"What? Kirin?"

"How could there be a Qilin in this world?"

"It's over. I haven't killed this White Lotus Demon Cultivator yet, but a fierce Qilin has come."

"Is it really God's will that destroys our Maoshan?"

When Taoist Simu saw the sudden appearance of the Fire Kirin, he was instantly frightened.

Although the Kirin is also a lucky beast in the legend of this world.

But the Fire Kirin in front of him had angry eyes and fangs, a bloody mouth, and murderous intent.

How could it look like a lucky beast?

In the eyes of Taoist Simu, even if this Fire Kirin wanted to deal with Zhong Hei now, it would definitely deal with them later.

Even the entire Renjia Town would be destroyed by this Fire Kirin.

And Taoist Simu was wrapped in banana leaves and unable to move. Even now, he was not sure to deal with this Fire Kirin in his prime.

He immediately felt desperate.

Wencai Qiu Sheng was even more frightened by the sudden appearance of the giant beast, and he sat down on the ground.

The Fire Kirin was so huge that it could eat their upper bodies directly with just one bite.

"Why would such a terrifying beast appear in Renjia Town?"

"This is impossible."

Zhong Hei was the most desperate at this moment.

After all, at this moment, the Fire Kirin had already broken through his"Banana Absolute Yang Formation" and appeared behind him.

The scorching heat wave hit, and even though it was ten meters away, Zhong Hei felt as if his body would be ignited in the next moment.

Suddenly, a life-and-death crisis that made him feel suffocated came.

Zhong Hei was so scared that he hurriedly urged the"Banana Absolute Yang Formation" to gather all the gushing Yin Qi within a radius of five miles.

It turned into a huge wave of cold Yin Qi and attacked the Fire Kirin.

The Yin Qi was cold, like the polar cold wind, cold and piercing.

Wherever it passed, the sky and the earth were frozen, whether it was grass, trees, rocks or air, they were directly frozen into ice.

Even the scorching flames on the Fire Kirin were blown a little weaker by this extremely cold Yin Qi. The scorching high temperature breath disappeared, and Zhong Hei just felt relieved, and immediately he became a little complacent.

"Eh! It seems that this legendary beast is not that scary!"

"The peak state of Jindan is just restrained by my"Banana Absolute Yang Formation""

"Now that I have the blessing of the"Banana Absolute Yang Array", maybe I can capture it and take it as my new demon pet?"

"God-given opportunity!"

Zhong Hei's eyes lit up instantly, and he actually felt a little excited. He immediately ignored Ye Yan and prepared to deal with the Fire Kirin with all his strength.

However, the next moment

"Fire Kirin! No need to hold back, just let him breathe."

Although Ye Yan himself has the ability to break this"Banana Absolute Yang Formation", it would take some effort.

Now that the Fire Kirin has arrived, he will naturally not waste so much effort.

Letting the Fire Kirin take action directly is the easiest choice.


The Fire Kirin was ready to let go, and immediately roared.

The flames around his body steamed, turning into a sea of fire, sweeping across a hundred feet of land.

Instantly, the extremely cold wind of the"Banana Absolute Yang Formation" was directly swept away

《The Banana Absolute Yang Formation was directly broken.

Such a terrifying power directly frightened Zhong Hei.

"What? A formation that could trap a person at the peak of the Jindan stage could be broken just by saying it?"

"How can this be?"

"Wait, what did you just say? You were ordering the Fire Kirin?"

""Is this Fire Kirin your mount?"

Zhong Hei's face was instantly filled with horror.

Yes, if this Fire Kirin had nothing to do with the people at the scene, it would not have appeared so coincidentally.

And it attacked him right away.

But if that was the case, Zhong Hei would be even more surprised.

Who exactly is Ye Yan? He was just a cultivator at the second level of Jindan, but he could actually subdue a beast like the Fire Kirin.

And this beast was at the peak of Jindan. Even his"Banana Absolute Yang Formation" could break it easily.

What method did Ye Yan use to subdue the Fire Kirin?

He didn't understand!


