《See the world》

"Kyousuke, why are you knocking on your sister's door like that?"

Toru Yotsuya came out of the kitchen carrying the stewed radish.

"Mom, my sister brought her boyfriend home and did bad things in the room."

Yotani Kyousuke, a pure sister control, opened his mouth and said


"Kyousuke, don't talk nonsense. Your sister is just a high school student. How dare she bring her boyfriend home?"

"Still in the room?"

Yotsuya Toruko absolutely didn't believe it.

But what a coincidence, at this moment.


The door opened, and

Yotsuya Miko came out with a sweat on her body and a flushed face.

This was the state of Yotsuya Miko after she finished her training.

But in the eyes of the experienced young woman Yotsuya Toruko, it became a different story.

She was familiar with this state.

In an instant, she felt like the sky was falling.

Without saying a word, she rushed into Yotsuya Miko's room, wanting to find the culprit who made her daughter sweat and flushed.

"Mom! Kyousuke, what are you looking for?"

Yotsuya Miko was puzzled.

Could it be that her training was discovered?

Although Yotsuya Miko didn't intend to hide it,���

But she felt that this was too unbelievable and was afraid of scaring them.

However, since they had already"discovered" it, Yotsuya Miko decided to tell the truth.

"Mom, I was wrong. I should have kept it a secret from you.

It would have been better if Yotsuya Miko hadn't said this. But when it fell into the ears of Yotsuya Toruko and Yotsuya Kyousuke, it instantly exploded like a bolt from the blue.

"What? It's actually true?"

"Oh my god! What on earth did I do wrong, Yotsuya? I've only been dead for over a year, and your daughter has been raised like this!"

"I'm sorry for you!"

Yotsuya Toruko was extremely desperate.

She couldn't understand why her cute and obedient daughter would do such a thing.

Yotsuya Kyousuke, who was obsessed with his sister, was also in despair.

His pure sister had lost her first time just like that.

Yotsuya Miko panicked instantly.

She quickly said:

"Mom, Kyousuke, I just want to be a shrine maiden, that's not something to be ashamed of, right?"

"Do you need to react so strongly?"

"And I also practiced the mysterious thunder method of the East"

"What? Jianzi, you are just a high school student and you did such a thing, it's not shameful... huh?"


"Jianzi, what did you just say?"


"You want to be a witch?"

"How could you have such an idea and be able to control thunder magic?"

"It's over, you must have been deceived by that man!"

"No, I must catch that man."

"I will fight him to the death."

Yotsuya Toruko was confused.

Yotsuya Kyousuke was a young man, full of vigor and vitality, and thought his sister was brainwashed by some evil cult.

Otherwise, how could she say such outrageous things as being a shrine maiden and practicing thunder magic?

"I'm telling the truth. This world is not as simple as you think."

"There are not only witches' magic and thunder magic, but also countless evil spirits."

"Look, there is one behind you... huh?... Not good."

Yotsuya Miko said quickly, pointing out the mummy evil spirit she had just seen.

Yotsuya Toruko and Yotsuya Kyousuke only saw an empty room without a single figure.

They were even more certain that Yotsuya Miko was definitely being fooled, and might even have hallucinations.

However, in Yotsuya Miko's eyes, in this"empty" room, there was a body that looked like a mummy, but was now rapidly expanding, with maggots all over its face, and an extremely disgusting evil spirit that was rushing towards her.

"Hahaha! You really can see me, you really can see me"

"I'm going to eat you"

"I'm going to eat you."

The evil corpse's mouth was cracked with laughter, and piles of cold corpse worms crawled all over its face, rushing towards Yotsuya Miko.


Yotsuya Miko was so frightened that her face turned pale.

This scene made Yotsuya Toruko and Yotsuya Kyousuke extremely worried, thinking that Yotsuya Miko was hallucinating.

Until the next moment

"Don't come over here!》~"

Yotsuya saw that she was desperate to survive and subconsciously used the thunder technique she had just learned.


Her entire body was covered with dense arcs of electricity. She gathered her right hand and formed a purple-black arc as thick as a hair that broke through the air.


"Thunder magic?"

Yotsuya Toruko and her son stared with their eyes wide open, stunned.

Their daughter really knew the mysterious power of the East?

How could this be possible?

However, something happened that overturned their worldviews.


Suddenly, a thunderous explosion was heard in the air in the room.

The next moment, a rapidly expanding mummy figure appeared, covered with icy maggots.


Yotsuya Toruko's beautiful eyes widened, her pupils locked, and she screamed

"Oh my god! Help me!"

The hot-blooded Yotsuya Kyousuke was so scared that he peed himself.

He instinctively called for his mother.

"Oh no, mom, Kyousuke, you guys should leave now."

"This evil spirit is too powerful"

"I just learned thunder magic, I can't deal with him!"

Yotsuya Jianzi was in despair, she didn't expect that she would be in trouble this time. The

"Yin Lei Zhi" she used just now only broke the skin of the mummy evil spirit, and it had no effect except to create more maggots.

Chat group.

