""It's indecent! Master Ye is peeping at my beauty and molesting me!"

Aju immediately tore off her clothes, her slightly fat face full of satisfaction and viciousness.

If Ye Yan hadn't been fast, she would definitely have held on to Ye Yan's feet.

Soon, Aju's movements attracted everyone's attention, and she ran towards Ye Yan.

"Hehe! Master Ye, you asked for this."

"She's attracted to you and wants to throw herself on you, but you don't appreciate it."

"You and I are alone in this desolate mountain. If I shout"molest", your reputation will be ruined from now on."

"I wonder how I'm going to explain this to your wife when I get home, and how I'm going to marry a decent girl as a concubine in the future."

"But if you beg me, I will still give you a chance to make a big deal out of a small one."

Aju saw many people coming over, and she was very confident.

She was definitely framed today.

You know, Aju is the daughter of the richest man in the village, and she is willful and capricious. She has always adhered to the mentality of destroying what she can't get.

She is also extremely dissolute, and I don't know how many men she has been with.

Otherwise, she, a rich lady, would not have been with Captain Awei countless times before she got married.

Originally, when she saw Ye Yan today, she wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Ye Yan and kick Captain Awei away directly.

But she didn't expect that in the face of her throwing herself into his arms, Ye Yan not only turned a blind eye, but also showed a disgusting expression.

How could Aju bear it? ?

She was ready to frame Ye Yan immediately. After all, she was a woman and belonged to a vulnerable group.

Everyone would believe her.

Of course, if she waited until everyone came over and changed her words to say that it was a joke, then Ye Yan's reputation would be saved.

But this required Ye Yan to lick her to her satisfaction.

It could be said that in Aju's opinion, she had already got Ye Yan in her hands.

Thinking of this, Aju couldn't help but look at Ye Yan with a smug look on her face.

But what Aju didn't expect was that Ye Yan's panicked expression of begging for mercy did not appear.

Instead, Ye Yan actually looked at her as if she was an idiot.

Aju exploded instantly.

She secretly swore in her heart that she would definitely bring Ye Yan down.

""Master Ye, Miss Aju, what happened?"

Soon, Taoist Simu and the village chief came over.

Seeing Aju lying on the ground with messy clothes, her hands covering her chest, and a look of panic on her face, they were dumbfounded.

Was she molested or raped?

They suddenly remembered that it seemed that it was Aju who was shouting that Ye Yan was rude to her.

Everyone looked at Ye Yan.

But soon, everyone thought it was impossible.

Are you kidding!

Ye Yan is not only handsome, but also has three young ladies from the Ren family in his family.

Each of them is as beautiful as a fairy. How could he have any thoughts about a woman like Aju?

At the same time, everyone suddenly thought of Aju's usual notorious reputation, and they all looked at Aju with weird eyes.

It seemed that they were all saying, Miss Aju, do you think we are stupid?

Aju saw the eyes of the crowd and felt insulted instantly.

But before she could speak

"Hahahaha! Ms. Aju, your acting is really good!"

"If the person you slandered was not Master Ye, I might have believed it.

Wencai was the first one who couldn't help laughing.

"That's right! Hahaha! With your appearance, even so many people here don't like you. How could Young Master Ye like you?"

"Stop being funny."

"Also, I was on top just now, and I clearly saw you tearing your own clothes."

Qiu Sheng immediately assisted.

Others felt the same way.

After all, compared with Ye Yan's three wives, Aju was just a piece of shit.

However, many villagers at the scene were afraid of Aju, the eldest lady, and no one dared to laugh out loud.

Aju immediately became angry and said,"What? You two bastards actually slandered me like this!""

"Village chief, you have to make the decision for Aju!"

"And you, these outsiders are here to bully me, why are you just standing there like idiots?"

"Call me"

"Cousin, you came just in time."

"You are the captain of the security team, arrest them for me immediately."

When Aju said this, all the villagers looked at each other.

They knew they dared not offend Aju, but Ye Yan was not an ordinary person, so they did not dare to offend him either.

Captain Awei just came up with a kettle, and was stunned when he heard this. Are you kidding!

Who is Ye Yan? He is the richest man in Renjia Town, and your father is just the richest man in a larger village. You want me to arrest him?

Moreover, are you sure Ye Yan will really be rude to you?

Anyway, I don't believe it.

"Okay, Aju, if you continue to act like this, I will tell your father about this."

""I, the village chief, will decide whether to put you in solitary confinement or not."

The middle-aged man, dressed in silk and satin, with a wealthy face and playing with a jade ring in his left hand, shouted angrily.

"Humph! Just wait and see"

"Ye Yan, I will never let you go."

