The walking corpse is a yin thing, and for some mountain spirits and wild monsters, they can absorb the yin qi in their bodies for their own drive, so as to improve their realm cultivation.

That thick demonic aura came, and the four-eyed Daoist knew that his walking corpse was targeted by monsters.

Seeing that a graceful banshee wearing a long white veil on the top of the tree had carried the walking corpse into the air, the heart of the four-eyed Taoist instantly rose with rage!

You must know that after the zombie incident in Renjia Town some time ago, his reputation has been stinky in several nearby villages and towns, so it is better to say that it took a lot of money to make the families of those walking corpses lose their anger and alleviate the crisis caused by this incident.

This time, I finally picked up another batch of walking corpses, and now if the walking corpses are stolen again, I am afraid that I will not be able to mix in the entire corpse chasing world.

"Bold and demonic, return to me the customers of this Daoye!"

The four-eyed Taoist burst into a shout, instantly pulled out the bronze sword behind him, jumped to the top of the tree, and instantly slashed at the banshee!


The banshee was startled and hurriedly stepped aside, but the walking corpse hanging in mid-air was directly cut off by the four-eyed Taoist and fell back to the ground.

"Big brother, don't worry, no one can snatch you!"

Seeing that the walking corpse was not lost, the four-eyed Daoist breathed a sigh of relief, and then swung his sword again and slashed out, continuing to attack the banshee on the high place.



The banshee dodged again and again, dodging the killings of the four-eyed Taoist several times, but the white silk on her body was cut off a lot, and the demonic energy around her body also collapsed a lot.

Seeing that the four-eyed Taoist was getting braver and braver, the banshee was in a hurry, and instantly faded most of the white veil and fell to the ground, posing a charming and moving appearance.

"Wow, it's punctual!"

The banshee has a handsome appearance and a hot body, especially the eyes full of charm, and the heart of the four-eyed Taoist who saw it was beating wildly, and for a while she forgot to attack again, but stood there stunned.

"Come on! Come on! "

The banshee was half-lying on the ground and waved her fingers gently, and a touching sensation instantly hit the four-eyed Taoist, making the other party's face flush.

"No! No way! I'm a monastic! No way! No way! "

The four-eyed Taoist only felt that his mind was full of the moving voice of the banshee, and he waved his hand again and again.

Seeing that the four-eyed Taoist was still unmoved, the banshee immediately opened her mouth slightly, and countless bubbles flew out in an instant, landing around the four-eyed Taoist.

"Wow! You can still spit bubbles! "

Looking at the surrounding bubbles exuding a strong aroma, the four-eyed Taoist instantly threw down the bronze sword, and said happily: "Come on, baby, I'm here!" I'm coming! "

After speaking, the four-eyed Taoist immediately rushed to the front of the banshee and hugged her tightly in his arms.


The banshee looked at the four-eyed Taoist like this, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in her eyes.

And the slender jade hand that caressed the back of the four-eyed Taoist also turned into a sharp claw covered with manes at this time, waiting for the opportunity, ready to kill it with one grab.

"Hey, baby, you've got a lot of hair on your hands!"

Who knew that the four-eyed Taoist who was still excited instantly sneered, and a talisman had been pasted on the banshee's heart at some point, flashing with golden light!

"Master Ben just wants to play with you, you take it seriously! Vulcan Spell! Chi! "

I saw that the four-eyed Taoist kicked the banshee aside, and pointed at the talisman with both hands!


The banshee's body instantly burst into flames, enveloping it completely.


The banshee let out an earth-shattering roar, and bursts of demonic energy emanated from her body, and in less than a few breaths, the fire in her body had disappeared.

Instead, there was a giant human-standing fox, with thick scorched smoke all over its body, and a mouth full of fangs staring at the four-eyed Taoist, spraying a thick demonic aura.

"Wow! It turned out to be a vixen, no wonder there was a smell of stench, I didn't dare to play, I didn't dare to play! "

Seeing that the banshee showed her true body, the four-eyed Taoist patted her heart again and again, crying out in surprise.

The fox demon who had been attacked by the rune fire was already full of anger, and its two claws were as sharp as steel, and it quickly grabbed towards the heart of the four-eyed Daoist.

"Hey, Dao Ye will play with you again!"

As he spoke, the four-eyed Taoist raised his leg and kicked, and the bronze sword on the ground instantly flew into his hands, and he looked at the fox demon that attacked the approach, and waved his hand to cut out again!


There was a sound like a metal impact, and I saw bursts of sparks flash in front of the two of them, and the fox demon was instantly knocked out of the distance of several meters and fell to the ground.

"How? Still not playing? "

The four-eyed Taoist watched the fox demon kneel on the ground and gasped for breath, raised the bronze sword again, and said loudly.

"Damn the stinky Taoist!"

The fox demon roared out of the human eye angrily, and suddenly shook its tail suddenly, and a burst of demonic energy instantly turned into a hurricane, attacking in the direction of the four-eyed Taoist.

"It stinks!"

The four-eyed Taoist frowned and dodged to the side, and the hurricane slammed into the bodies of those walking corpses, instantly overturning all the walking corpses' talismans.

"You bastard! my customers what they do! "

At this time, the corpse suppression talisman above the heads of the walking corpses had all been blown away, and they began to jump in all directions for a while, which made the four-eyed Daoist instantly feel that his scalp was about to explode!

"Hey, hey!"

Seeing the four-eyed Daoist busy in this pile of walking corpses, the fox demon turned back into the appearance of a human again, and instantly flew out of a white silk and swept away the nearest walking corpse.

Seeing the walking corpse in his hand, the fox demon smiled coldly, and flew away with the walking corpse in his arms.

But at this moment, a golden light flashed in front of the fox demon in an instant, followed by a violent explosion sound for a lifetime.

The fox demon didn't have time to react, and was shocked by this explosion in an instant, and flew more than ten meters away, and even the walking corpse in his hand fell to the ground.


The four-eyed Daoist was shocked, and hurriedly turned to look, only to see that two familiar figures had come to the front at this time.

If it's not Ye Tian and Wencai, who will it be!

"Senior brother, you have a very chic life of chasing corpses, and you are all involved with the fox demon?"

Ye Tian leaned over and kicked the walking corpse in front of the four-eyed Daoist, and said jokingly.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and kill this bastard for me! Lao Tzu's career of chasing corpses was almost ruined in the hands of this guy! "

The four-eyed Taoist was full of anger at this time, if it weren't for the fact that these walking corpses were running around, they would have slaughtered this fox demon a long time ago, how could they still allow her to do such evil.

After that, the four-eyed Taoist shouted loudly at Wen Cai: "What else are you looking at, hurry up and come over to help!" "

"Yes! Be! "

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