Yotsuya Jianzi:"Ye Yan, brother Ye Yan, I saw a ghost again"

"I just cultivated a little bit of"Yin Lei Zhi", but it can't kill him at all"


【Ding, Yotsuya Miko sent me a picture. 】

Everyone clicked it subconsciously.

They immediately saw the warm-colored girl's room, which was swelling all over, with a burnt black hole in her heart, and an evil spirit that kept spewing out white maggots.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my! Yotsuya Miko's world is really dangerous enough."

"I saw a ghost twice in one day, and each one was more terrifying than the last?"

"There are more ghosts than in my demon world."

The Green Man King:"That's disgusting"

"Even though I have seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood, I still feel sick."

"How to deal with this thing?"

"I am powerless."

Li Xunhuan:"The world of ghosts and monsters is indeed terrifying."

Yue Buqun:"How can we eliminate such evil obstacles?"

Mu Nianci:"Is this the legendary ghost?"

"So scary!"

"See my sister, run away."

婠婠:"Ye Yan, brother Ye Yan, I'm scared"

"Please save my sister."

In an instant, the entire group went wild.

They were all worried about Yotsuya Miko.

But they could do nothing to help.

Ye Yan:"Yitsuya Miko, use the purple thunder talisman I gave you."

"Use the thunder spirit to stimulate and throw both of them out at the same time."

Li Mochou:"Yes, sister Jianzi, hurry up."

Shigu Jianzi:"Yes! I still have the purple thunder talisman, I actually forgot about it."

《See the world》

"Jianzi, why are you still standing there?"

"Go fast"

"Sister, hurry up."

When Yotsuya Toruko and her son saw Yotsuya Miko standing there in a daze for a second, they became anxious instantly.

They could see that even if Yotsuya Miko's thunder method could subvert their three views, she was definitely no match for this evil spirit.

However, just as the evil spirit brought a wave of corpse worms to a place less than three meters away from Yotsuya Miko, a cold air like an ice cellar came over.

Yotsuya Miko's trembling hands just grabbed the two purple thunder talismans in her arms.



Thunder spiritual power was activated.

Purple thunder shone in the sky, giant pythons exploded in the air, and sonic booms appeared in the void.

The two purple thunder giant pythons instantly blasted the mummy evil spirit.

Even the white maggots on the ground and the windows in Yotsuya Miko's room were directly blown up. By the way, the official residence of the god's toilet in the distance was blown up.

It caused a commotion

"What the hell?"

"How is this possible?"

Toruko Yotsuya and Kyousuke Yotsuya were shocked again. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) They were directly shocked by this terrifying mysterious power.

"This... is really my sister (my daughter)???"

"It must be fake!"

The two were in complete disbelief.

They felt their worldviews were shattered.

But they couldn't be blamed.

After all, at this moment, Yotsuya Miko, the spellcaster, was shocked by her own methods.

Then she turned from surprise to joy, and danced with excitement.

She directly sent the photo of the blasted window to the chat group.

Yotsuya Miko:"Great! Look, I killed another evil spirit!""

"Brother Ye Yan's Purple Thunder Talisman is awesome"

"According to the method brother Ye Yan said, I used a trace of thunder spirit power to activate the purple thunder talisman, and its power increased by more than twice compared to the last time."

Yue Buqun:"So terrifying? Is this the legendary thunder and lightning magic?"

"I want to learn, but unfortunately I don’t have a thunder spirit body."

Kwan Kwan: "I envy Yotsugu Jianzi for having a thunder attribute body and being able to learn from Brother Ye Yan."

Li Mochou:"……Envy +1."

Li Xunhuan:"……Envy +1."

Mu Nianci:"……Envy +1."

Green Man King:"……Envy +1."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Eh! Yotsugu Jianzi and Ye Da Lao both have thunder attribute physiques. If they can practice dual cultivation at any time, wouldn't it be great?……"

However , before he finished speaking, several female friends in the group exploded again.


Li Mochou:"Shut up, who told you to remind Brother Ye Yan……"

Ye Yan was once again speechless at Zhiqiu Yiye's words. What was he thinking about all day? He was already"on the road" unconsciously when he started chatting?

But it's true, if he could use the energy of the thunder spirit's yin...

Ye Yan quickly shook his head and threw these messy things out of his mind.

He was a serious person. Even if he liked a cute girl like Yotsuya Miko and comic legs, he couldn't just think about it.


Ye Yan:"Hey! Yotsuya Miko, what is that black crystal in front of your desk?"

Ye Yan was suddenly attracted by something in the photo and asked immediately.

Yotsuya Miko:"Black crystal?"

"I have this kind of thing in my room?"

"Hey! There really is one"

"What is this?"

"It looks like crystal, but when you hold it in your palm it feels colder than ice in winter!"

《See the world》[]

In the room with a slight smell of paste.

Yotsuya Miko picked up a crystal-like object the size of a thumb, her cute face full of confusion.

She didn't remember having such a thing.

Ye Yan:"Try to send it to the group"

【Ding, Yotsuya Miko sent an exclusive red envelope - Ice Evil Crystal.........】

《Evil Spirit Crystal》:《"Specialties of the Visible World" is a product formed by the fusion of the world's exotic matter and souls - produced after the death of powerful evil spirits.