Aju didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time, and she yelled at Ye Yan.

But Ye Yan was too lazy to pay attention to her.

He didn't even think about taking action against her.

What a joke!

In the original book, this Aju would be bitten to death by a Western zombie.

There was no need for him to bother with a dead person.

After the incident

, a security guard came running over.

"Oh no, village chief, we really found some dirt in the water"

"There are hundreds of bats soaking in the water."

Master Simu and the village chief were shocked. They looked at Ye Yan and asked him to go over and take a look.

Sure enough, hundreds of black bats with miserable dead bodies were hanging on a dead tree that fell into the water.

Rotting corpses were dripping with water. A foul odor came. Everyone's face was full of disgust and disgust.

"Ugh... No wonder the people in the village have problems"

"Drinking this dead bat water every day, it would be strange if you don't get sick."

The village chief and the villagers thought of drinking this water every day, and instantly felt their stomachs churning.


Suddenly, in the dark woods in the distance, a few bats screamed.

As if they were angry because the corpses of their own kind were pulled out.

Taoist Simu and the village chief's group's faces changed instantly.

"Oh no, Master Ye, there are still living bats here. There must be a bat nest here."

"If we can't get rid of this bat nest, there will never be peace in this village."

"That's right, Master Ye, why don't we all split up and look for it. We must find the whereabouts of the bat nest today and burn it all down."

Taoist Simu and the village chief both expressed their opinions.

Ye Yan nodded.

In fact, he had known for a long time that the bat nest was in the church.

But now he didn't know where the church was.

But soon, Ye Yan heard a noisy sound not far away.

There were also a few pleasant girls' exclamations.

"What are you doing? This is our church. What right do you have to burn it down?"

"Yes, the Lord will not forgive you."

"Be careful, you will be sent to hell after you die."

"Humph! Get out of my way. We suspect this is a bat nest and we must burn it down today."

"If you guys dare to talk nonsense again, be careful or I will shoot you right now."

While speaking,

Ye Yan, Taoist Simu, and the village chief have walked to the church. In the dilapidated stone church, five nuns, one fat and four thin, are confronting a group of minions.

Except for the fat nun who is an old lady, the other four young nuns are all young and beautiful beauties.

Especially Ah Zhen and Ah Shan.

Ah Zhen looks like the intellectual and noble daughter of the fourth brother Long in"A Better Tomorrow 2".

Ah Shan, Ye Yan also remembered seeing her in that black movie. She looks pure with a hint of charm.

Although she has never played the heroine, her looks are definitely not worse than Ren Qingqing and the others.

In addition, they are now dressed in sky blue nun costumes, looking as pure as possible, and are definitely the type that many men like.

Several minions are among them. 1.

Although they said they were coming to burn down the church and the bat nest.

But those pairs of flaming eyes kept looking back and forth at the two little faces of Azhen and Ashan.

Originally, this job should have been Captain Awei's, but now Aju is pissed off by Ye Yan, and Captain Awei, as a bootlicker, naturally has to go and do the bootlicking.

Of course, in Ye Yan's opinion, although Captain Awei is a bootlicker on the surface.

But he has already gotten what he wants.

And Captain Awei's purpose is definitely not simple. What he wants is not only Aju's people, but also Aju's family's money.

Let's get back to the point.

A few minions relied on their guns and pretended to be powerful. Even the nun who was in the lead was panicked.

Not to mention the little nuns behind them.

They were all as pitiful as frightened rabbits.

Ye Yan couldn't bear to watch it.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Stop it, everyone."

Ye Yan snorted coldly.

Several minions were instantly startled.

When they saw Ye Yan and the village chief coming over, they quickly put away their guns and explained:

"Report to Master Ye, the village chief, we just saw one or two bats flying near the church over there." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Not afraid of the sun"

"We suspected that this church was a bat nest, so we surrounded the church."

"Prepare to burn directly"

"But these nuns are stopping us."

"For the safety of the villagers, we had no choice but to use force."

The leading team leader quickly explained

"You are talking nonsense. This is a sacred church."

"Where the divine light of my Lord shines"

"How could there be bats?"

The aunt sister saw that Ye Yan and his men were obviously the leaders of several security teams, and they seemed to be reasonable. She immediately stood up and refuted as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw.

But at this moment.

Ji~ a sharp bat sound came from the church.

The aunt sister and the four little nuns changed their faces instantly.[]

If they are worried that there really is a bat nest in the church, then won’t their church really be killed and burned?

"Hahaha! Master Ye, Village Chief, did you hear that?"

"The bats are calling. The bat nest is definitely in this church. We are not lying.

The security team leader was originally worried that he would not be able to find the bats and would be blamed by the village chief for disturbing public order.