The Fire Kirin didn't give Zhong Hei any chance to react at all. It immediately opened its mouth to condense the scorching"Kirin Beast Fire", condensing a Kirin phantom flame, and blasted towards Zhong Hei.


Zhong Hei's face was instantly filled with horror, and an unprecedented life-and-death crisis hit him.

Even though he spat out a mouthful of blood and used all his strength to activate the"Banana Absolute Yang Formation" to condense an extremely cold Yin Feng Divine Spear to fight back, he was directly blasted away by the"Qilin Beast Fire".


《Although the power of the Kirin Beast Fire was greatly reduced, it was still extremely hot and carried a terrifying destructive force. He was directly frightened to the point of breaking out in cold sweats and even dying.


《The Qilin Beast Fire exploded, and Zhong Hei's body below the neck was completely burned to ashes, leaving no bones.

Only a head with a red lama hat was left, falling from mid-air, looking very strange.

Ye Yan immediately rushed to the head while he was not completely dead, and with his right hand surrounded by blue light, he grabbed the top of the head fiercely.

Direct soul search

【Ding, you use the"Shuangquan Hand" to extract Zhong Hei's memory and obtain the yellow-level middle-grade skills.——《Black Sect Vajra Qi Training Sutra》】


【Ding, you..., get the"Basic Encyclopedia of Arrays"》】

【Ding, you..., obtained a mid-level Xuan-level formation——《Banana Absolute Yang Array》】

【Ding, ding, ding……】


【Ding, you have successfully mastered the middle-grade yellow-level technique.——《The Black Sect Vajra Qi Training Sutra was transformed into the Dao Sutra, and the third level of the Dan Formation Technique was derived. Progress 10%】、


【Ding, you gain experience from Zhong Hei's arrangement of the"Banana Absolute Sun Formation", and your formation attainment is upgraded to the second-level intermediate grade.】

【Ding, through the"Taoism Scripture" to trigger the"analogy" effect, the array talisman attainment is raised to the peak of level 3】

"Huh? I didn't expect soul searching to have such an effect?"

"Not only did it directly improve my attainments in formations,"

"It also helped me improve my attainments in formations and talismans!"

"Great, in this case, I just need to get some more"cultivation points" to raise my array talisman attainment to the 4th level, and I can really���"I will make a Yuanying-level"Complete Collection of Plant Array Talismans" and refine a Yuanying-level array talisman for Nangong Ping'er."

Ye Yan was delighted.

So far, the reason why he could only refine a Jindan-level array talisman was because he did not have enough"cultivation points" and his array talisman attainment was barely up to the 3rd-level middle-grade.

He could only refine an array talisman at the middle-stage of Jindan.

This was the result of Ye Yan throwing a lot of pills into the chat group in the recent period and getting"cultivation points" in return.

After all, the attainment of array talismans at the Jindan level requires 150-600"cultivation points" to advance to a higher grade.

And to upgrade to the 4th-grade attainment of array talismans, 1500"cultivation points" are required.

In other words, Ye Yan originally needed at least 2550"cultivation points" to advance to the 4th-grade attainment of array talismans.

But now, just by searching Zhong Hei, a soul who knows array formations, he directly saved 1050"cultivation points". How could Ye Yan not be happy?

"By the way, according to this logic, if you encounter those monks who can make pills and talismans, you must search their memories thoroughly."

"I can definitely get all their sideline achievements."

"Save a lot of money on"Cultivation Points"》"

Ye Yan seemed to have found a treasure at this moment, and he was in such a joyful mood.

Seeing that Zhong Hei's head was still showing a trace of pain, he immediately sent a"Qilin Beast Fire" around, burning his head directly to ashes, leaving no residue.

Then Ye Yan saw the Fire Qilin coming over with a proud expression of wanting credit, and casually threw a"First Turn Golden Marrow Pill" into its mouth.

Although this"First Turn Golden Marrow Pill" is not of much help to its cultivation.

But this kind of top-grade spiritual medicine contains rich plant spiritual energy, which is also the favorite of the Fire Qilin.

