【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Wanwan: The first part of"The Secret Code of Heavenly Demons", the white stockings that Wanwan wore on her feet*1】

"Aren't you a jade-footed person? Where did the white stockings come from?"

"Mm, it smells pretty good."

"Bah, that's not right. The point is why did you give me this thing?"

Ye Yan had a strange expression on his face.

He quickly put it away like a thief.

If Ren Susu saw him taking out the dialogue stockings, he would have a hard time explaining it.

But this"Secret Book of the Heavenly Demon" is a good thing.

Although it is not a method for cultivating immortals, it is also a martial art in the world of Chinese martial arts.

Even if you just start practicing, you can definitely easily defeat Taoist priests like Uncle Jiu who only know small spells.

Even if you encounter a low-level zombie, you might be able to kill it instantly with the martial arts of the"Secret Book of the Heavenly Demon".

Ye Yan couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Wanwan:"Do you like my gift, handsome brother?"

""This is carefully selected by others!"

Wanwan started to tease again.

Ye Yan was a little amused.

It was obvious that she was deliberately leading Ye Yan to think about white stockings.

After all, she was a witch who specialized in studying men's psychology. How could she not know what men would think after seeing white stockings.

But she just didn't say it clearly.

And as soon as she finished teasing, she played hard to get and changed the subject.

"I only have the first part of the"Demon Secret Book" for now. If you like it, I will give you the second part after I become a saint."

"Love you~"

In this regard, Ye Yan could only secretly curse Wanwan for being a little demon.

This made people look at her but not eat her, and she was very good at teasing people.

It was just that Ye Yan was determined to be a Taoist and would not be led by her.

If Zhiqiu Yiye encountered this situation, it would be strange if he did not turn into a dog and pack up all the good things and send them to her.


【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Xiao Li Fei Dao: Flying Knife Skills]

Xiao Li Fei Dao:"Boss, it's a courtesy to return the favor. I believe you can carry forward my flying knife skills."

【Ding, exclusive red envelope from the Green Man King: Six Secrets of Ao Han (Incomplete)]

Green Man King:"Boss, I am the same."

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Li Mochou: 5 bottles of Jade Bee Jelly,"Jade Girl's Kung Fu"》、《Ice Soul Silver Needle, Li Mochou's Personal Handkerchief]

Li Mochou:"Handsome brother, I will give you my secret book too, I love you~"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Mu Nianci:"Yang Family Spear Skills"》、《Xiaoyaoyou Boxing, Mu Nianci's personal scent bag]

Mu Nianci:"Handsome brother, my secret book is not as good as Wanwan and Mochou's."

"I hope you don't dislike it (blushing)"


So many secrets, techniques and skills came at once.

Ye Yan was dumbfounded.

He was in a zombie world, why did he need so many martial arts secrets?

They might be useful against zombies with physical bodies.

But if he encountered ghosts that appeared and disappeared without a trace, these martial arts would be useless.

Moreover, he would not be able to digest so much at once, how could he have the time to learn them all?

But after all, these were Wanwan and the others' kindness, so Ye Yan accepted them with a smile, maybe they would be useful in the future.

But, what did Li Mochou and Mu Nianci mean by giving a handkerchief and a sachet respectively? After being with Wanwan, the little devil, for so long, has she learned how to seduce people?

Ye Yan's expression was somewhat intriguing.

【Ding, Ye Yan sent a group red envelope——《First Transformation Yellow Dragon Pill》*5】

【Mu Nianci won the"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill"》】

【The Green Man King obtained the"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill"》】

【Wanwan obtained the"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill"》】

【Li Xunhuan won the"Yi Zhuan Huang Long Dan"》】

【Li Mochou obtains the"First Transformation Yellow Dragon Pill"]

Ye Yan directly threw the remaining"First Transformation Yellow Dragon Pill" into the group.

He was going to exchange it for cultivation points and go offline for cultivation. However

, the group exploded again.

Nangong Ping'er, who was lurking in the dark, held back and didn't grab it.

The others' hands were so fast that they were all gone in a second.

They were extremely excited.

In addition to Zhiqiu Yiye, who had just obtained two"First Transformation Yellow Dragon Pills" and was still feeling smug.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Fuck! You bandits!"

"Why don't I have a share? (crying~)"

"Boss Ye, can’t you just send one more and take care of me, a clumsy person? (feeling wronged)"

Wanwan:"Why should I take care of you!"

"Handsome brother can post as much as he wants."……Handsome brother, please send as much as you like +1"

Li Mochou:"……Handsome brother, please send as much as you want +1"

Li Xunhuan:"……+1"

Green Man King:"……+1"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Aren't you bullying the honest people?"

"I protest."

Wanwan:"Protest is invalid, I will be faster next time."

Mu Nianci:"Protest is invalid, I will be faster next time +1."

Li Mochou:"……, I will speed up my hand by +1 next time."

Li Xunhuan:"……, I will be faster next time +1."

Green Man King:"……+1."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"You are all bullying others (grievance)."

Ye Yan was a little amused.

But he didn't mean it.

After all, he only had 5"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pills" left, no more.

But then again, Zhiqiu Yiye was really unlucky, and failed to grab the red envelope twice in a row.

Ye Yan was helpless.

【Ding, 4 cultivation points from Wanwan are fed back】

【Ding, 3 cultivation points from Mu Nianci】

【Ding, 4 cultivation points from Li Mochou】

【Ding, 3 cultivation points from Li Xunhuan】

【Ding, 4 cultivation points from the Green Man King]

Wanwan and the others quickly went offline to refine the"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill".

Although this time, because they did not break through the bottleneck, the cultivation of several people basically did not change.

But they also regained the internal strength of the previous 2-4 years of hard work, and they were all indescribably excited.

Ye Yan was also happy.

The two feedbacks added up to 52 cultivation points, which was equivalent to almost a hundred years of day and night cultivation time.

If I learn these skills and techniques of the"Kunlun Qigong" I just got, wouldn't I be able to take off on the spot?

Ye Yan was not calm.

You know, in the zombie world where Ye Yan lives, how many people practice diligently 996 until their hair turns white, and they only have a few decades of cultivation.

Just like Uncle Jiu, who entered Maoshan from a young age and got up early and went to bed late, and practiced until he left the mountain with white hair.

But Uncle Jiu didn't practice for a hundred years.

Ye Yan is only in his early 20s, but now he can obtain the results of others' hard work for almost a hundred years with just a thought.

How can Ye Yan remain calm?

However, Ye Yan suddenly thought of Ren Susu when he looked at her in his arms.

He just made Ren Susu pregnant, and there is still a novice gift package that has not been opened.

"Open it first, maybe you can get other good things to practice with."

Ye Yan was looking forward to it.

"Xiaobai, open the novice gift pack first"


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