【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract a trace of Emperor Shitian's memory and obtain the incomplete"Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Disaster"》】

【Ding, you have successfully transformed the incomplete"Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Disaster" into the"Taoist Scriptures".》,

《"Breaking Delusion Treasure Pupil" Gain the ability to kill enemies with your gaze】

"Sure enough, it can"

"This Emperor Shitian is really a mobile treasure."

Ye Yan was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the"Shuangquan Hand" only needed to sneak attack Emperor Shitian and gain the same powerful skills as him.

"Asshole, what did you do to me?"

"I want you to die."

Emperor Shitian was instantly furious, and his eyes glared.

Two golden lights carrying terrifying destructive power blasted towards Ye Yan.

"《The Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Disaster》?"

"I can do it too."

Ye Yan raised his lips slightly, and gathered all his spiritual power to focus his eyes.

Two golden divine lights also broke through the air and faced the golden light of Emperor Shi Tian.

Boom boom~

The golden lights exploded, and the shock wave directly knocked Ye Yan back ten feet away. Although Ye Yan was at a disadvantage, he directly frightened Emperor Shi Tian.

"What? How did you get"The Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Disaster"?》???"

"I haven't taught anyone the Sacred Heart Sutra yet."

Emperor Shitian was almost driven crazy by Ye Yan at this time.

After all, a person who had been lonely for so many years originally thought he had found someone to talk to.

But now, this person not only did not accompany him to relieve his boredom, but instead gave him so many questions that made him curious.

"Is this even necessary?"

"Of course I just learned"

"I still want to learn some more, Emperor Shitian, please give me all your martial arts skills."

"《Wind God Phantom Step》~"

Ye Yan was extremely excited at this time. He took a step forward, running like the wind, and his phantom was invisible. He rushed towards Emperor Shi Tian in an instant.

"Damn it, since you are looking for death, don't blame me."

Emperor Shitian was completely furious.

In all these years, when had he ever been teased like this?

Although Ye Yan was extremely fast, he could still easily see through Ye Yan's movements.

Emperor Tian's Crazy Thunder, Snow Blood Claw, Dry Ice Palm, and all kinds of martial arts were madly smashed at Ye Yan.

But Ye Yan was not afraid at all. He ordered the Fire Kirin to perform various fire attacks to disrupt Emperor Shitian from a distance.

At the same time, he released the"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder" and"Demon Chasing Thunder and Fire Order", and various long-range attacks kept smashing.

At the same time, he relied on the newly learned"Wind God Phantom Step" to continuously move in the void to avoid Emperor Shitian's attacks. Strike.

He rushed to Emperor Shitian in an instant and performed the"Immobilization Spell".

Emperor Shitian's body froze instantly.

But what surprised Ye Yan was that Emperor Shitian was only frozen for one second, and then used his own powerful force to blast away the immobilization spell.

Ye Yan's use of"Double Hand" unexpectedly ended in failure.

But even so, Emperor Shitian was extremely shocked.

Although Ye Yan's strength was not as good as his, his methods were endless and extremely strange.

In addition to thunder, lightning and fire, he also knew the mysterious method of freezing other people's bodies in the air.

And the soul-searching method was even more advanced than his own.

A little Without paying attention, he fell into Ye Yan's trap.

This made Emperor Shitian secretly shocked. Facing Ye Yan, this"monster", he actually felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

That's right, Emperor Shitian had already seen it.

Ye Yan had just learned his"Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Tribulation". It was obvious that the strange transparent tentacles that had just touched him had copied his secret technique.

Although this statement would definitely be sneered at by others.

But who is Emperor Shitian?

He also knows similar secret techniques, so he can naturally guess what Ye Yan's methods are.

In addition, Ye Yan actually knows so much about him.

This Emperor Shitian once again felt the crisis and fear.

Ye Yan must not be kept, otherwise he will definitely be like Wu Wudi in the future.

No, he should be even more powerful than Wu Wudi.

But in Emperor Shitian's opinion, it is not too late to discover Ye Yan's extraordinary ability.

