"Tingting, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and put on your clothes and come back with me."

"From now on you sleep with me and help me take care of the baby"

"If I find out again that you mess around in your uncle's study in the middle of the night, I will beat you to death."

Ren Susu grabbed Ren Tingting's ears, like a child who had done something wrong, and took her back to the master bedroom.

At the same time, she did not forget to ask Ren Qingqing to accompany Ye Yan tonight.

Are you kidding!

Although Ren Tingting, this little girl, is getting more and more out of tune.

But her figure has begun to take shape.

The lotus has just begun to show its tip, and it is the most youthful age.

If Ren Qingqing hadn't helped to watch over Ye Yan, who knows if Ren Tingting would come to Ye Yan again in the middle of the night.

If something bad happened at that time, it would be a big trouble.

Although Ren Susu believed in Ye Yan's character.

But he did not believe in the nature of men.

Ye Yan could resist the temptation once or twice, what about three or four times?

Before leaving, Ren Susu glared at Ye Yan fiercely with her beautiful eyes.

Ye Yan was numb.

Although he did accidentally take a look, it was quite...

But was it his fault?

How did he know that Ren Tingting, this little girl, would run to his study in the middle of the night.

And dressed like this?

Who can he go to for justice?

"Qingqing, you believe me"

"I really……"

Seeing that Ren Qingqing was still in the room, Ye Yan seemed to have found someone to talk to and wanted to explain.

He really didn't do anything to a little girl like Ren Tingting.

But before he could say anything, Ren Qingqing's slender fingers touched Ye Yan's mouth, indicating that there was no need to explain.

"I believe you."

Ye Yan was very moved by what he said.

The two of them quickly used a large bottle of"Shengji Huiyuan Pill".

Until the middle of the night, Ren Qingqing suddenly said

"Brother Ye Yan, you are going to take away all the young and beautiful girls in our Ren family!"

"Tingting is still young, it will take a few more years."

Ye Yan was instantly numb.

It turned out that no one believed in his"pure heart""


Ren Qingqing fell asleep tiredly.

Ye Yan was still full of energy, but Ren Tingting was also in the master bedroom, so naturally she couldn't go to Ren Susu.

He could only take out the alchemy furnace and try to refine the first and second-level primary elixirs.

This made Ye Yan sigh that it was different to have a wife who was an elder of a sect in the world of immortal cultivation.

Nangong Ping'er casually got himself a 19 yellow-level medium-grade alchemy furnace, and several first- and second-level elixir recipes.

There were even various matching spiritual flowers, spiritual herbs, and spiritual medicines.

With the help of"Practice Points", Ye Yan instantly understood the method of refining"First-level Golden Marrow Pill".

More than 2 hours later, the first furnace produced 10 top-grade and 2 useless pills.

Although Ye Yan was very dissatisfied with the result.

But when Ye Yan threw these 10 top-grade"First-level Golden Marrow Pills" into the chat group.

It instantly caused the group to explode again.

《First Transformation Golden Marrow Pill: The medicinal power is a bit stronger than the First Transformation Yellow Dragon Pill, and it is generally a spiritual medicine for assisting cultivation at the Qi training stage and below.

At this time, everyone in the group was extremely happy to see the pills they had grabbed.

However, when they learned that these pills were actually made by Ye Yan, even the knowledgeable Nangong Ping'er was stunned.

Nangong Ping'er:"What, you made 10 high-quality pills in the first furnace?"

Ye Yan:"Yes, I really don't have much talent."

"But I believe that hard work can make up for shortcomings"

"As long as he practices two more furnaces and becomes more proficient, he should be able to refine top-grade elixirs."

Ye Yan felt that he had indeed failed.

After all, he used"Practice Points" to learn the elixir formula perfectly.

But even so, he couldn't refine top-grade elixirs directly.

He even produced two useless elixirs.

This was simply embarrassing the time traveler.