Different evil spirit crystals contain different attribute powers, which can be used for alchemy, talisman making, refining, cultivation, etc.

The explosion rate is random, but the stronger the evil spirit, the greater the chance of explosion, and the more power it contains.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Are the evil spirits in Yotsuya Miko's world so powerful?"

"It's surprising that such a good thing can be found."

Nangong Ping'er:"Indeed, it is somewhat similar to the demon pill in my world."

"Ye Yan, you have finally found a treasure this time."

Kana:"Oh my God! Doesn't that mean that Yotsuya Miko's world is equivalent to a huge treasure house?"

"Have an inexhaustible supply of cultivation materials?"

"What should I do? I am a little envious of Si Gu Jian Zi."

Li Mochou:"In your world, I am also the one who envies Si Gu Jian Zi the most."

"Your world is still a world of Zhongwu, with all kinds of magical martial arts emerging one after another, but my world seems to have no strange treasures at all,"

Mu Nianci:"There are no strange treasures either."


But I hope that I can travel back to Brother Ye Yan forever in the future and never be separated from him."

【Ding, Ye Yan obtains the Ice Evil Spirit Crystal. 】

Ice Evil Spirit Crystal: After wearing it, it can resist a certain amount of fire erosion, and it is better to refine ice attribute accessories.

It can also be refined into an ice attribute physique cultivation elixir, or refined into an ice attribute healing elixir that restrains fire poison.

"Good stuff."

Ye Yan was delighted.

This time he really picked up a treasure.

This thing is at least equivalent to one hundredth of an ice-attributed demon beast's demon pill in the Jindan stage.

If there is a demon pill in the foundation-building stage, it is probably about this level.

Ye Yan:"Shi Gu Jianzi, I need this thing, I'm going to accept it."

Shi Gu Jianzi:"Really? It's great to be able to help Brother Ye Yan get something he likes."

"Jianzi decided to practice hard in the future and try to find more"Evil Spirit Crystals" for Brother Ye Yan.》"

【Ding, Ye Yan sent an exclusive red envelope - Purple Thunder Talisman*3.】

【Ding, Ye Yan sent an exclusive red envelope - ten taels of gold.]

Ye Yan:"I just drew these three purple thunder talismans, you can use them for self-defense."

"After a while, I will get familiar with the techniques of refining medicine, and then make you some elixirs that can help you break through your cultivation."

"Don't be shy to take this gold. You need to replenish your body when you start practicing."

"Just think of it as the start-up capital I gave you."

【Ding, Yotsuya Miko obtains Purple Thunder Talisman*3.】

【Ding, Yotsuya Miko wins two gold medals]

Yotsuya Miko:"Thank you, brother Ye Yan, I will definitely take good care of myself and wait for you to come."

Yotsuya Miko didn't feel embarrassed about getting the gold.

On the contrary, when thinking of Eastern men, it seems that the most domineering words for women are"I will take care of you!"

Now that Ye Yan gave her gold, does it mean that he will take care of herself?

Thinking of this, Yotsuya Miko's little face"swish" hot, and the whole cute girl looks more and more attractive.

She has seen the photos of Ye Yan in the group records, a real male god.

Completely in Yotsuya Miko's aesthetic


Ye Yan naturally didn't know what was going on in Yotsuya Miko's little head.

He had just finished his midnight snack in the living room and was about to go back to the study to continue studying alchemy and talisman drawing.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw a charming figure behind the screen in the study.

The rustling sound and the movement reflected on the screen clearly showed that she was taking off her clothes.

"Is it Susu?"

"No way! Isn't she pregnant at this time?"

"You don't want to play this surprise?"

"Is it Ren Qingqing?"

"Hmm! It's possible. I didn't expect that Qingqing would play such a trick on her first day at the house?"

"Could it be that Su Su taught him?"

Ye Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But when Ye Yan walked behind the screen, he was instantly frightened by the scene in front of him.


""You little girl, what are you doing here?"

Ye Yan was dumbfounded.

Because the person behind the screen was neither Ren Susu nor Ren Qingqing.

It was actually Ren Tingting.

What a coincidence. At this moment,

Ren Susu and Ren Qingqing just heard the noise and hurried in.

They were so angry at the scene that they almost fainted.

"Ye Yan, what did you do to Tingting?"

"I do not have it!"

"I just thought you were the ones looking for me, but when you came in, I found it was this girl."

Ye Yan was stunned.

He didn't know what had happened to Ren Tingting.

But soon they understood what was going on.

Ren Tingting blushed and said,"Hehe! Didn't aunt say today that Aunt Qingqing was able to marry Brother Ye Yan because she was seen with things she shouldn't have seen?"

"He also said that we women should protect ourselves and not even show our legs to men, otherwise we will have to marry him."

"Now that Brother Ye Yan has seen it, I will belong to Brother Ye Yan from now on."

Ye Yan, Ren Qingqing, Ren Susu:"…"

Nima! We told you this to protect you. You came here to fix the bug instead.

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