"Yes, yes, the minion understands!"

When the steward heard the child's words, he nodded his head again and again, so he didn't have to worry about the Thousand Crane Dao people.

"Who is this sissy, why is she talking so horizontally!"

The four-eyed Taoist obviously couldn't stand the matter of the black steward reprimanding the Thousand Crane Daoist just now, so he was about to roll up his sleeves and reason with the other party.

"Senior brother can't help it!"

The Thousand Crane Daoist immediately stopped the four-eyed Daoist and hurriedly explained: "These people are all guards in the court, and that child is the little brother in the palace, so he can't afford to provoke him!"

"Senior brother, when is it now, still a guard, where is Brother?"

The four-eyed Daoist was obviously very disdainful of the identities of those people, and Ye Tian also stepped forward and opened the buckle to persuade the Qianhe Daoist: "Senior Brother Qianhe, these so-called royal families are just some remnants of the remnants of the aftermath now, after doing this, it is better not to have any more intersections!"

"Well, that's exactly what I wanted!"

Chizuru Michito smiled and nodded in agreement.

At this time, Master Yixiu also walked over quickly, hurriedly stepped forward, and greeted the people of Chizuru Dao.

Looking at Master Yixiu approaching, the four-eyed Taoist man's face sank, and then he walked towards the pure gold coffin.

I saw that the top of the golden coffin was covered by a canopy, and it was still tightly bound by the ink bucket net rope, and there was a faint black corpse gas around it.

The four-eyed Taoist has been driving corpses for many years, and they are extremely sensitive to corpse qi, especially when this corpse qi continues to volatilize out from the cracks in the coffin, and the four-eyed Taoist people are surprised again and again.

"Senior brother, is the corpse in this bronze horn golden coffin a zombie?"

"Yes, it's a zombie!"

Hearing this, the Thousand Crane Daoist walked closer, shook his head and lamented: "It's a pity that this zombie is a royal family in the frontier, and it will not dare to destroy it without the emperor's will, so I will take over this business and transport it all the way to Beijing, waiting for the emperor's fate!"

"Good, good!"

At this time, Master Yixiu also came closer, looking at the scorching sun, and there was a canopy on top of this copper-horned golden coffin, and he suggested: "Daoist Qianhe, now that the sun is in full bloom, why not remove the canopy, let this coffin absorb more sunlight, so that it can also reduce a lot of corpse qi!"

"Ha, yes, why didn't I think of it!"

When the Thousand Crane Dao people heard this, they suddenly realized and agreed again and again.

Here they will command the people to tear down the canopy from the coffin.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when the Thousand Crane Daoist was about to order everyone to start construction, Ye Tian stopped the other party and hurriedly said: "Senior Brother Thousand Cranes, this copper horn golden coffin is surrounded by ink fountain network cables, and it can't touch the rain. Although it looks sunny now, there is a lot of moisture in the mountains, and the weather is even more cloudy and sunny, so it's better not to demolish it just in case!"

"Well, what Senior Brother Ye said is right!"

At this time, the four-eyed Daoist who had not spoken at this time nodded again and again after hearing the reason explained by Ye Tian, glared at Master Yixiu angrily, and said complainingly: "Stinky monk, you just think about the present, do you think about the future?

"Amitabha, good, good!"

The four-eyed Taoist shouted the Buddha's name again and again, and his face was full of guilt: "It was the poor monk who didn't think about it, but thanks to Daoist Ye's timely pointing, a disaster was avoided!"

Ye Tian had watched the movie and knew that because of Master Xiu's words, under the storm, the ink fountain lines around the golden coffin melted aggravated.

Now that this mistake has been corrected, the tendency of the situation has been greatly reduced, but it is unknown whether this royal zombie will have an accident!

"Master Ikyu doesn't have to mind!"

Ye Tian comforted the other party with his words, and then took out a small rune paper bag from his arms and handed it to the hands of the Thousand Crane Daoist.

"Senior Brother Ye, what is this?"

The Thousand Crane Daoist didn't understand what Ye Tian did, and asked repeatedly.

"Senior Brother Qianhe, you put this thing away, if there is really an accident, just open it when the time comes!"

Ye Tian didn't name the things in the talisman paper bag, but with a smile on his face, there was not much.

Although he didn't know what Ye Tian gave him, the Thousand Crane Daoist still thanked him and put the rune paper bag into his arms.

At this time, Jia Le also took the glutinous rice and handed it over to the Chizuru Dao people.

Then everyone talked for a while, and the people of Qianhe Dao said goodbye to everyone, and once again embarked on the journey back to Beijing with the royal family.

Seeing that group of people and horses were on the road again, Jia Le looked at the bronze horn golden coffin that was pulled forward by many people, and exclaimed: "Tut-tut, this coffin looks really heavy enough!"

"Of course, it's made of pure gold, and it weighs a thousand pounds!"

Listening to Jia Le's curiosity, Ye Tian explained on the side.

"Good boy, a thousand pounds of gold, how much does it cost!"

"Yes, yes, if you can lie in this coffin after death, even if you die, it's worth it!"

Wen Cai and Jia Le sighed in unison, and the four-eyed Taoist on the side looked at it, and reprimanded angrily: "Okay, when you two die, Senior Brother Lin and I will prepare a pair for the two of you!"

Wen Cai didn't speak again with a smile on his face, while Jia Le patted his chest and said loudly: "Master, don't worry, I don't need you to prepare a coffin for me in the future, and when you die, I will definitely buy a pure gold coffin that is exactly the same, and honor you!"

Master Yixiu was on the side, and he was already a little happy and couldn't hold back, and patted Jia Le's shoulder again and again, and said approvingly: "Good Jia Le, you are so filial, you will be very satisfied when your master dies in the future!"

Four-eyed Taoist: @#%*@#%*!

Seeing that the master's face was red, and he walked into the yard with a displeased face, Jia Le was a little puzzled, scratching the back of his head and sighing again and again: "What's the situation, why is the master still unhappy!"

Ye Tian also felt how straight Jia Le's heart and eyes were at this time, and he patted his arm helplessly, and said sympathetically: "I finally know why Senior Brother Simu always beats you!"

"What do you mean! Wencai, what does Uncle Ye mean by this? Why do I get more confused the more I listen?"

"You ask me, how do I know!"

Wen Cai saw that Jia Le asked himself, and he was also confused, and the second monk was confused, and kept shaking his head again and again, not understanding what was wrong with what Jia Le just said.

After reading this chapter, let's rest early!

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