But these words fell into the ears of Nangong Ping'er and Zhiqiu Yiye, two immortal cultivators, and they were just showing off.

What a joke!

Even in the immortal cultivation world, if one can refine one or two low-grade elixirs, he is a top alchemy genius.

If one can refine a mid-grade elixir, he is definitely a peerless alchemy genius.

Even the sects in the spiritual world will worship it as a treasure.

After all, alchemy... But it is well known that this is one of the most difficult skills to learn.

How many people have spent their entire lives, consuming hundreds of millions of spiritual medicines, and still may not be able to refine a first-grade pill and become an alchemist. They can only be an apprentice alchemist.

But Ye Yan has now refined 10 top-grade first-grade pills for the first time.

This is an amazing existence in any world of immortal cultivation.

But Ye Yan actually said that he performed poorly and had no talent? ? ? Isn't this a blow to people? However, soon, more than an hour passed. When Ye Yan took out twelve top-grade"First-grade Golden Marrow Pills" from the alchemy furnace while broadcasting live. The whole group exploded again

"What? I really made the best"First Transformation Golden Marrow Pill"》?"

"Or 12???"


"Oh my god! Am I really not dreaming?"

Zhiqiu Yiye was stunned.

He himself had tried to make pills, but after more than a year of study, he couldn't even become an apprentice and gave up.

Now he saw Ye Yan refine twelve top-grade pills for the first time, no, the second time.

He finally understood what"comparison will kill you" meant.

Even Nangong Ping'er widened her beautiful eyes and looked at the scene in disbelief.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it was true.

Although the other group members didn't know how difficult it was to make pills, they were also shocked to see Ye Yan refine pills that could help them break through the grade so quickly with such


They called Ye Yan a real god.

Later, Ye Yan refined another furnace of"First Turn Golden Marrow Pill", keeping 6 for himself, and sending the rest as exclusive red envelopes to the chat group.

This made the whole group boil again.

Among them, the Green Man King was extremely lucky, and he actually grabbed three pills by himself.

It was said that Ye Yan wanted to cultivate immortality, so he prepared to get two for Yan Ying. He also got a yellow-grade female cultivation method from Ye Yan.

Ye Yan was very generous and gave Yan Ying a few small spells similar to fireball.

It is conceivable that if Xiongba really came to tease Yan Ying like in the original book, what a wonderful scene it would be.

The Green Man King swept across a kilometer with a knife. Yan Ying hit him with fireballs and wind blades.

The husband and wife joined forces, it would be strange if they didn't make Xiongba autistic.


The next afternoon, Ren Qingqing woke up from the fatigue of the previous night, feeling refreshed.

After finishing brunch, she remembered to go home and report her safety.

You know, Ren Qingqing was abducted by Captain Cao and the five clan elders after being transformed into a white rabbit by Taoist Tulong using the animal-making technique.

Now the Ren family must have discovered something wrong and are looking for people everywhere.

Ren Qingqing must go back immediately.

Ye Yan also realized this.

At the same time, he was going to propose a marriage and officially marry Ren Qingqing.

After all, they are already husband and wife.

Even if the Ren family opposes the two sisters Ren Susu and Ren Qingqing, what if they marry Ye Yan?

Ye Yan has the ability to make them shut up.

In addition, Ye Yan is going to see if Taoist Tulong is still in the Ren family.

If he is, Ye Yan is going to search his soul, obtain his Maoshan secret technique and the evil white lotus technique and kill him.

Are you kidding!

This guy attacked his own woman, Ye Yan will never forgive him

Crack~ thunder roared.

Ye Yan summoned the Thunder Cloud Flying Boat and flew away with the shocked Ren Qingqing.

Along the way, they enjoyed the breeze and white clouds, the forests and mountains, and then the sunset and the bright moon.

It took them half a day to arrive at the sky above the Ren Family Ancestral Town, just like a couple of gods.

