is the same as the plot in the movie, the four-eyed Taoist had a nervous breakdown because Master Yixiu rang the bell and chanted the scriptures day and night, so he tried the fighting method with the other party, and finally got a lose-lose situation.

Master Ikyu pulled out a tooth decay, and the four-eyed Taoist drank an entire vat of lamp oil on the altar!

And Ye Tian didn't hear the sound outside at all because he was meditating, and he missed this farce!

"Senior brother, save me, my stomach is about to explode!"

At this time, the four-eyed Taoist was sitting on the ground, unable to exert any strength, and threw a look at Ye Tian for help.

"Hey, I really can't do anything about you!"

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, and then walked quickly to the front of the four-eyed Daoist, and raised his hand to see a golden needle, piercing the lower abdomen of the four-eyed Daoist.


I only heard a long stinky fart from the four-eyed Taoist, and in an instant the whole room was filled with a smell of spicy eyes.

Ye Tian hurriedly got up and flashed to the side, while Wen Cai and Jia Le simply ran out of the house, as if they were dodging the attack of poison gas bombs.



There were two more long farts, and the four-eyed Taoist only felt as uncomfortable in his abdomen as if he was overturning the river and the sea, and he didn't know where the strength came from for a while, so he sat up from the ground in an instant, covered his buttocks and rushed out of the room quickly.

After nearly half an hour, the four-eyed Taoist swayed his weak body and walked out of the thatched house step by step, his face full of pale face.

And Ye Tian and the others had already hidden in the courtyard, after all, the smell in that room was really bad.

"Master, I'll help you!"

Jia Le saw that the four-eyed Taoist was trembling in both legs, and hurriedly rushed to the front to support him, but the four-eyed Taoist still complained with a face, and said in a deep voice: "Senior brother, you go quickly, help me take revenge, I want to kill that monk and kill him!"

"Settle the grievances of the two of you yourself, I won't interfere!"

Ye Tian simply made a gesture of spreading his hands, saying that this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Hey, it's really sad, my junior brothers don't help!"

The four-eyed Taoist sighed helplessly, and walked towards the house while being supported by Jia Le, while not forgetting to look at the courtyard of Master Yixiu angrily, and said loudly: "Stinky monk, you have a kind, make my belly bigger, Lao Tzu is not finished with you!"

"Go and help, Knorr can't hold that guy anymore!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi!"

Ye Tian saw that the four-eyed Taoist still wanted to quarrel on the other side again, so he simply asked Wen Cai to go over to help, and put him back into the house with Jia Le.

At this time, Jingjing walked out of Master Yixiu's courtyard with a dissatisfied face, looked at Ye Tian standing alone in the courtyard, stretched out his hand and handed out a porcelain bottle, and said in an unkind tone: "Here, my master is afraid that the four-eyed Taoist will have an upset stomach, so he specially got him some medicine!"

"Hehe, no need, I've already healed my senior brother!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and pushed back the porcelain bottle in Jingjing's hand.

"Hmph, don't pull it down!"

Jingjing had a very bad impression of the Four-Eyed Daoist, and Ye Tian, as the other party's junior brother, naturally became a person on Jingjing's blacklist, so his attitude towards him was also very cold.

Of course, Ye Tian knew that the reason for all this was because of his funny senior brother Four-eyed Daoist, and then he didn't take Jingjing's words seriously, but stood quietly aside, looking at the surrounding scenery.


Seeing that Ye Tian ignored herself, Jingjing simply put away the porcelain vase, turned around and prepared to leave.

At this time, Jia Le happened to come out of the house, saw Jingjing in the courtyard, ran over with a happy face, and said with a smile: "Jingjing, why are you here?

"Find you big-headed ghost!"

Jingjing has a very big temper, and she was angry about taking advantage of her because Jia Le mistakenly took advantage of her, and now she sees the four-eyed Taoist bullying her master, and Ye Tian is also very cold to ignore her.

Now the appearance of Knorr has just become the point of the eruption, which instantly made Jingjing feel angry, stepped on Knorr's feet heavily, and rushed out of the courtyard in a rage.

"Jingjing!Jingjing!Oops! Don't go!

Jia Le covered his injured left foot and jumped repeatedly, but his eyes were firmly fixed on the back of Jingjing walking away, and he shouted repeatedly.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, and then walked to the front of Jia Le, patted his shoulder and said comfortingly: "Boy, lick the dog until there is nothing left!"

"Ang, licking dog, what kind of dog is that?"

Jia Le was very surprised, he didn't understand what Ye Tian meant by this, and he looked at Jingjing back to his yard blankly, feeling both curious and sad.

Finally, the official plot of the movie finally began to kick off, and when it was close to noon, a group of people slowly came to the vicinity of the dojo from a distance, with great momentum, alarming Ye Tian and others who had just finished lunch.

Although it was far away, a few people could still see clearly, there was a golden coffin that was shining brightly among the people and horses, and a faint black yin qi also permeated the surroundings.

The sound of gongs sounded again and again, and a middle-aged Taoist priest in a Taoist robe led by him saw a few people in the courtyard and ran to the front quickly.

This person is none other than Ye Tian and the fellow disciple of the Four-Eyed Daoist, the Thousand Crane Daoist!

"Senior brother, Senior Brother Ye, why are you here?"

Seeing Ye Tian also standing here, Qianhe Dao was full of surprise, and immediately greeted him again and again.

"Ha, Senior Brother Chizuru is really getting more and more handsome!"

Ye Tian first bowed down and made a joke, and then explained: "Senior Brother Simu invited me to come to his dojo to take a look, no, I ran with Wen Cai to this place where birds don't!"

"Senior Brother Ye, I'm angry when you say that!"

The four-eyed Daoist pretended to be angry, causing Ye Tian and the Thousand Crane Daoist to laugh loudly.

"Hello Uncle Shi!"

After the elders greeted each other, Wencai and Jia Le immediately hurriedly saluted to the Thousand Crane Daoren.

"Ha, it's really not easy for the three of us senior brothers to get together at the same time! If Senior Brother Lin also comes, our four brothers will really get together!"

Qianhe Daoist is hearty, upright, and has always had the best relationship with Ye Tian, but now looking at the two senior brothers in front, the scene of the past Maoshan cultivation instantly appeared in his mind.

"Hey, hey, Chizuru, what are you doing there!

At this time, not far away, a man who looked neither male nor female, wearing an ancient robe, muttered loudly again and again, waving the handkerchief in his hand, and fluttering in the wind.

"Steward, I'll ask my senior brother to borrow some glutinous rice!"

Hearing this, the Thousand Crane Daoist hurriedly turned around and explained, and then put on a smile on his face.

"Glutinous rice, what do you want to do with that?"

The steward was a little curious, and he didn't know what the Thousand Crane Dao people were going to do by borrowing glutinous rice.

At this time, on the sedan chair next to the steward, a child wearing a Qing Dynasty court uniform said softly: "Forget it, steward, let's rest for a while, I'm tired!"

Today's fifth watch is over, I hope you like it, thank you!

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