Although he is not a cultivator and cannot see Ye Yan's cultivation level.

But he can sense that Ye Yan's level is definitely weaker than his own.

Now as long as he goes all out, he can definitely kill Ye Yan.

At that time, he can also obtain all the secrets from his memory, as well as his many strange methods.

Thinking of this, Emperor Shitian felt a little excited.


Chat group.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Green Man King, who is this Emperor Shitian?"

"How could it be so powerful?"

"He was able to fight back and forth with Boss Ye"

"Is this really someone that should exist in your high-level martial arts world? ?"

Li Xun Huan:"Oh my god! The eyes can actually emit beams of light to attack?"

"It even repelled Boss Ye, so scary"

"If I met him, I would definitely not be able to withstand three moves from him."

Green Man King:"I am also confused!"

"I also want to know, is this really someone from our martial arts world?"

"Too outrageous"

"How could he fight with Master Ye like this?"

Nangong Ping'er:"Although this person has no spiritual power fluctuations, his strength is at least in the early stage of the Nascent Soul."

"Even in my prime, I didn't dare to match him."

Mu Nianci:"What? The early stage of the Nascent Soul? ? Isn't Brother Ye Yan very dangerous?"

"Sister Nangong, what should we do now? We can't let Brother Ye Yan be in danger!"

"That's right, if we really don't want to go, we all sell everything that can be sold to the Group Mall in exchange for points."

"Traveling back in time to help Brother Ye Yan."

Nangong Ping'er:"You don't have to be nervous. Since Ye Yan knows him so well,"

"He said his name right away and knew his moves."

"Ye Yan is absolutely sure to defeat him"

"Even if it doesn't work, Ye Yan can still travel back."

Although Nangong Ping'er said this, it was impossible for her to say that she was not worried about Ye Yan.

Are you kidding!

This is a Nascent Soul level existence.

If she had foreseen it, even if she was one of the best cultivators in the Jindan stage, she would definitely run away.

But she also believed that Ye Yan was so powerful that he would never be killed by Emperor Shitian so easily. When the others heard Nangong Ping'er's words, they were also slightly relieved.

But the next moment, the means used by Emperor Shitian shocked them even more.

"《Phantom of the Heavenly Palace》~"

Emperor Shitian shouted loudly, and the Qi in his body condensed, instantly turning into a giant ice sculpture mask, and then he opened his mouth and swallowed Ye Yan and Huo Qilin into it.

Ye Yan and Huo Qilin instantly felt their eyes go dark, and they entered a void space.

There was no light, no sound, no heaven and earth, just nothingness.

If it weren't for the flames on Huo Qilin's body, they wouldn't be able to see where they were.

""Kill, kill, kill~"

At this moment, the teasing voice of Emperor Shitian came from all directions.

Ye Yan and Fire Kirin looked closely and found that there were tens of thousands of teasing faces of Emperor Shitian appearing in all directions of heaven and earth, surrounding Ye Yan and Fire Kirin.

It was very strange.

Although the shouting and killing were not loud.

But tens of thousands of voices added together, constantly approaching, which made Fire Kirin anxious. He immediately opened his mouth and spit fire at the faces of Emperor Shitian in all directions.

But the strange thing is that the tens of thousands of faces of Emperor Shitian were not afraid of the flame attack that could melt gold and turn jade.

Instead, they opened their mouths and spit out thousands of Kirin fires, turning into a sea of fire to swallow Ye Yan and Fire Kirin.

Roar, roar, roar~

Fire Kirin wailed instantly.

It didn't expect that one day it would be burned by its own"Qilin Beast Fire".

Even Ye Yan had a painful look on his face, as if he was really burned by a sea of fire.

"Don't struggle, boy."

"Here, I am God, no one can escape"

"You and your Fire Kirin must die today."

Emperor Shitian's voice sounded again.

However, Ye Yan was not afraid at all, because he was using the"Nine Absolutes Returning to the Origin" and"Yin Yang Thunder Body Refining Technique" he had just learned, and the burning pain was still coming from his body.

