"Uncle Shi, are you looking at the stars in the sky here?"

After dinner, Ye Tian came to the courtyard alone, looking at the dense stars in the sky, and did not make a sound for a long time.

At this time, Wen Cai walked closer with a cup of tea and asked.

"No, I'm looking at the weather!"

Ye Tian replied calmly, without any superfluous words.


Wen Cai greeted with a face, not understanding why Ye Tian behaved like this.



At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly streaked across the sky, lighting up the entire sky.

And Ye Tian, who was still sitting on the stone bench, stood up instantly, and said to himself with a solemn brow: "It's finally here!"

After speaking, Ye Tian galloped out and disappeared into the night ahead.

"Uncle, uncle, where are you going!"

Ye Tian's sudden departure made Wen Cai very surprised and puzzled, and he hurriedly ran back to the house at the moment, and said to the four-eyed Taoist who was closing his eyes and recuperating: "Uncle Four-eyed, Uncle Ye, he ran away!"

"Ran away?"

The four-eyed Taoist was almost asleep, and now listening to Wen Cai's shouting in his ear, he didn't feel anything wrong, but lazily talked to himself.


Suddenly, a huge thunderclap sounded, instantly waking up the four-eyed Taoist from the rattan chair, looking at Wen Cai with an anxious face in front of him, and hurriedly asked, "What did you just say? Senior Brother Ye, he ran away, where did he go?"

"I don't know, Uncle Ye sat in the yard all night, and when he saw a sudden flash, he disappeared in a flash!"



As soon as the text was finished, it began to rain heavily.

Looking at this scene, a bad feeling surged into the hearts of the four-eyed Dao people.

"Master, where will Uncle Ye go!"

Jia Le looked at the master with a sad face and looked at the heavy rain outside the house, and asked curiously.

Hearing this, the four-eyed Taoist did not make a sound, but ran into the house, took out a bronze sword, put it behind his back, and commanded Jia Le and Wencai loudly:

"I'll go out for a while now, you guys stay in the house honestly, don't go anywhere, do you hear?"

"Listen ... Hear me!"

Jia Le and Wen Cai were both dumbfounded, why did Uncle Ye Tian and the four-eyed Daoist run away in this heavy rain, is there something going on?

At this time, the heavy rain also startled Master Yixiu, who had been chanting the scriptures, and he could not calm down now, but now he could only stand under the eaves, watching the pouring rain irrigate the earth, and he could not calm down for a long time.

"Huh, where is this guy going?"

Suddenly, Master Ichiyu was extremely curious when he saw that the Four-Eyed Daoist was rushing out of the courtyard with a bronze sword on his back.

At this time, Jia Le and Wen Cai also ran into Master Yixiu's house from the back door, saw that the other party and Jingjing were in the house, and hurriedly said: "Master, my master and uncle both ran out after the rain, I'm worried that something will happen!"

"Oops! The Chizuru people are in danger! You guys are at home, don't go anywhere!"

The words of the two instantly reminded Master Yixiu, seeing this, Master Yixiu picked up a string of Bodhi Buddha beads, and like Ye Tian and the four-eyed Taoist, he turned around and ran out of the courtyard and disappeared.


Jingjing was very anxious, and shouted in the rear again and again, but there was still the shadow of Master Yixiu, who had already run away.

"Hehe, Jingjing, it's just us, don't worry, I will protect you!"

"Get out of the way, I'll be annoyed when I see you!"

Seeing Jia Le walking towards him with a stupid face, Jingjing simply went back to the room, and she didn't want to deal with the other party at all.

"Uh... "

Seeing that Jia Le touched his nose, Wen Cai hurriedly stepped forward and asked curiously: "Jia Le, why did you provoke Miss Jingjing?"

"Hey, I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed!"

Knorr sighed helplessly, and sat on the floor with a disgraced face, not wanting to think about other things.

"Hey... Hey... "

At this time, in the dense forest, because of the sudden violent storm, the carriage pulling the copper horn and golden coffin fell into the muddy ground, and it was difficult to continue moving.

A group of guards and the four registered disciples of the Four-Eyed Daoist were constantly pulling the carriage hard, and everyone was exerting all their strength.

"Quick, put up the tent!

The steward commanded the guards to set up tents on the side, and on the other hand, he held an oil-paper umbrella that was full of holes to shield the little brother on the side from the wind and rain.

"Damn, the ink fountain is starting to melt!"

Although there is a big canopy on top of the copper horn golden coffin, but this day is raining rain, even if there is this canopy, it can't resist the rain washing the golden coffin.

In less than a while, the ink rope wrapped in the golden coffin had begun to lose its effect of suppressing corpses, and if it continued to delay, I was afraid that these ink ropes would become ordinary ropes that had no effect.

Looking at this scene, Qianhe Dao was extremely anxious in his heart, and then watched the tent on the side finally stand up, and hurriedly felt the approaching of the steward, and pleaded and said:

"Steward, this ink fountain rope has begun to melt, you better let the coffin be transported into the tent first, I'm afraid that if it is delayed any longer, something will happen!"

"Hmph, something's wrong! Something's going on! I have to wait for everything big, our master's little brother hasn't entered the tent yet, I see who dares to be presumptuous!"

The steward crossed his hands on his hips, loudly reprimanded the Qianhe Daoist, and then hurriedly beckoned the little brother into the tent, and sharply commanded the guards outside the door and said:

"Go get a tent again, can't you let the little brother and the coffin be in a tent, do you hear clearly?"


Hearing this, the rest of the remaining guards were busy again, preparing to set up another tent.

This scene made the people of Chizuru Dao feel really anxious and helpless, and they had no choice but to swallow their anger and wait for the new tent to be erected.

I begged again and again in my heart, the zombies in this bronze horn golden coffin would not have any problems!

It was as if the heavens had really heard the call and begging of the people of Chizuru Dao, and the weather that had been stormy suddenly became cloudless, and the rain disappeared completely, which was simply incredible.

"Thank you, Master Zu!"

Looking at this scene, the people of Qianhe Dao sighed again and again in their hearts, and then helped others to set up tents together in case of another rainstorm.


Suddenly, a thunderclap fell from the sky, smashing straight on top of the bronze horned golden coffin.

The guards who helped push the golden coffin were instantly scorched by the lightning and flew several meters away.

"What's going on!"

The heart that Qianhe Dao had originally put down instantly rose to his throat again, and at this time, the coffin lid of the copper-horned golden coffin was slowly stretched open from the inside by a huge force, and the two pitch-black hands appeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant, and a thick corpse qi burst out and swayed on the ground!

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