"What's going on? Why is Boss Ye's aura so terrifying?"

"It could actually cause a sudden change in the situation?"

"What's this fog around here?"

"Spiritual mist?"

The Green Man King and Yan Ying were also shocked by the scene that suddenly happened to Ye Yan.

Watching the sky and the earth change color, the spiritual energy from all directions gathered and condensed into mist, covering Ye Yan. In addition, Ye Yan was surrounded by thunder and fire, sitting on the Fire Kirin, like a thunder and fire god who controlled the world. He and the Fire Kirin continued to devour the spiritual energy of the world.

Both of their auras surged, and they were powerful in all directions.

This scene really subverted their cognition.

The same is true for everyone in the chat group.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! Green Man King, you have been exposed to the immortal cultivation method, can't you even see this? ?"

"Boss Ye is making a breakthrough"

"The Fire Kirin seemed to be nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. What a good fortune!"

Li Xunhuan:"What? A breakthrough in cultivation?""

"Could a breakthrough in cultivation cause such a big commotion?"

"How strong is Mr. Ye?"

Yue Buqun:"It's so terrifying. I finally saw the true power of a cultivator. Even through the video, I feel suffocated."

"I really envy Huo Qilin for being able to benefit from Master Ye."

Mu Nianci:"This is the first time I've seen Brother Ye Yan break through his cultivation."

"So this is what it means when a cultivator breaks through his cultivation level. It actually causes such a terrifying commotion. It’s too powerful."

Li Mochou:"Is Brother Ye Yan going to break through to the Jindan realm?"

"Oh my god! If the Jindan stage can cause such a terrifying phenomenon in the world, then wouldn’t the phenomenon in the Yuanying stage be even more terrifying?"

"It’s so awesome."

Wan Wan:"Sister Nangong, do you usually make such a big noise when you break through a great realm?"

"If hundreds of people in the entire sect reach a higher realm together, wouldn’t there be thunder and lightning in the sect every day?"

Nangong Ping’er:"How is that possible?"

"Although we cultivators have broken through a great realm, it will cause spiritual power fluctuations within a certain range."

"But even if I broke through from the foundation building to the Jindan realm, the phenomena I caused were not even one-fifth of this, no, one-tenth."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"What? Doesn't that mean that after the breakthrough, Master Ye's Jindan strength may be ten times that of Fairy Nangong?"


Everyone in the chat group couldn't help but exclaim.

Just as they said, this was also the first time they saw a cultivator break through a great realm.

Although they had been in contact with Ye Yan for quite a while,

99% of the time they were in the chat interface.

Even though they had seen Ye Yan use various lightning spells, when had they ever seen something that could cause the world to change color?

At this moment, everyone in the chat group was shocked.

Whether it was martial arts masters such as Li Xunhuan and Yue Buqun, or immortal cultivators such as Nangong Ping'er and Zhiqiu Yiye, they only realized how big the gap was between themselves and Ye Yan.

After all, even though they have now begun to step into the threshold of immortal cultivation, the ability to cause the world to change color still subverts their cognition.


Ye Yan didn't notice the movement outside at all. His consciousness was still in a state of ecstasy. His body instinctively operated the Daojing technique, madly devouring the thin spiritual energy of this world of wind and cloud.

Besides Ye Yan, the biggest beneficiary was also the Fire Kirin.

Although its bloodline was not purified at this time, as a large amount of spiritual mist entered its body, the Fire Kirin's cultivation was also increasing.

In just a short moment, it was promoted from the first level of Dan to the third level.

The flames were steaming all over the body, scorching and boundless, directly covering the space of two meters in radius.

The earth was charred, and the void was sonic booming.

Ye Yan was directly swallowed in it.

However, at this time, Ye Yan not only had a certain blood connection with the Fire Kirin, but also obtained the Kirin Fire Body, and his flame resistance increased dramatically.

So even if he was surrounded by the steaming flames around the Fire Kirin, he didn't need to run any defense to resist.

