Nie Renwang were considered beauties with scores above 90!

And now it seems that he just used the"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill" to exchange skills and techniques with Zhiqiu Yiye.

It was clearly a free ride.

After all, Zhiqiu Yiye fed back after taking the pill.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't help but feel that it was great to have a system

"There are also 5"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pills", which can be distributed directly in the group."

Ye Yan can be said to have regarded the group members as tools for him to brush up his cultivation points.

But at this moment.

Something unexpected happened to Ye Yan.

Wanwan:"@Handsome brother, this is a reward for you, love you~"

【Ding, from���Do you want to open Wan’s exclusive red envelope?】

"Wanwan, this little devil, actually knows how to reciprocate"

"I want to see what good things you can give me?"

Ye Yan raised his lips slightly, feeling a little curious.

But the next moment, the red envelope was opened.

Ye Yan saw what was inside the red envelope, and his expression became a little unnatural.

"No way! Why would this little devil give me such a private thing?"

"Do you want it to be so exciting?"


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