He immediately thought of the name of the move that Emperor Shitian had just called out.

《Phantom of the Heavenly Palace》~


"No wonder, in this mere martial arts world, how could I possibly have space magic?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After Ye Yan understood this, he used the powerful mental strength of the Jindan stage to stabilize his mind.

Sure enough, the next moment, the burning pain all over his body disappeared.

The sea of fire of"Qilin Beast Fire" in front of him, which could have scared people to death and prevent them from retreating, was no different from the 3D projection he had seen in his previous life in Ye Yan's eyes.

His mind immediately moved, and he passed this feeling to the Fire Qilin.

The Fire Qilin also instantly felt no more pain, and looked at Ye Yan with an anthropomorphic surprise on his face.

"What? You actually still have such a strong willpower?"

When Emperor Shitian saw this, he was shocked for a moment.

He couldn't help but exclaimed.

But Emperor Shitian quickly calmed down.

He snorted coldly:"Humph! I am more and more interested in you"

"But even if you know���So what if it’s an illusion?"

"With your (cfbi) skills, you can't break my illusion at all"

"And now I can have someone destroy your body, and you will surely die."

Emperor Shitian was not lying.

You know, although he is from the world of high martial arts, he can even perform the secret art of projecting a human face into the sky at the level of Yuanying.

His strength has long been comparable to that of the Yuanying realm in the world of immortal cultivation.

So even if he didn't know that Ye Yan was an immortal cultivator, and didn't know Ye Yan's cultivation level, it didn't prevent him from having the strength to kill Ye Yan.

Ye Yan naturally knew this, and he didn't hesitate any more, and immediately performed the"Explosion Spirit Technique" he had just learned.


All the spiritual power that was compressed and stored in the eight extraordinary meridians exploded instantly.

Ye Yan's cultivation instantly reached the peak of the Jindan realm, and his strength increased dramatically. An aura that was not weaker than the peak of the Jindan realm burst out.

It was like a tsunami, directly shocking Emperor Shitian, who was about to kill Ye Yan in the real world, hundreds of feet away.


Emperor Shitian had to divide his mind to control the"Heavenly Palace Phantom" to deal with Ye Yan's spirit.

Now he was shocked by Ye Yan's sudden and terrifying spiritual power, and was instantly counterattacked.

He spit out a mouthful of blood with two drops of crystal blood, and was directly injured.


Chat group.

婠婠:"Great, did you see it?"

"Brother Ye Yan is fine."

"Just now I seemed to see a huge ghost face swallowing Brother Ye Yan, and Brother Ye Yan didn't move, which scared me to death."

Nangong Ping'er:"That should be some kind of illusion, but now it's good, Ye Yan should have broken his illusion"

"He was careless for a moment and suffered a backlash.

Li Mochou:"Really? That's great."

"Just now Emperor Shitian came to kill Brother Ye Yan, I almost cried"

"But now it's good. Brother Ye Yan broke his illusion and let him backfire. Brother Ye Yan can definitely defeat him."

Zhao Linger:"I hope Brother Ye Yan kills this bad guy."

Li Xunhuan:"Let's look forward to it together +1"


Everyone in the chat group had just been worried about Ye Yan.

Now that they saw that Ye Yan was fine, they were all excited.

But Emperor Shitian was not well.

"How is this possible?"

"You were hit by my"Heavenly Phantom", and you can still control your own body?"

"How did you do that?"

Emperor Shitian was horrified, his face full of disbelief.

But the next moment, something even more terrifying happened.


Ye Yan and Fire Kirin broke free from the illusion.

Fire Kirin howled to the sky, extremely angry, and rushed directly towards Emperor Shitian.


Emperor Shitian's face changed drastically, and he immediately suppressed the restless true energy in his body, condensed a golden big palm, and directly knocked the mountain-like body of Fire Qilin away.

