Ye Yan:"Yitani Miko, do you want to get rid of the evil spirits around you forever and stop living in fear every day?"

Yotani Miko:"Yes, I want it too much. I want it all the time."

"Brother God, are you going to give me a few more of those purple thunder talismans you just saw?"

"But I don’t have anything to exchange with you!"

Although Yotsuya Miko is cute, she also knows that there is no free lunch in the world.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Yotsuya Miko, you are a beautiful girl! What else do you need to exchange?"

"Of course, I just need to answer Ye Yan in a good way."

Yotsuya Miko:"Yes! I will definitely answer Ye Yan in a good way, but how should I answer him?"

"Hey! Zhiqiu Yiye, did you make a typo?"

""Repay" - is that the"Bao"?"

"Did I learn the Chinese characters wrong?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"I didn't make a mistake, and you didn't learn it wrong either."

"But our Chinese characters are extensive and profound, and the characters used to express gratitude are different for different people."

""The word"repay" is generally used by ordinary people."

"The word"Bao Da" should be used for a pretty girl like you."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye said nonsense seriously.

I didn't expect that a pretty foreign girl was so easy to fool. It was so funny. I almost couldn't hold back my laughter.

Yotsuya Miko:"Oh... I see, it's true that you can learn until you die."

"Thank you for your advice"

"I think you are a nice person!"

Ye Yan was speechless for a moment. Are these two guys really brave enough to teach while the other dares to learn?

Although Zhiqiu Yiye seemed to be flirting with girls for him, Ye Yan felt very unhappy.

Are you kidding!

If he really wanted to flirt with girls, would he need Zhiqiu Yiye?

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Of course, I'm a good person."

Zhiqiu Yiye was extremely proud, but the next moment.

Yotsuya Miko:"I also think you are a good person, but why do Sister Kankan and the others say you are mean?"

"Is the word"mean" a good word to describe you?"

Zhiqiu Yiye's smile froze instantly.

Green Man King:"Pfft! Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter!""

"Yotsuya Miko, you are right, the word"mean" is not nice to use on others."

"But it is definitely a good word to use on Zhiqiu Yiye""

Li Xun Huan:"Hahaha! I agree. When you see a girl, she will draw inferences from her experience."

"That’s right, the word"mean" is definitely a compliment to Zhiqiu Yiye."

婠婠:"I agree, Zhiqiu Yiye is a mean guy.""

"But don't listen to their nonsense, repaying is repaying, there is no such thing as"Bao Da"."

"Except for Brother Ye Yan, all other men in the group are very mean."

Li Xunhuan:"……"

Green Man King:"……"

Yue Buqun:"……"

Gao Yao:"Me???"

Several people were instantly numb.

How could they be so mean?

Especially Gao Yao said, I haven't even said a few words!

Innocently caught in the crossfire!!

Mu Nianci:"Xianxian, what does Zhiqiu Yiye's"Bao Da Ye Yan Gege" mean?"

Nangong Ping'er:"I'm a little curious too."

Li Mochou:"Curiosity +1."

The three girls really don't understand.

After all, the three of them are relatively pure.

Ye Yan was very confused when he heard this.

Why are the topics of this group chat getting more and more off track?

I just want to help Si Gu Jianzi deal with the evil spirits, and at the same time let Si Gu Jianzi help to get points.

There is no other meaning.

However, Ye Yan didn't say anything to stop her.

Xianxian has already set off. Xianxian was full of jealousy:"What else can it be, sister Nianci, didn't you"Bao Da" Brother Ye Yan in the vault?"

"Brother Ye Yan seemed very happy at that time"

"Sister Nangong, didn’t you also"baw" Brother Ye Yan in the Black Snake Cave?"

"Brother Ye Yan seemed to be happier at that time."


Instantly, one word stirred up thousands of waves in the hearts of the two girls.

Their cheeks instantly turned red.

What the hell is this??

Nangong Ping'er and Mu Nianci were embarrassed.

