"Ah! Uncle Jiu, your two disciples are killing me!"

"I can’t accept this, I can’t accept this!"

The owner of the winery was knocked down by the red-clothed female ghost and instantly turned into a mummy.

"Hahaha! I finally killed you, you deserve to die, you deserve to die"

"Dad and Mom, I have avenged you."

"I avenged myself."

"Renjiazuzhen, all of you have wronged me, I want you to die... die die die……"

The female ghost in red screamed to the sky, and the ghostly aura was overwhelming.

The wind blew up suddenly, and it was freezing cold.

Ah Xing and Xiao Yue were so scared that they peed, their faces full of despair.

They didn't expect that this time they would play so big.

Not to mention Annie at this time.

Seeing the female ghost in red in front of her, she felt that the"lofty" Western thoughts that she had been exposed to for so many years collapsed instantly.

You know, she has always believed that whether it is Taoist priests or monks in our country, they are all tricks of pretending to be gods and ghosts, and they are all backward products.

Only the ignorant people here will believe that there are ghosts in this world.

As for the"lofty" God in the West, it is the lofty belief in her mind.

Her purpose of coming and going to the town is to break the backward Taoist beliefs.

Let the"lofty" God come to the town to preach.

Let all the ignorant townspeople in the town get spiritual sublimation.

This has always been her"lofty" ideal.

But now she saw the female ghost in red in front of her and realized that the fool was actually herself.

This is a zombie world. You are an atheist and you dare to come to the haunted winery to shoot. Isn't this like a birthday man hanging himself?

But now it's too late for Annie to know all this.

The red-dressed ghost has already set his sights on her.

A pair of resentful eyes stared at Annie

"Miss Ren, why were you born carefree, dressed up gorgeously, powerful and nobody bullied you?"

"And why was I bullied at the age of 12?"

"Why did my parents who loved me so much get killed by bad guys?"

"why why……???"

The red-clothed female ghost's originally pretty face was now twisted with jealousy and resentment, and looked extremely scary.

"This is not fair, this is not fair... I want you to die... I want you to be filled with all the pain I have endured before you die."

"I want all the women in this town to feel the pain I have suffered."

"Ah Xing, tear her clothes for me"

"Don't you want her very much?"

"Tonight I will fulfill your wish and let you take her by force"

"I want all the men in the town to come here and take all the women in the town, hahahaha!"

The more the red-clothed ghost spoke, the crazier her expression became.

The ghost energy around her actually attracted the evil energy of the dilapidated church not far away, which was in the third evil position. It kept gathering from afar.


The red-clothed woman's aura surged, and her aura was actually close to the state of forming a pill. The resentment soared to the sky, the sky and the clouds changed color, and the dark clouds that covered the sky covered the entire Ren family's ancestral town.

The terrifying pressure was like a mountain tsunami.

Such a terrifying momentum directly frightened all the Taoist monks, evil demons, and even countless ghosts within a radius of ten miles, and their breath was choked.

Her face changed drastically.

Except for the Dragon Slayer Taoist priest who was negotiating business at the mayor's house at this time

"Hey! There are actually ghosts that can absorb the murderous aura of the Three Evils and advance to the stage of forming a pill?"

"God-given opportunity, I just got a ghost refining tool not long ago"

"Taking this ghost into my possession will definitely increase my strength."

The Dragon Slayer was overjoyed.

He didn't bother to pay attention to the fat mayor who was still trying to talk to him. He took a step forward and rushed ten meters to where Ye Yan was.

"Damn, this guy is getting more and more disrespectful"

"Do you think it's great that you got the White Lotus inheritance a few days earlier than us?"

The fat mayor was furious when he saw this.

"Daddy, you don't need to be angry with him. He inherited the White Lotus Sect, but don't we have the same?"

""As long as we give us some time to find more virgin girls to cultivate, do we need to look at the guy's face?"

David smiled evilly.

He had a greasy face and a bit of evil in his appearance. He was wearing a pure white suit and looked like a gentleman.

But this look might be liked by many stupid girls.

"Yes! My son is far-sighted."

"By the way, have the five elders of the Ren family contacted Captain Cao?"

"Ren Qingqing must be found as soon as possible. Her yin energy is very suitable for you and me."

"As long as we kill her, you and I can not only improve our cultivation, but also find a way to seize the property of this branch of the Ren family."

The fat mayor looked expectant.

"Daddy, don't worry. Captain Cao may be a bit shabby, but I can still trust him.."

"That girl Ren Qingqing can't run away"

"If you can't wait, Annie is also a good bitch"

"I have used secret methods to check, her yin energy is still there, and it is suitable for you and me to replenish yin."

David's evil smile became even more intense.

Especially when he thought of Anne's figure, he would definitely be intoxicated.

"What? That little slut has been abroad, and she still has her yin energy?"

"It's really a ghost"

"But it's good this way, it's a good deal for us two, father and son, hahaha!"