The Fire Qilin immediately showed a flattering expression, wishing to play around Ye Yan for a few laps.

However, Ye Yan was not in the mood to"amuse the dog" now, so he let it run back to the mountains to play.

This scene directly shocked Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiu Sheng.

The three of them widened their eyes and looked at this scene with disbelief.

They thought it was a hallucination before death.

"Wencai, slap me, quickly!"

"Am I really not dreaming?"

"I actually saw Boss Ye not only taming the Fire Qilin, but also training it like a dog?"

"How can this be?"

"What? Qiu Sheng, did you see it too?"

"Aren't we dreaming?"

"Or are we still in the banana spirit's illusion?"

"Yes, it must be so."

Wencai Qiu Sheng felt that his worldview had been overturned at this time. He would rather think that he was in an illusion than believe that what he saw was real.

Even Taoist Simu was the same.

He thought that from the moment the Fire Kirin appeared, they were all in the illusion of the banana spirit and could not extricate themselves.

After all, this scene was too exaggerated. It was not until Ye Yan used the"Qilin Beast Fire" to burn the banana leaves that wrapped Taoist Simu's body layer by layer into ashes that

Taoist Simu reacted.

These were actually true.

Ye Yan really captured a legendary Fire Kirin and tamed it as a mount.

And what's even more exaggerated is that Ye Yan has actually suddenly Breaking through the second level of the Jindan? ?

? How long has it been?

In less than half a year, he has directly advanced from no cultivation to the second level of the Jindan.

What kind of a monster is this!

At this moment, Taoist Simu had the urge to beat up Uncle Jiu.


Such a monster genius, you didn't accept him before? (To read exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Now even I feel sorry for Maoshan.

However, Taoist Simu quickly regained his sanity. For the time being, Uncle Jiu, who was in seclusion, could not be told that Ye Yan had broken through the Jindan.

Otherwise, he would suspect that Uncle Jiu was not just possessed, but would directly regret it to death.


In the next half month,

Ye Yan spent the day with pregnant Ren Susu to bask in the sun, and read books and did prenatal education to amuse his daughter.

At night, he frantically refined the"Skin Regeneration and Yuan Rejuvenation Pill" and competed with Ren Qingqing and Annie.

Every time, the two women begged for mercy before he had to end the game in disappointment.

He used all his remaining energy to refine the"First-Turn Golden Marrow Pill" to earn"Practice Points" and improve his alchemy attainments.

Now Ye Yan is about to be promoted to a second-level alchemist.

At the same time, he has accumulated 999"Practice Points", and will soon be able to upgrade his array master to the fourth level.

By then, as long as he can refine an array talisman of the Nascent Soul level, not only will he have more trump cards in the future, but he can also solve the danger of the demon sect's invasion of Nangong Ping'er's world.

As for the other people in the chat group[]

Except Gao Yao who seemed unable to accept the fact that he would not only become a eunuch in the future, but also be betrayed by Yi Xiaochuan.

He has been lurking.

Under the nourishment of Ye Yan's"First Turn Golden Marrow Pill" during this period, the levels of the others have been improved by at least three or four small realms.

This made all the group members extremely excited.

Finally, they got a lot of martial arts secrets for Ye Yan. He directly deduced Ye Yan's"Taoism Scripture" to the third level of Danjie.

The only thing that made the female group members unsatisfied was that Ye Yan had been collecting group points recently to exchange for rare treasures for advanced divine bodies from the"Zhutian Mall".

In addition, there is a cooling time for this crossing, and Ye Yan is worried that after crossing back, Mu Nianci and others will be in danger and no one will save them.

So even though he can already enter the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes to meet Mu Nianci, Huang Rong, and the world of Kankan and others.

Ye Yan has no plans to go there for the time being.


It was a sunny and windy morning.

The mountains behind the neighboring village of Renjia Town were beautiful with clear water and green grass.

It was a good place to enjoy the mountains and rivers.

But when Taoist Simu came to the mountain, he always felt something was wrong, so he asked Ye Yan next to him.