Compared with Ye Yan who was in a state of ecstasy and enlightenment at this time, the Fire Kirin could accurately sense the continuous improvement of his cultivation.

This made the Fire Kirin couldn't help but get excited.

Looking at Ye Yan who was sitting on his back, his eyes became different.

There was even a little more admiration and a little more sincere submission.

If it was said that before, Fire Kirin was forced to be controlled by Ye Yan because of the"Fuling Divine Circle".

But now Fire Kirin is now submitting to Ye Yan from the bottom of his heart.

Are you kidding!

Fire Kirin has lived for so many years, devoured so many spiritual objects and spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and his cultivation level has only reached the equivalent of the 5th level of Jindan of a cultivator.

Although Ye Yan's level is obviously much lower than his own. But not only is his strength powerful, but he can also directly condense all the spiritual power within a radius of ten thousand miles.

It also allows it to directly break through its cultivation level. How could it not be convinced by Ye Yan?

At this moment, even if Ye Yan took down the"Fuling Divine Circle", Fire Kirin would most likely continue to follow Ye Yan.


Fire Kirin recovered, roared, and continued to devour the spiritual mist condensed by Ye Yan. His cultivation level rose again.

6th level of Jindan、……8th floor、……

The aura continued to surge, and finally broke through to the peak of the Jindan stage. It stopped because of the restriction of bloodline.

But even so, the spiritual energy surrounding Ye Yan was still extremely rich.

After all, the Fire Kirin has become Ye Yan's beast pet now, and the two are one. The

Fire Kirin has improved his cultivation, and Ye Yan will also get feedback.

Ye Yan did not absorb much spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but he broke through to the Jindan stage through the feedback of the Fire Kirin.

And this spiritual energy condensed from a radius of ten thousand miles has only been consumed by half.

If Ye Yan regained consciousness and saw this scene at this time, he would definitely be very surprised.

After all, in his impression, the Fengyun world is not a martial arts world?

How can there be so much spiritual energy?

But you have to know that in fact, there are a lot of spiritual energy in every world.

Even if the spiritual energy in some low-level martial arts worlds is so thin that it is difficult to sense, as long as it accumulates, it is definitely a huge amount.

Otherwise, there would not be so many legends and deeds in each world that are beyond the scope of mortal understanding.

Just like the Eagle Brother who has lived for at least two hundred years in the Condor Heroes trilogy, and Zhang Sanfeng who has practiced Taoism for more than two hundred years.

If they had not been able to collect enough spiritual energy, how could they have lived for so many years?

You know, in the world of immortal cultivation, the peak of foundation building can only live for two hundred years at most.

Zhang Sanfeng should be at this level.

And to cultivate to this level, a lot of spiritual energy is needed.

It can be seen that even in the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, which is known to be a martial arts world with no spiritual power, once all the spiritual power is concentrated on one person, it is definitely not a small amount.

As for this world of Fengyun, it goes without saying. Not only are there mythical beasts such as the Fire Unicorn, the Dragon and Phoenix Tortoise, but also things like the Yellow Emperor's Dragon Bone Xuanyuan Sword. It is unreasonable to say that the spiritual energy is thinner than that of the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.


Buzz buzz buzz~

A series of buzzing sounds rang out from Ye Yan's body.

Ye Yan successfully broke through to the second level of the Jindan.

If Uncle Jiu saw this scene at this time, he would be shut up.

Are you kidding!

Uncle Jiu has been in seclusion for so long, from the original foundation building to the great perfection to now, he has not broken through to the Jindan realm.

But Ye Yan was originally in the Qi training realm, but he actually broke through to the Jindan realm ahead of time.

And he broke through to the second level of the Jindan in one fell swoop.

After Uncle Jiu knew about it, it would be strange if his Tao heart did not collapse directly.

But you have to know that this is still because Ye Yan's"Taoism Scripture" has no subsequent exercises.

Otherwise, according to the spiritual power that Ye Yan has swallowed at present, he can directly break through to the fifth level of the Jindan at most.

But Ye Yan did not waste the spiritual energy that he had absorbed with great difficulty.

