Bell bell bell!

Bell bell bell!

The four-eyed Taoist stood in front of a row of walking corpses at this time, shaking the corpse bell, and at the same time stuffed wooden sticks as thick as calves into the hands of the walking corpses!

"The spirit of the sky, the spirit of the earth, the walking corpse has a spirit, the walking corpse has sex, forget the bell, listen to it, beat it, beat it, oh for the order! Chi! "


In an instant, all the walking corpses trembled, and then raised the sticks in their hands and followed behind the four-eyed Dao man in unison.

"Oh my God, I finally know why Knorr is so strong, it's all beaten!"

Looking at this scene in front of him, Wen Cai's heart trembled, if this pile of sturdy wooden sticks hit him, he would not break the bones!

Thinking of this, Wen Cai couldn't help but think of his master Jiu Uncle who only whipped himself with thin rattan, and compared it, it was still the best for Master Jiu Shu!

"Senior brother, Wencai, you go out for a while, I have something to do!"

"Okay, you're light!"

Ye Tian agreed, and walked out of the house with Wen Cai.

In less than a moment, there was a sound of ping-pong fighting in the room, followed by the miserable howl of Knorr.

"Tut-tut, Jia Le has suffered a lot over the years!"

Although Wen Cai didn't see Jia Le being beaten, he could think of that picture just by listening to the sound, and shook his head again and again.

And Ye Tian looked around at the surrounding environment, and saw that there were figures walking around in the courtyard of Master Yixiu, it seems that this time he came to the dojo of the four-eyed Taoist, but he entered the plot of the movie "Uncle Zombie"!

Not knowing where the royal zombies transported by the Thousand Crane Dao people had arrived at this time, Ye Tian couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

In the movie, the royal zombie was struck by thunder and turned into a corpse-like zombie, and his whole body was like an iron wall, and no magic weapon could have any effect.

And the Chizuru Dao people also died in the hands of the royal zombies because of this incident.

However, since he has encountered this incident, he will definitely not let this tragedy fall on the people of Chizuru Dao again.

After all, like the Four-Eyed Daoist and the Ninth Uncle, the relationship between the Thousand Crane Daoist and his own senior brother is also extremely deep!

Finally, the sound of the fight gradually disappeared, and at this time, the door of the house was opened, and I saw the four-eyed Taoist walking out with a bruised face of Jia Le, and came to the front of the two.

"Ah, Wencai, why are you here!"

Jia Le, who was still full of sadness, saw the Wencai in front of him, and laughed happily, as if all the beatings he had just received were thrown out of the clouds and disappeared!

"Hehe, Knorr, your face is swollen!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it'll be fine in two days!"

Jia Le waved his hand again and again, with a smile on his face, and then saw Ye Tian who was standing next to Wencai with a smile on his face, and asked very suspiciously: "Hey, who is this eldest brother, is it the new apprentice of Uncle Lin?" "



Jia Le only felt that the back of his head was beaten, and he screamed in pain again and again, and then he heard the continuous reprimand of the four-eyed Taoist on the side:

"Bastard, this is your Senior Uncle Ye Tian, my junior brother!"

"Huh? Teacher! "

Jia Le looked at Ye Tian in surprise, the other party only looked like he was in his early twenties, and he turned out to be his uncle, which was unexpected.

However, after looking at the eyes of the four-eyed Taoist who seemed to be about to eat him, Jia Le hurriedly bowed and saluted again and again, and said with a smile: "Uncle Ye, hello! Hello! "

"Hehe, Knorr, this guy is quite interesting!"

Ye Tian patted Jia Le's shoulder, and then raised his hand with a wave, and a peachwood sword full of righteousness flashed in the palm of his hand.

"The first time we met, this peachwood sword made of hundred-year-old lightning strike wood is even a meeting gift from my uncle!"

"Wow! It's really fake! "

Jia Le couldn't believe his eyes, he had followed his master Simu Taoist for so many years, and he didn't have a decent magic weapon in his hand at all.

Now seeing Ye Tian shoot even a hundred-year-old thunderbolt peachwood sword, he was immediately dumbfounded.

And Wen Cai also looked at Jia Le with envy, Ye Tian was quite generous every time he made a shot, once when he saw Ye Tian for the first time, the other party gave him a bronze demon mirror, and now he was carefully put away in the cabinet, reluctant to take it out.

"Wow! Senior brother, your shot is too generous! A peachwood sword made of hundred-year-old lightning strike wood, wow! "

Before Jia Le could reach out and take the peachwood sword, he was snatched by the four-eyed Taoist on the side.

I saw that he looked at this peach wood sword with an obsessive face, and couldn't stop admiring: "Tut-tut, it's really good, it's really good, it's much better than my peach wood sword made of fifty-year-old lightning strike wood!" "

"Master, this is a gift from Uncle Ye...

Seeing that the peachwood sword was snatched away by the four-eyed Taoist, Jia Le muttered softly with a face full of grievances, for fear that the other party would not return it to him.

"What? What are you doing with such a good baby when you haven't been out of the mountains yet! Master, I will keep it for you first, and then I will return it to you when the master returns to heaven! "

Knorr: @#%*!


With the current cultivation of the four-eyed Daoist, there is no problem at all to live for another seventy or eighty years, not to mention that with the improvement of his realm cultivation, Yangshou is constantly increasing!

Return to heaven and return?

Just say that if you don't pay it back, you will pull it down!

Jia Le's face was full of grievances, and he didn't dare to say more, so he could only cast a look at Ye Tian for help.

Ye Tian also shook his head helplessly, this four-eyed Taoist is really a stingy ghost, he doesn't give his apprentice one or two decent magic weapons, and he takes the initiative to rob the other party, which is really a loss of elder demeanor!

"This is my gift to Knorr, if you don't want to be beaten, it's better to return it to him obediently!"


Ye Tian's faint words, to the ears of Jia Le, were even sweeter than eating a jar of honey for himself.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Tian's words, the four-eyed Daoist shuddered, and then changed his face to a smile, obediently put the peachwood sword back into Ye Tian's hand, and said with a smile:

"Why do you say that, Senior Brother Ye, I'm just joking with Jia Le and teasing him, you really think I'm going to rob him of his things! You're right, Knorr! "

"Uh... Right! Right! "

Seeing the four-eyed Taoist staring at him with a knife hidden in his smile, Jia Le nodded again and again, but his heart was happy, and he was even more impressed by this uncle who was only a few years older than him!

Seeing this, Ye Tian stuffed the peachwood sword into Jia Le's hand, and instructed: "You put away this peachwood sword, if some people dare to hit his attention, just tell me!" Did you hear me clearly? "

"Listen ... Hear me clearly! "

Knorr nodded again and again, his eyes already wet with tears of emotion.

And the four-eyed Taoist was smirking awkwardly on the side!

There's no way, I can't beat this junior brother since I was a child, and now, it's even more useless!

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