The fat mayor had a wretched smile on his face. Every time he smiled, his fat trembled with pits and acne marks all over his face, which was disgusting.


On the other hand, Ye Yan naturally didn't know that the villains of the entire plot had joined the White Lotus Demon Sect.

If he knew, he would definitely be ecstatic.

If all of these were to be searched for souls, wouldn't they all be walking secret manuals of martial arts?

"Ah! Ah Xing, what are you doing?"

"Don't come over here!"

"Help, help~"

Anne fell to the ground and saw Ah Xing's body rushing towards her.

Although her face was in pain, as if she was forced, she also had some expectation, which was enough to make Anne despair.

Her beautiful eyes were wet and she almost cried anxiously.

Although Anne in this world had studied abroad,���She is a carefree person.

But she has kept herself clean for so many years, and her hands have never been touched by men of the same age.

She is totally different from the Anne in the original book who kisses everyone she sees.


""The evil creature will die~"


The thunder exploded.

A man with a jade-like figure and extraordinary temperament, surrounded by swift lightning, jumped down from a height of 100 feet, like a thunder god descending, bringing the nine-day thunder punishment to the world, rumbling~

A sound of sky-shattering resounded through the world. The three evil clouds condensed by the red-clothed female ghost at a height of 50 feet were instantly blown up.

Then, the man was surrounded by thunder, and his power did not decrease. With the power of the thunder god to kill evil and demons, he bombarded the red-clothed female ghost who was still laughing wildly at the sky below.



The red-clothed female ghost had a bad premonition. She turned her head and was immediately frightened by the"God of Thunder" that was falling from the sky.

Boom boom, there was no chance for the red-clothed female ghost.

The God of Thunder descended and thunder struck.

Instantly, the red-clothed female ghost's body was directly smashed.

The earth cracked, lightning scattered, the winery collapsed directly, the earth shook, and dust flew.

"The sound of"boom" resounded throughout the Ren family's ancestral town, frightening all the mortals, livestock, ghosts, demons and monsters within a radius of ten miles.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!"

""God? ? ?"

Annie, who was still in a state of panic, saw this scene, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it was real.

Until the"Thor" walked out of the billowing smoke and dust.

Lightning flashed around his body, and he turned into a handsome god, with a stone-like jade and a unique beauty.���Young Man

"Annie, are you okay?

The handsome boy walked up to Annie and reached out to help her up.

"I...I am not dreaming!"

"God, are you the god of our Dragon Kingdom?"

"Are you here to save me?"

Anne's eyes sparkled, her face flushed, and she had an incredible joy on her face.

At this moment, she used a phrase from later generations to say,"I feel like I'm in love."

Until the next moment.


《Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" carrying Ren Qingqing slowly descended



"You actually fell down riding on a thundercloud?"

"Could this be an advanced Western aircraft?"

"No, even if the Western aircraft is advanced, it is impossible for you to relax like this."

"Have you become an immortal too?"

At this moment, Annie no longer had the"lofty atheism" she had before.

She kept talking about immortals.

"Become an immortal?"

"Maybe I will become an immortal in the future."

"But now I'm still a normal person"

"Let me introduce you, this is your brother-in-law - Ye Yan"

"I just asked him to save you."

"How are you going to thank me?"

Yes, the"God of Thunder" who descended from the sky and crushed the red-clothed female ghost with one foot was Ye Yan.

At this time, Ren Qingqing's jade arms were like snakes around Ye Yan's strong right arm, and she looked at Annie with a proud face. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) She was obviously showing off that she had such a heaven-defying man

"What? He's human? Not Thor?"

"How can this be?��

"Did I just see him falling from the sky?"

"And a set of lightning armor?"

"How could he not be the God of Thunder?"

Annie was shocked.

She felt as if her little brain was not enough.

A being that could be covered in lightning, jump down from a height of a hundred feet, break through the dark clouds, and kill evil spirits was a human?

What a joke!

"Brother Ye Yan is naturally not an ordinary person"

"Have you heard of immortal cultivators?"

"A person who can fly in the air and call the wind and rain"

"And did you see that thundercloud? It's Brother Ye Yan's flying magic weapon."

"Just now, I was taken to the sky to enjoy the endless beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers."

Ren Qingqing was very proud and happy when she saw Annie's shocked look.

You know, although they are sisters, they have been competing with each other since childhood.

Even Annie went abroad to study because she saw Ren Qingqing going abroad a few years ago.

So now Ren Qingqing found such a magical man like Ye Yan, even if this is to be a concubine, she feels extremely proud.

Annie was stunned for a moment when she heard this.[]

It felt like my worldview was shattered again.

Immortal cultivator? Isn't this just nonsense that the ignorant people in the town say?

It's actually true?

And how lucky was Ren Qingqing to find such a magical man like Ye Yan?

"Wait, Qingqing, you are married?"

"This is impossible!"

"I haven't heard of this."

Annie seemed to think of something, and a cunning arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

With her pretty face and foul figure, she looked very charming.