Ye Yan's face turned cold in an instant,"Yin Yang Extreme Thunder"》、《Demon-chasing Thunder and Fire Order》、《Qilin Beast Fire》 used various methods to bombard continuously.

Although Emperor Shitian was careless just now and was seriously injured by the backlash, he was still able to take Ye Yan's attacks.

However, at this time, Emperor Shitian was about to retreat.

Facing Ye Yan, who could continuously launch various���He was a person who used strange means and sharp attacks.

He felt more and more the fear that he had been dominated by Wu Wudi.

His fighting spirit was greatly reduced, and he just wanted to run away.

Ye Yan would naturally not let him do what he wanted, although the spiritual power in Ye Yan's body had begun to decline.

But if such a good gift package is let go, I don't know when I will meet it again.

Huo Qilin jumped up from the ground, and he was also full of murderous intent, wanting to cut Emperor Shitian into pieces.

Even the chat crowd expected Ye Yan to kill Emperor Shitian.

Except Nangong Ping'er.

Because Nangong Ping'er could see that although Ye Yan's strength had increased dramatically now.

But it was absolutely impossible to kill Emperor Shitian, who was at the level of Yuanying.

He might even be killed by him in the end.

The best result now was to let him leave.

And the fact was indeed so.

You know, who is Emperor Shitian? ?

This is an existence that can be resurrected infinitely.

Not only does he have phoenix blood, he is immortal, but he also has the"Sacred Heart Sutra" which can quickly recover from injuries and even bring the dead back to life.

Unless Ye Yan now has the ability to suppress him forcefully and force all the Phoenix Blood out of his body, he will not be able to kill Emperor Shitian at all.

【Ding, friendly reminder, Ye Yan's time travel is about to end】

【After the countdown ends, Ye Yan will return to the original world, the timeline is uncertain】

【10, 9, 8, 7……】

"What? How did one day pass by?"

Ye Yan was instantly numb.

He didn't expect that at this critical moment, such a result would appear.

Seeing that Emperor Shitian had already used the"Immortal Step" to leave in an instant while he was stunned, Ye Yan secretly said it was a pity.

But soon he thought of whether he could take the Fire Kirin back, and he was shocked.

After all, Ye Yan didn't have a spirit beast bag that could hold spirit beasts.

Who knows if the chat group will regard the Fire Kirin as a creature of this world? If he wants to go back, he must communicate with the chat group and use the group points to travel through.

However, Ye Yan still tried his best to catch the Fire Kirin before the countdown ended.

At the same time, thinking of the two drops of special luster in the blood that Emperor Shitian had spit out just now, he immediately became excited and took it away directly

【Ding, you get 2 drops of Immortal Phoenix Blood. 】

Ye Yan was delighted.

His work was not in vain.

I just wonder if Emperor Shitian will be so angry that he will vomit two liters of blood when he returns and finds that a drop of Immortal Phoenix Blood was beaten out of his body.

You know, Emperor Shitian does not have much Immortal Phoenix Blood in his body, only a few drops at most.

Now that Ye Yan has directly beaten out 2 drops, he will definitely want to die.

This time he came out, he definitely lost both his wife and his army.

But Ye Yan was different, not only did he get"The Four Wonders of the Sacred Heart - Shocking Tribulation", he also got the blood of the phoenix, even if he did not kill Emperor Shitian, it was still a huge profit.


Just at this moment, Ye Yan's body was wrapped by a mysterious force, and his eyes went dark and bright.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself back in the zombie world, on the streets of Renjiazu Town.

The moon was as cool as water.

The streets of Renjiazu Town were deserted.

Ye Yan was immediately shocked, worried about whether the Fire Kirin had returned.

Fortunately, he soon sensed a burst of scorching heat coming from behind him.

Looking closely, what else could it be but the mighty and domineering Fire Kirin?

He was immediately overjoyed.

However, this scared the night watchman who had just heard the noise and came over curiously.

"Oh my god! Kirin!" The poor guy was so scared when he saw the fire Kirin's big eyes like lanterns and bloody mouth that he ran away immediately.

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