Don't look at Nangong Ping'er as a girl who has practiced for more than 200 years. She might be even more shameless than Mu Nianci.

Originally, many things were tacitly understood in the group, and no one mentioned them again.

Nangong Ping'er and Mu Nianci were not that embarrassed.

But now that Wan Wan said this,

Mu Nianci immediately remembered that she was still live streaming before.

Nangong Ping'er was not very happy either. Where to go? Although Ye Yan turned off the live broadcast at the critical moment, she still broadcasted the state of enjoying infinite charm with a flushed face after inhaling the love sac gas of the black dragon snake. It completely subverted her image of a cold fairy.

So now when she heard that Qianqian mentioned this matter, Nangong Ping'er wished she could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

And all this was provoked by this guy Zhiqiu Yiye.

She immediately scolded Zhiqiu Yiye.

Nangong Ping'er:"Zhiqiu Yiye, if you dare to talk nonsense in the group again, be careful that I will tear your mouth apart."

Mu Nianci:"Zhiqiu Yiye, be careful of the immortal version of"Yang Family Spear" that I just cultivated, I will stab you to death."

Zhiqiu Yiye was numb instantly.

Who am I? Where am I? What did I do just now?

Why are you scolding me?

I was just helping Boss Ye to tease Si Gu Jianzi, how did I get involved with these two ladies?

That's not right!

This matter is obviously your own curiosity. Ask Qianqian, what does it have to do with me?

Zhiqiu Yiye said that he was about to become autistic

Li Mochou:"I envy Sister Nangong and Sister Nianci."

"Brother Ye Yan, when will I repay you...?"

"I have collected different styles of Taoist robes these past two days, but you didn't even come to see them (I feel wronged)//)"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Li Mochou】

【Ding, you get the private photo of Li Mochou's new Taoist robe. 】


Ye Yan"accidentally" clicked on the exclusive red envelope, and was almost bleeding from Li Mochou's photo.

He cursed Li Mochou for getting more and more playful.

Zhao Linger:"What? It turns out that"Bao Da" can���Brother Ye Yan is happy?"

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Sister Wan Wan, what is the answer to this question?"

"People are very curious!"

"Sister Nianci, what vault?"

"Nangong barrier, what black snake?"

"It must be fun to make Brother Ye Yan happy, right?"

"I want to play, too. You guys lead me."

All the members were stunned.

Zhiqiu Yiye felt that"a disaster was about to happen". He actually let a little girl like Zhao Linger get involved. He must be scolded to death by the whole group. Sure enough, the next moment, everyone scolded Zhiqiu Yiye.

Kanan:"Zhiqiu Yiye, look at you, there are children in the group now, don't talk nonsense."

Li Xunhuan:"Zhiqiu Yiye, I can't help you this time."

The Green Man King:"Zhiqiu Yiye, I misjudged you again"

Zhiqiu Yiye shrank like a quail, not daring to refute the whole time.

He wanted to cry but had no tears, and promised again and again that he would not talk too much.

In the room,

Yotsuya Miko was lying on the bed in a silk nightgown, reading a book, with her straight white legs swinging back and forth. Her graceful figure was in full view, which was definitely a benefit for many otakus.

But at this time, she still had a silly look on her face. She didn't know that Kanan and the others had taken her to the highway. She didn't even notice that a shriveled and black evil spirit, like a mummy, appeared from behind her and was staring at her from the corner of the wall.

"Chinese characters are really profound. I still don’t understand many words."

"I just don’t know how Brother Ye Yan is going to help me?"

"Are you going to give me a few more purple thunder talismans to kill these evil spirits?"

"That’s not bad, as long as I have these mysterious talismans from the East, why should I be afraid of these evil spirits?"

"Kill them all, kill them all."

Yotsuya Miko waved her fists, her face excited and full of anticipation.