Even Ye Yan couldn't help but take a second look.

"That’s right, brother Ye Yan and I haven’t gotten married yet?"

"so what?"

"Brother Ye Yan and I came back today to propose marriage."

Ren Qingqing blushed as she spoke this, and subconsciously looked at Ye Yan.

Although this was the truth, she was still a little shy to say it in front of Ye Yan.

However, when Annie heard this, the smile on her face became even bigger.

"Oh, I see"

"Since you haven't gotten married yet, I still have a chance!"

"Isn't that right? Brother Ye Yan"

"You just saved someone's life."

"I have nothing to repay you, so I will give you my body!"

Annie smiled like a flower, and playfully jumped to Ye Yan's right side, holding Ye Yan's strong arms with her jade arms. She also boldly rubbed against her own body.

Then, her blushing face was full of pride and provocation, and she looked at Ren Qingqing on the left.

This made Ren Qingqing explode.

"Damn it, Brother Ye Yan already has me and Sister Tingting, so there is no place for you..."

"Let go."

Ren Qingqing said this and immediately realized that she had said the wrong thing.

Annie was stunned for a moment.

She looked at the two of them with suspicion.

What the hell?

Did both of her sisters follow Ye Yan?

"That's right, you guessed it right."

Ren Qingqing felt that she would have to tell it in the end anyway, so she just laid it out and said:

"Brother Ye Yan is actually married to Sister Tingting and has two children.���child"

"But brother Ye Yan and I already have……"

At this point, Ren Qingqing was a little embarrassed to speak.

But Ye Yan still told her what he had to do before.

Hearing this, Annie's beautiful eyes brightened.

"That's great, Brother Ye Yan, this is easy to handle. You've already been together to save Qingqing."

"Now I have to come to propose marriage"

"In that case, since you have already helped me deal with the female ghost, you should just"save her to the end" and finish the job."

"You should marry me too!"

Although Annie spoke very fluently and didn't seem to be shy at all, her palms were sweating slightly and her body was shaking with nervousness. It was actually the first time that she said these words so boldly.

After all, she knew that a man as amazing as Ye Yan would be gone forever if she missed this opportunity.

She must seize this opportunity.

Especially since she could"steal a man" from Ren Qingqing, Annie felt an indescribable excitement in her heart.

Ye Yan was numb when he heard this.

Could it be that Ren Qingqing's words last night really came true, and he was going to marry all the young and beautiful girls in the Ren family? Catch them all in one fell swoop?

That's not good!

Ren Qingqing also went crazy. She was directly mad at Annie's action.

She felt that her elder sister was too much.

And when Ah Xing saw this scene of the three people, she felt that her three views were completely destroyed.

The goddess that he had been asking for but couldn't get, actually had to be someone else's"mistress"?

How was he not as good as Ye... ok! He really was not as good as Ye.

Compared with Ye Yan, the handsome young man who was like the"God of Thunder" sent from heaven, Ah Xing felt like dung in the toilet.

Comparing him with him was an insult to the young man.

However, at this moment

"Oh! Boy, I didn't expect you to be so lucky?"

"How could it make these two little bitches jealous of each other like this?"

"I am a little envious of them."

A sinister and playful voice suddenly came from behind Ye Yan and his companions.

It scared Ah Xing and Ren Qingqing.

Turning around, they immediately saw a middle-aged man with dark skin, sinister appearance, and a sturdy body.

That's right, it was none other than the Dragon Slayer Taoist priest who came from the mayor's house.

"Hey! Are you Ren Qingqing?"

"You actually turned back into human form?"

"Has someone taken away your vital energy?"

"Where did the five clan elders and Captain Cao go?"

"Could it be that they took away your vital energy?"

Taoist Tulong's face was extremely ugly, and his eyes stared at Ren Qingqing like a bloodthirsty wolf.

"Brother Ye Yan, it was him, it was him, he was the one who turned me into a white rabbit"

"He is the dragon slayer"

"Not only did he collude with the five clan elders, but he also colluded with the town…,"

When Ren Qingqing saw the Dragon Slayer Taoist at this moment, she was terrified and recalled some of the memories she had lost when she turned into a white rabbit.

"Bastard, you're looking for death"

"I will deal with you later and then go find my Jindan ghost ten."

Although Taoist Tulong has already treated Ye Yan and his men as lambs to be slaughtered, he still doesn't want to let anyone���Qing told everything about herself.

Decided to turn Ye Yan and his men into livestock and take them away in no time.

Then go find the red-clothed female ghost who had just disappeared.

Of course, this was because Taoist Tulong was slow to leave the house, and he didn't see the scene of Ye Yan surrounded by lightning, rushing down from the sky, and crushing the red-clothed female ghost who had just disappeared. He directly regarded Ye Yan, who didn't emit a single spiritual power fluctuation, as a mortal. Otherwise

, it would be strange for him to be so arrogant now..

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