All of it was forcibly stored in Ye Yan's body.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Ye Yan's doing this is tantamount to seeking death, and his body will definitely be blown up.

But just now, Ye Yan triggered the Taoism Scripture because of this.

【Ding, you accidentally swallowed a huge amount of spiritual power, but did not explode and die. Combined with the"Taoism Scripture" to comprehend the"Explosion Spirit Technique"》】

《"Explosion Spirit Technique": In a special way, the spiritual energy that cannot be absorbed is compressed and stored in the eight extraordinary meridians.

When encountering a strong enemy, the compressed spiritual energy is immediately detonated, and the power beyond one's own cultivation level is instantly burst out. Ps: The amount of spiritual energy that bursts out beyond one's own cultivation level is proportional to the amount of spiritual energy compressed and stored in the eight extraordinary meridians.

This made Ye Yan very happy.

I didn't expect that there was such an operation.

I got another secret technique for no reason.


This time, Ye Yan broke through his cultivation, and it took him a full half day.

The terrifying movement of devouring all the spiritual energy within a radius of ten thousand miles not only attracted the attention of Emperor Shi Tian,

but also directly attracted all the martial artists within a radius of ten thousand miles.

Many of the martial artists even saw the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth, and thought that some strange treasure had appeared, and rushed over like crazy to rob it.

But when they saw that it was actually a young man riding on the fire unicorn, his whole body was bathed in fire and he was not hurt at all.

All the martial artists were dumbfounded. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They all looked at Ye Yan with eyes alert to monsters.

Even many timid ones looked at Ye Yan from a distance and were directly scared to pee.

What the hell is this monster?

It can actually subdue the legendary fire unicorn?

Even Emperor Shi Tian, who had just rushed over from ten thousand miles away, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The smile on his face that was originally relaxed and comfortable, as if he had found something fun, had long disappeared as he gradually approached Ye Yan.

Are you kidding!

Fire Qilin, even Emperor Shitian couldn't subdue it.

The most he could do was to kill it.

But now, it was easily subdued by the young man Ye Yan.

Moreover, Ye Yan was not afraid of the raging fire all over the Fire Qilin.

It was as if the scorching flames on the Fire Qilin, falling on Ye Yan, were like a breeze on his face, and could not hurt Ye Yan at all.

Is a person really human with such ability?

Even he doesn't have such ability.

However, Emperor Shitian was shocked.

He couldn't be afraid of Ye Yan, a young boy.

Instead, he looked at Ye Yan with interest.

It was as if he was looking at a rare toy, and he couldn't wait to rush over and play with Ye Yan.

"Interesting, it seems that I have gained one more fun in my long life.."

"I just hope he doesn't have the same lifespan as an ordinary person."[]

"If there is only a hundred years, then if I don't meet such an interesting person after a hundred years, won't I be bored again?"

Emperor Shitian has lived for more than a thousand years, and his cultivation has been difficult to improve, and he has no goals.

So what is he most afraid of?

That's right, boredom.

That's why he keeps causing trouble for the world, playing tricks on the world, and especially likes to play tricks on powerful martial arts masters.

But no matter how powerful a martial arts master is, he is still a mortal, and a mere hundred years of life is not enough for him.

This is also his regret.

In addition, although the world is big, there are few martial arts masters that he can look up to.

This is also the reason why he feels bored.

And now seeing Ye Yan, the young man who can subdue the Fire Kirin, he is so excited.

Countless ideas have been flashing through his mind at this moment.

The idea of playing tricks on Ye Yan.

But what Emperor Shitian didn't expect was that Ye Yan was even more excited at this time.

Because Ye Yan had sensed his existence.

No matter how secretive Emperor Shitian is, Ye Yan is now in the stage of forming a pill, and his five senses have doubled.

Coupled with the"Breaking Delusion Treasure Pupil", he instantly Seeing Emperor Shitian hidden on a branch not far from the head of the Buddha.

Ye Yan's eyes lit up immediately, and he was so excited that he rode on the Fire Kirin, flew over the eaves and walls, stepped on the knees of the Buddha, and rushed towards the location of Emperor Shitian.