"Master Ye, do you notice anything unusual here?"

"This time the village chief asked me to come and look at the Feng Shui, but I am really ashamed."

"A group of people just walked by and I always felt something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it."

It turned out that this morning, Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiusheng came to visit.

They said that something strange had happened in this village and all the people and animals were in a state of unrest.

Taoist Simu was worried that he might encounter some difficult monsters if he continued to investigate, so he asked Ye Yan to go over.

Ye Yan felt familiar when he heard it, and suddenly remembered that this plot was the sequel to"One Eyebrow Taoist".

There were Western zombies in this village, and a group of vampire bats.

Naturally, he was happy to follow.

However, before Ye Yan could speak,

Wencai Qiusheng on the side interrupted and said:

"Uncle Simu, this is a famous Feng Shui site, how could there be anything wrong with it?"

"You shouldn't be overthinking it!"

"Yes, yes! Master often told us that this village is famous for its good feng shui."

"With a large and prosperous family, how could there be anything wrong with it?"

"Your master is right, the Feng Shui of this village is indeed very good."

Ye Yan heard this and just sneered at the two jokers.

Feng Shui was good before, can it always be good?

If there is really no problem, the village chief must be bored to death, so he asked Taoist Simu to come and check the Feng Shui again.

Taoist Simu naturally knew this, and immediately glared at Wencai Qiu Sheng.

The two knew that they had said the wrong thing, and quickly shut up.

"Taoist Simu, the feng shui of this mountain is indeed good. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides. On the left is the Golden Plate Offering Auspiciousness, on the right is the Water Unloading Hall, in front is the Hua Ting He Yu, and behind is the Jingshan Jade Temple."

"This village should be prosperous in both population and wealth."

"Moreover, the mountain is now full of wind, the airflow is unobstructed, and there is no problem with the wind."

"The problem must be with the water source"

"If I'm not mistaken, the dragon ball should have been broken"

"You and Wencai Qiusheng should go and inform the village chief now, and ask the villagers to stop using the water in this area and dig a new well."

"I'll go find the source of the damage to the water source in this area."

Ye Yan has already obtained Uncle Jiu's"Maoshan Feng Shui Secrets", although he didn't learn much.

But he still has a basic understanding of Feng Shui.

In addition, he has read the original book, and with the two confirming each other, he naturally knows what's going on.

Now Ye Yan just wants to find the Western zombie and see if he can get something out of him to study.

Maybe it will be like the previous Nintendo and the priest zombie, making"Nine Absolutes Return to Yuanqi" a step further.

"I see. That’s why I didn’t see any problem on the surface."

"Okay, Master Ye, I will go and inform the village chief right away."

After saying that, Taoist Simu and Wencai Qiu Sheng went to find the village chief together.

Ye Yan opened the"Piercing Delusion Treasure Pupil" and saw a trace of undetectable evil spirit coming slowly from a hidden place in the mountain.

However, Ye Yan had walked less than ten meters when he suddenly heard a very artificial young woman's voice.

"Ouch! Cousin, please walk slower!"

"I'm so tired!"

"People still want to drink water"

"Go down and find some water for them!"

Ye Yan looked carefully and saw Captain Awei and his pretentious cousin, Aju.

She was not good-looking and a little fat, but she was dressed in Barbie pink and wore high heels when she went out for a mountain run.

While walking, she was pinching a silk scarf with her orchid fingers to wipe her sweat. She looked as pretentious as possible.

Only Captain Awei would lick such a woman.

Ye Yan was too lazy to pay attention to the two of them and was about to leave as if he didn't see them.

But the moment Aju saw Ye Yan, her eyes lit up and she showed a crazy expression.

Seeing that Captain Awei had already walked back to find water, she immediately threw herself on Ye Yan with a delicate look.

Ye Yan felt nauseous instantly and avoided Aju directly, causing her to fall flat on her face.

Aju was immediately angry and embarrassed.

"Indecent assault! Master Ye, how could you do this to me."

Ye Yan was dumbfounded. This woman must be mentally ill!

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