"Damn, there's another stinky Taoist priest!"

The fox demon was blown away by the golden light of the talisman, and at this time, the demonic energy around him had begun to collapse, and seeing that another enemy appeared in front of him at this time, the fox demon's heart was full of anger!

"No matter how stinky the Taoist is, it is not as bad as the fox smell on your body!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, not taking the other party's threat in his eyes at all.

This sentence instantly ignited the fox demon's full anger, and I saw the white silk around him instantly soar into the air, flying out like a peacock opening the screen, and instantly came to Ye Tian's approach.

"Look for death!"

Ye Tian swung out a punch, his qi and blood churned, and he directly shattered the several white silk threads into pieces on the spot and scattered them on the ground.


At the same time that Bai Aya flew out, the banshee had already come to Ye Tian's side, and she grabbed it with a wave of her claws, but she was instantly punched by Ye Tian in the heart.


The fox demon's chest instantly sank, and a mouthful of blood immediately sprayed out, retreating again and again.

But his wrist was tightly held in the palm of the other party, and before he had a chance to escape, he felt a powerful impact from his lower abdomen again.




Ye Tian's fist was fierce, full of qi and blood, and the fox demon who hit directly had no room to fight back at all, and the demon qi in his body showed a rapid collapse trend.

In less than a few breaths, the fox demon had already been beaten out of its original form by Ye Tian again, and its size was much smaller than the appearance just now.

"Obediently, Senior Brother Ye's martial arts qi and blood are so full, the fox demon he fought has all vented his demonic energy!"

At this time, the four-eyed Daoist had already reintegrated all the chaotic walking corpses together, watching Ye Tian punch the fox demon to the flesh and screaming again and again, his whole face was twisted together, and his state was extremely miserable.

"Give me death!"

At this time, the fox demon had been beaten to the death of Ye Tian's repeated attacks, and was carried by Ye Tian in his hands like a puddle of mud.

Taking advantage of the situation, Ye Tian instantly threw the fox demon into the air, and a purple thunder light flew quickly and violently, bombarding the fox demon's body.

"It's too much of a star on the stage, and the strain doesn't stop! The Jade Emperor has a ruthless force, and the gods are in all directions! Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, purple thunder and lightning! Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law! "


I saw bursts of fire in the air, and the weak fox demon was swallowed by the purple thunder and lightning in the blink of an eye, and then turned into bursts of gray smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Ding! Destroy a fox demon, get 100 merit points, and a hundred-year-old lightning strike mahogany sword! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: a product of the heavenly master

Merit: 410/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

"Uncle Shi is so powerful!"

Wen Cai on the side had already been completely impressed by Ye Tian's domineering demon subjugation operation, and ran to Ye Tian with an excited face, dancing happily.

And the four-eyed Taoist also approached with a smile on his face, and nodded again and again: "Fortunately, Senior Brother Ye, you showed up in time, otherwise I will definitely be miserable by this fox demon today!" "

"Senior brother is polite! Wen Cai and I also happened to pass by here and smelled a strong demonic aura, so we hurried over, but I didn't expect you to be here! "

"Hey, by the way, Senior Brother Ye, I asked you to arrive at those corpses, why didn't you see them!"

At this time, the four-eyed Daoist noticed that except for Ye Tian and Wen Cai, he didn't see the rest of the walking corpses, could it be that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked.

"It's a long story, let's talk about it as we go!"

"Alright then!"

Seeing this, the four-eyed Taoist agreed, and then asked Wen Cai to continue to jump and drive away the corpse for himself, which made Wen Cai's face full of grievances!

And he quickly followed Ye Tian and listened to him explain the reason...

As Wen Cai said, it wasn't until the sky was just polished that several people finally came to the dojo of the four-eyed Taoist.

Just like in the movie, his dojo is located between green mountains and green waters, and the feng shui location is excellent.

In the huge courtyard, there are chickens and ducks running back and forth from time to time, and the rural atmosphere is lively.

And not far from the big courtyard of the Four-Eyed Daoist, there was also a much smaller courtyard, Ye Tian knew that it must be the place where Master Yixiu, a good friend of the Four-Eyed Daoist, lived.

"How about it, junior brother, look at my environment here, it's not bad!"

As soon as he entered the courtyard at this time, the four-eyed Taoist showed off proudly, his face full of pride: "Senior Brother Lin actually thinks that I am remote here, and there are no people!" Hmph, what does he know, smell it, the strong local flavor! "

After all, the four-eyed Taoist also specially closed his eyes, as if he was really intoxicated with such an idyllic life.

"Well, it smells of and duck!"


Ye Tian's faint words almost made the four-eyed Taoist spurt out old blood, and even Wen Cai couldn't help but cover his mouth, for fear that he would embarrass the four-eyed Taoist again by laughing.

"What's that, you wait for me, I'll go and call Knorr to open the door!"

After saying that, the four-eyed Taoist walked quickly to the front of the big house, knocked on the door and shouted:

"Knorr! Knorr! Open the door! I'm back with your favorite master! "

"Open the door! Open the door! "

The four-eyed Taoist knocked on the door and shouted for a long time, but there was no response from the other party at all, which made the four-eyed Taoist feel very unable to get off the stage in front of his junior brother.

"I said, why do you have to call him? Do you need someone else to open this door? "

The houses of the Simu Taoist were all made of wood and bamboo, and the doors and windows were all wood-framed paper paste, which could be opened with a slight poke, and there was no need for this lock.

Listening to Ye Tian's questioning, the four-eyed Taoist was full of seriousness, and said angrily: "What do you know, I am a serious pastoral style building!" "

After that, the four-eyed Taoist still pierced the white paper on the door and opened the door lock from the inside.

In front of the eyes of several people, a sturdy young man of seventeen or eighteen years old was lying on a rattan chair and sleeping quietly, as if he didn't even notice that there were several people standing at the door, and a few dream words came from his mouth from time to time.

"Jingjing, it's a misunderstanding! It's a misunderstanding! "

Obviously, this sturdy young man is Jia Le, the apprentice of the four-eyed Taoist.

"Hey, home..."

Seeing Jia Le in front, the four-eyed Taoist immediately covered Wencai's mouth, and said with a resentful face: "This stinky boy, Lao Tzu, I worked hard to drive the corpse back, this guy is still dreaming of Zhou Gong!" I'm so! "

With that, the four-eyed Taoist turned around and went out of the house, flung the talisman in front of him, turned into pieces of ash, and fell on the bodies of those walking corpses.

Wen Cai didn't know why, but he didn't dare to call Jia Le again, and Ye Tian knew that Jia Le was inevitably beaten at this time!

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