Are you kidding!

This is Emperor Shitian!

If you search his soul, you will definitely get the"Sacred Heart Sutra", a divine skill that defies the heavens.

As long as you integrate it into the"Tao Sutra", Ye Yan will definitely be able to obtain the subsequent levels of the Dan formation.

Moreover, there is still phoenix blood in Emperor Shitian's body. If you force it out and extract the essence to make an elixir, wouldn't it become the elixir of immortality that everyone in the world of cultivation is eager to get?

Even if Ye Yan doesn't need it, it is a good choice to sell it in the group mall, or let Nangong Ping'er go to the world of cultivation to exchange for various elixirs.

How could Ye Yan miss this opportunity?

It can be said that Emperor Shitian is a more rare and fragrant commodity in Ye Yan's eyes than Xiongba.

How could Ye Yan let him leave his sight?

But Ye Yan's move directly made Emperor Shitian look confused.

"what happened?"

"This guy seems to be coming towards me?"

"Did he find me?"


"He doesn't know me, so even if he saw me, he wouldn't come to find me."

"Besides, I have used secret methods to hide my body."

"It's strange that he can see it."

"Hmm! He must be coming here by chance."

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Emperor Shitian's mind.

In the end, it must be a coincidence.

He immediately stayed there with interest, ready to see what Ye Yan was doing here.

At the same time, he also wanted to get a close look at Ye Yan and Fire Kirin.

However, Emperor Shitian felt that something was getting more and more wrong. He immediately had a bad premonition and used the secret technique of movement to move to another tree along the direction of the wind.

But he found that Ye Yan's eyes were following him.

This shocked Emperor Shitian instantly.

"No! Could this kid really have seen me?"

"Go, must leave here,"

"Now is not the time to meet him."

"Otherwise, how can I tease him in the future?"

Although Emperor Shitian was confident that he could beat Ye Yan, in order not to be bored for a while, he still used his body skills and left in an instant.

However, the next moment

"Emperor Shitian, you old bastard, stop right there."

Ye Yan's roar instantly resounded through the forest.

Emperor Shitian was so frightened that he almost lost his balance and fell directly under the tree.

"What? You can actually see me?"

"Still recognize me?"

"Who are you?"

Emperor Shitian's face changed instantly, and he stood up and questioned Ye Yan in confusion.

Since he had been seen, Emperor Shitian naturally did not pretend.

But what he did not expect was

""Fire Qilin, kill him~" Ye Yan didn't waste any words, and immediately let the Fire Qilin spit out scorching flames and bombarded Emperor Shitian.

Are you kidding me!

This old bastard has already set his sights on me.

If I don't take advantage of his distraction now, will I still wait for the New Year? As for the fact that he can't beat Emperor Shitian, Ye Yan doesn't believe it.

Now that he has already formed a pill, plus he has the help of the peak Fire Qilin.

Even if Emperor Shitian is at the Nascent Soul stage, he is definitely capable of fighting.

Not to mention that Ye Yan is taking the initiative now, not being a martial artist, and taking action right away

"Asshole, how dare you attack me?"

"I think you are looking for death."

Emperor Shitian was instantly furious.

He didn't care about Ye Yan's origins, and immediately took action.

He was ready to suppress Ye Yan by force, and then use the soul-searching technique on Ye Yan.

Yes, Emperor Shitian is so awesome.

In the TV series, he can also make the second dream lose his memory and copy all the incomplete memory fragments into the second dream's mind.

So he is definitely good at soul-searching.


Emperor Shitian condensed extremely cold frost in his hands, and the dry ice palm blasted out fiercely.

Instantly exploded the fire unicorn fire.

However, before Emperor Shitian could get proud, he turned defense into offense and used his body skills to rush towards Ye Yan.��

Ye Yan actually turned into a shadow and came behind him. His right hand emitted a strange blue light and he grabbed his head fiercely.

This frightened Emperor Shitian.


What kind of witchcraft is this?

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