But now that they heard the sound of bats, they immediately became excited.

Immediately, several people rushed into the church without saying anything to find the bats.

The aunt nun was instantly anxious.

"Sister, what do we do now?"

"If we lose the church, where will we live in the future?"

The four little nuns were also anxious.

"Don't be afraid, calm down, calm down,"

"give it to me"

"Even if we have bats here, so what?"

"As long as we use the Lord's faith, let the young man believe in our Lord"

"If he had spoken for us, our church would not have been burned down."

"Yes! That little brother is obviously the boss here."

"The security guards were so respectful to him just now, even more respectful than to the village chief."

"As long as we deal with him, we can keep our church even if there are really bats."When several nuns thought of this, their eyes lit up instantly and they walked directly towards Ye Yan.

However, when they got closer and saw Ye Yan's appearance clearly, except for the aunt nun, the four little nuns couldn't help blushing.

He was too handsome, they had never seen such a handsome man.

He was handsome, elegant, 1.8 meters tall, and had an upright posture.

There was no young girl who would not be fascinated by him.

Ye Yan was stunned when he saw several people walking towards him with"bad intentions".

Especially the next moment

"Lord, please forgive these sinners."

"These sinners are now the ones who want to burn down the church. Please forgive them."

"Young man, you are the least sinful of them all"

"I want to save you. I want to save you with the power that the Lord has given me."

The aunt nun came up with the same old Western religious sayings.

She said that everyone in the world is a sinner, and she also said that she was so noble.

Only by believing in their religion can one atone for one's sins and escape from the sea of suffering.

Ye Yan was embarrassed instantly.

After all, in the eyes of Ye Yan, a cultivator, these were all stupid remarks.

"Oh! Sister, stop wasting your saliva"

"I don't believe in your Western stuff."

"I am a monk, we cannot work together if we have different beliefs."

"However, if you really want to talk to me, you can ask the two little nuns behind you to come over.、"

"Maybe I'll be interested."

Ye Yan wanted to make this nun hate him.

Otherwise, their Western rhetoric would be really annoying. However, what Ye Yan didn't expect was that when he said this, Ah Zhen and Ah Shan, who met his gaze, blushed instantly.

Seeing this, the nun didn't seem angry at all.

Instead, she looked at Ye Yan with a look of pity.

"Lord! I see a sinner of yours who is targeting your holy children."

"I tell you, you are a sinner, you must believe in our Lord, only then can you go to heaven"

"Don't think that the Lord doesn't know your frivolous remarks just now."

"I tell you, our Lord is everywhere and omnipotent"

"Only our Almighty Lord can put you on the right path"

"You can't help but believe in the miracles performed by the Lord."

The aunt nun kept nagging, and Ye Yan really wanted to slap her.

But Ye Yan suddenly thought of something, raised his mouth slightly, and immediately said:

"Well, you just said that your Lord is omnipotent (Li Zhaohao), is that right?"

"Well, I would like to ask your Lord to find the bats that are causing trouble in the village and then eliminate them."

""Your Lord, can you do it?"

The nun was stunned for a moment.

It would be strange if they could do it.

If they really had this ability, would they still need Ye Yan's help not to burn down the church?

"Dean, what should we do?"

The four little nuns also knew that their master did not have this ability.

At the same time, their hearts began to waver.

Ye Yan was right, was their master really omnipotent?

Seeing this, the aunt sister's face changed instantly.

If the faith of her four little disciples collapsed like this, how could she preach.

She immediately said:"Okay, as long as we are sincere enough, our master will definitely help us"

"Let us pray together now"

"Pray to the Almighty Lord to help us."

After saying that, the old sister actually led the four little sisters to kneel on the ground and pray towards the direction of the church.

But at this moment.



"Ah! So many bats!"


A heavy wooden door was opened in the church.

Countless bats rushed out of the church.

They bit the minions who had looked at the four nuns with evil eyes.

The minions fled for their lives.

But countless bats were like angry little devils, with bloodshot eyes and sharp fangs, rushing towards Ye Yan and his team.

"Oh my god! Lord! Help me!"

The elder sister and the younger sister were so frightened that their souls were about to die.

So many bats would definitely bite them to death.

Taoist Simu felt his scalp tingling when he saw this scene.

But the next moment

"Law of Heaven and Earth——《Demon-chasing Thunder and Fire Order》~"


The fire swept across the sky, thunder and fire shook the sky, a terrifying mushroom cloud of fire rose up, and the black mass of bats was instantly turned into ashes.


"How is this possible?"

Everyone saw this scene and immediately widened their eyes and couldn't help but exclaimed.

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