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Ye Yan——《Yin Yang Thunder》】

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Ye Yan - 2 low-grade spirit stones】

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Ye Yan - Purple Thunder Talisman*2】

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Nangong Ping'er——《First Transformation Yellow Dragon Pill》*1. (The remaining pills eaten by Nangong Ping'er)】

Si Gu Jianzi:"What? Is this the method of cultivating immortality that Brother Ye Yan mentioned?"

"Oh my god! Brother Ye Yan, Sister Nangong, are these really for me?"

"Doesn’t that mean that I will become a legendary god in the future?"

"Great, thank you brother Ye Yan, thank you sister Nangong"

"As soon as I get a chance, I will definitely give you a good"Bao Da"!"

Ye Yan:"Uh... let's talk about Bao Da later!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I suspect you have a thunder attribute, otherwise the power of the purple thunder talisman you threw before should be a little smaller."

"As long as you practice the Yin Yang Thunder Art and the Yin Yang Thunder Strikes, you basically don't need to worry about ordinary evil spirits."

"If it's a powerful evil spirit, you can use the"Purple Thunder Talisman", or let me travel through time to help you solve it."

"After that I want you to be your world���A powerful witch who helps people catch ghosts and exorcise demons"

"There are so many evil spirits in your area, I believe many people are troubled by them, but they just haven't been made public."

"Try to find rich people, as they often have more enemies and are more likely to be haunted by evil spirits."

"You can also make more money"

"All the money earned was converted into gold and split 50-50."

Ye Yan finally stated his purpose.

That's right, Ye Yan wanted Yotsuya Miko to be his working girl and help him work and earn money in the other world.

He would then exchange all the gold in this other world for points.

After all, in the"Mall of All Heavens", the rare treasure that could upgrade Ye Yan's"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" to a divine body required 10 billion points.

This was an astronomical figure for Ye Yan now.

However, the gold in the world of all heavens is not ordinary.

Ye Yan remembered that the total amount of gold in the world where he lived in his previous life was 1.5 billion tons.

In other words, as long as the gold reserves of more than three worlds were converted, 10 billion points could be raised.

So now Ye Yan's plan is that everyone will help him find the secret manual of the exercises, and if that doesn't work, help him get gold.

In this way, he will definitely be able to advance the"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" to the legendary divine body very soon.

When Ye Yan thought of the awesome divine body visions such as"The Moon Rises on the Sea" and"Golden Lotus Planted in the Sea", he couldn't help but look forward to it.

When Yotsuya Miko heard this, he felt a little disappointed for some reason.[]

It seems that Ye Yan doesn't want her"Bao Da", but wants money.

Money has its own"Bao Da", okay?

At the same time, she heard the share ratio of Ye Yan, and became even more anxious.

Yotsuya Miko:"No, how can this be possible?"

"Brother Ye Yan, who do you think I am? If we really make money, we will split it 30-70. No, 10-90."

"I am one and you are nine"

"After all, seeing a child doesn't really need any gold points."

"Besides, if you hadn't given me the Purple Thunder Talisman, I might have been bitten to death by that old lady ghost yesterday."

"Not to mention that you are now giving me the legendary cultivation method."

Ye Yan:"It's up to you."

Ye Yan didn't expect this little girl to be so ungreedy.

But Ye Yan didn't like the feeling of being pushed back and forth, so he agreed immediately.

At most, he would give Si Gu Jianzi more benefits in the future.

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Oh my! I envy Si Gu Jianzi!"

"He unexpectedly got the immortal cultivation method and even spirit stones right at the start!"

"You can also let Boss Ye take you to fly and make gold."

Kanan:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, you can have it too!"

"Brother Ye Yan asked you to find a martial arts manual, but you haven't even found one yet. Do you still have the nerve to envy your sister?" Li Mochou:"Yes, we have more or less found martial arts manuals for Brother Ye Yan, but you don't have any."

Nangong Ping'er:"Don't be idle, go find a martial arts manual quickly."

"I want Ye Yan to upgrade the Qinglei Spirit Body to a legendary spirit body as soon as possible."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Okay, I'll go find the technique now."