But before Ye Yan and the others could enter the Ren Family Ancestral Town,

Ye Yan suddenly sensed that there were two people, one big and one small, in the Ren Family Ancestral Town, with two resentful spirits rising to the sky.


Ye Yan exclaimed softly, and the"Piercing Delusion Treasure Pupil" opened.

The scene before him surprised him greatly.

Two streams of resentment, one large and one small, came from an abandoned church and a gloomy winery.

The winery was gloomy and silent.

But at the door, someone was performing a ritual.

This made Ye Yan feel very familiar.

""What? Isn't that the little slut Annie?"

Before Ye Yan could speak, Ren Qingqing recognized the identity of a girl.

That's right, it was Annie in"The Exorcist", who was graceful, wearing a tight red dress, showing off her enchanting... big... figure.

But this surprised Ye Yan very much.

"Isn’t this the Ren family’s ancestral town?"

"Why do the characters and landmarks of Jiuquan Town appear?"

"Could it be that the two plots are merged?"

Ye Yan felt that this was possible, otherwise how could Ren Qingqing know Annie?

"Brother Ye Yan, she is my cousin, you have to be careful with her."

"After studying abroad, her personality may be more open."

Ren Qingqing introduced Annie.

Ye Yan was stunned when he heard it.

Annie in this world is also a woman of the Ren family? (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

It is true that zombies have been born in the Ren family since ancient times.

You know, Annie, this big... graceful girl, in the original book, fascinated a zombie.

When he found a chance, he immediately touched the sleeping Annie's bed.

That scene... um, it was too much.

In the end, Annie was bitten into a zombie.

When Ye Yan saw this scene in his previous life, he felt it was a pity.

Good cabbage was ruined by zombies.

"Brother Ye Yan, what are they doing in front of the winery in the middle of the night?"

"Is this a ritual?"

Ren Qingqing asked doubtfully.

"That's right, but to be more precise, it should be attracting ghosts"

"And it will soon attract a female evil ghost in red."

Ye Yan immediately recognized the identities of the two young Taoist priests who were performing the ritual.

They were Uncle Jiu's two even more unreliable disciples.

The girl - Xiaoyue and the weak version - Chang Wei, whose original name was A Xing.

What surprised Ye Yan was that in the original book, Annie did not appear here.

But soon, A Xing in the distance gave the answer.

"Hehehe! Miss Annie, you better watch out for what's going on."

"Xiaoyue and I will show you the Maoshan necromancy technique"

"But if you see a ghost later, don't be afraid, I will protect you"[]

Ah Xing smiled at Annie, nodded and bowed, trying to please her in every way, just like a dog.

"Huh! Ghost?"

"I don’t believe it!"

"Even if there really is a ghost, it's just you guys playing tricks on me."

Anne was confident and generous, her beautiful face full of disdain for Ah Xing.

At the same time, she waved the primitive camera in her hand and said to Ah Xing proudly:

"Do you know what's in my hand?"

"This is called a camera, the latest Western product."

"You can record all the ghosts and spirits."

"I'm going to use this camera to expose your tricks."

"Then, let's go to the newspapers and let everyone know that there are no ghosts in this world."

After saying that, Annie's bright eyes were slightly mocking, and she stared at Ah Xing's eyes with great confidence.

It seemed that she wanted to expose Ah Xing's ghost tricks.

Sure enough, Ah Xing, the country bumpkin, was really frightened by Annie, and his face changed drastically in an instant.


"Can this thing record the things that are played by ghosts?"

Axing and Xiaoyue beside him panicked instantly.

You know, they really are playing by ghosts.

They just learned some three-legged cat kung fu from Uncle Jiu, and their methods are similar to Wencai and Qiu Sheng.

But today they heard that the owner of the winery wanted to hire someone to catch ghosts. They immediately became excited. For the sake of 10 yuan, they didn't dare to think that there was really a ghost, and they were ready to play by ghosts to cheat the winery owner's money.

As a result, Annie just came back from the provincial capital, heard the conversation between several people, and followed curiously.

As Annie's dog, Axing thought this was an opportunity to show off, so he naturally agreed without thinking.

But what Axing and the others didn't expect was that Annie actually had such a powerful"magic weapon" in her hand.

This scared Axing and Xiaoyue.

That's right, Annie could scare them with just a few words, because they were originally"country bumpkins" who didn't know anything.

In addition, the West is indeed more developed than here in this era, so they absolutely believe anything Annie, who has studied abroad, says.

"What should I do, Brother?"

"If she really records it and publishes it in the newspaper"

"Master will definitely beat us to death"

"Otherwise, should we run away?"

Xiao Yue was also panicking.

But before Ah Xing could answer

"You two want to run away?"

"Let me tell you, I paid for it."

"If you don't help me, I will immediately go to your master, Ajiu, to return the money."

A middle-aged man with glasses, chewing a pear, tilting his head 45 degrees, and pulling a 790-yuan bill, stood up.

Axing and Xiaoyue were shocked.

They looked at each other and had to bite the bullet.

Maybe they could get away with it by pretending.

Otherwise, not only would they face Uncle Jiu's wrath, but Axing would also be looked down upon by his goddess, Annie, and he would never allow it.

"Humph! Who said we were leaving?"

"This place is haunted, right?"

"Okay, we'll find her and let her be scared to death for you to see."

Ah Xing pretended to be calm and patted his chest to promise.

When he saw Annie's eyes suddenly froze when she looked at him, he thought she was surprised by him, and immediately his confidence surged. He was extremely proud.、

"Xiaoyue, open the altar...ah!"

""I got your order~"

Xiaoyue also immediately pretended to act.

Holding a seal in her left hand and a sword in her right hand, she recited the profound scriptures, looking very serious.

But when she did a front flip and landed on her butt, she almost cried"Mom" in pain.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yan was speechless for a moment. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Uncle Jiu for a second.

It seemed that the disciples that Uncle Jiu took in in several movies were all of this character.

No wonder he refused to take me in as a disciple when he didn't see that I had the"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" before.

It turned out that he was really scared of being cheated.

But soon, Xiaoyue regained her state and sang a duet with Ah Xing.

""The King of Hell is in charge, the little ghost is leading the way... The vengeful ghost will show up soon~"

Xiao Yue chanted the spell while playing with the sword, and it looked very serious.

Annie and the owner of the winery were stunned.

But there was no special movement for a long time.

This made Annie and the owner of the winery immediately realize that they might have been fooled.

But the next moment.

Buzz buzz buzz~

The black coffin next to them began to tremble violently, and the coffin lid burst open, and a blood-red evil light flew out of it.

The next moment, the body of a pretty girl in red, about sixteen years old, jumped up.


Annie, the winery owner, A Xing and Xiao Yue were all frightened.

Especially A Xing and Xiao Yue, they jumped up and even dropped the peach wood sword in their hands. However, the red-clothed female ghost ignored A Xing and Xiao Yue, with a murderous look on her pretty face, and flew towards the frightened winery owner.

"You are a scumbag. You raped me when I was twelve years old. After the incident was exposed, you killed my parents who came to my house to argue with me."

"Last month you found a new lover, and you even got a large group of people to take me by force, slandering me for having an affair, and putting me in a pig cage."

"Now that I'm dead, you actually asked a Taoist priest to deal with me"

"I want you to die."

The red-clothed female ghost screamed, immediately extended her sharp claws, and rushed towards the frightened winery owner.

"No! Xiaohong, forgive me"

"Ah Xing, didn’t you two bastards say you wanted to scare her to death?"

"Save me!"

The owner of the winery was full of despair.

But no one could save him.

Not even Ye Yan.

What a joke! The owner of the winery brought this upon himself. Even if the female ghost didn't come to claim his life, Ye Yan would not let this scum live.

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