Li Mochou:"I'll go kill a few bandits."

Kanan:"Others will ambush Shi Feixuan and get the gold."

Li Xunhuan:"Boss Ye, I have six thousand taels of gold here, all for you"

【Ding, an exclusive red envelope from Li Xunhuan】

【Ding, Ye Yan refuses Li Xunhuan's exclusive red envelope. 】

Ye Yan:"I am not Long Xiaoyun. You will need money to get married and raise children in the future."

"I understand your intention."

"It will take time for me to advance to the divine body. You just need to help me with the secrets of the skills."

Ye Yan saw Li Xunhuan's red envelope and it was impossible for him not to be touched.

After all, he was not a greedy and despicable person like Long Xiaoyun.


Afterwards, Ye Yan asked Nangong Ping'er to get a yellow-grade top-grade alchemy furnace and a yellow-grade top-grade talisman pen.

He was going to try to refine some elixirs and higher-level talismans.

Ye Yan had just tried it. A spiritual medicine for refining"One-turn Yellow Dragon Pill" was thrown into the"Group Mall", and he could only get 1,000 points.

And a top-grade"One-turn Yellow Dragon Pill" was worth 400 group points.

In other words, if Ye Yan refined 12 top-grade Yellow Dragon Pills in one furnace, it would be a full five times the profit.

In addition, the price difference between the materials and finished products of the Purple Thunder Talisman and the Nascent Soul Array Talisman is simply a huge profit.

Once it can be completed, it is simply a blood profit.

What's more, Ye Yan has not opened any spiritual medicine in the gift package recently.

He wants Ren Susu and others to break through their cultivation and get some back-feeding points to practice.

That's why Ye Yan wants to tinker with these things.

Anyway, he has a system to help him learn skills, and it doesn't take time to learn one more alchemy and talisman drawing. The investment and income are exactly proportional, and Ye Yan would be stupid not to learn.

After tinkering with it, he would take out the elixir, talisman, and the Nascent Soul-level array talisman for Nangong Ping'er, which would definitely cause a sensation in the group again.

Ye Yan would also be able to gain a large number of points and"cultivation points".

Just thinking about it made Ye Yan look forward to it.


《"Seeing the World".

Yotsuya Kenko had been practicing for a whole day, and a low-grade spirit stone in her hand just made a"crack" sound, and the spiritual power dissipated and turned into dust.

But at this time.


Yotsuya Kenko's delicate body surface, there were faint flashes of tiny lightning arcs.

Her nightgown bulged, her hair fluttered, and her pretty little face had a touch of otherworldly temperament, like a lightning elf girl from the fairyland, which made people feel bright when they saw it.


Yotsuya Kenko dragged her jade hand in the air.

Countless arcs on the crystal skin immediately gathered in her jade hand, condensing into a lightning arc the size of a lighter flame.

The lights in the whole room flickered.

"Great, I succeeded"

"Brother Ye Yan, I really succeeded."

Yotsuya Jianzi smiled like a flower, dancing with excitement, and couldn't help shouting.

She wanted to open the chat group live broadcast to share the joy at this moment.

She didn't notice that the mummy-like evil spirit behind her seemed to be attracted by something, with a greedy look on his face, and slowly floated towards Yotsuya Jianzi.

Knock knock knock ~

At this moment, a rapid knock on the door sounded

"Sister, you wouldn’t really do anything bad in the room, would you?"

"Locked the door all day and unable to come out?"

"And yelling"

"���Open the door."

The pure sister control - Kyousuke Yotsuya knocked on the door in panic.

He went to wake up Yotsuya Miko as usual this morning. He found that Yotsuya Miko, who was having a nightmare, was trembling, her face flushed, and she kept shouting:"No, no."

He went to school to ask his female classmates and found out that this might be a sign of having a boyfriend. Kyousuke

Yotsuya was so scared that he couldn't eat for the whole day..

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