"North, south, west, hurry up and get the rope!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Thousand Crane Dao people hurriedly screamed, and the whole person flew up in an instant, and landed heavily on the golden coffin.


I saw a rope as thick as an adult's arm fall into the hands of the Thousand Crane Dao people, instantly intertwined and bound, and firmly pressed the coffin lid back on top of the coffin.



Although at this time, the Thousand Crane Dao people and the southeast and northwest apprentices tightened the ropes and continued to exert themselves, but the zombie power in the bronze horn golden coffin was too huge.

Unexpectedly, the coffin board was opened from the inside again, and the strength was much greater than just now!


I only heard a muffled sound, and the pure gold coffin board weighing hundreds of catties flew out in an instant, and the Qianhe Daoist who was originally sitting on the coffin board couldn't dodge, and was immediately overturned to the ground by this huge force, and was also hit his right leg by the coffin board.


The Thousand Crane Dao people seemed to feel the bones of their entire right leg shattered, and let out a miserable cry.

On the side of the coffin, a black corpse qi swarmed out from the sky, and a zombie wearing a shroud with a hideous face instantly stood up straight, glaring at the people in front of him.


The royal zombie let out a roar, two sharp fangs appeared on the side of his mouth, and his shriveled and blackened body actually exuded a faint bronze color, which was really weird.

"Oops, this guy has turned into a bronze armored corpse!"

The Thousand Crane Daoist was shocked, the corpse qi of this royal zombie itself was very strong, and it had already taken a lot of effort to put its uniform into this golden coffin at the beginning.

But what I didn't expect was that this thunder from the sky struck on this copper-horned golden coffin, which actually caused the corpse qi of the royal zombie to occur, making it a copper-armored corpse!

The bronze armor corpse is made of steel and iron bones, and it is extremely domineering, and ordinary magic weapon attacks have no effect on it at all!

Looking at the royal zombies that were full of corpses, the Thousand Crane Dao people had already felt a strong crisis coming!

"What a situation!

At this time, the steward who had been serving the little brother in the tent heard a loud noise outside, felt very impatient, and hurriedly lifted the curtain to look out.

"Damn! zombies!"

The steward is too familiar with this royal zombie, and when the Thousand Crane Dao people subdued him in the frontier, he hid in the distance and watched from afar.

Its strength is so strong that the steward has seen it with his own eyes.

Now that the royal zombie came out of the coffin and appeared in front of his eyes again, the steward only felt that his whole body was trembling violently, and his legs had begun to disobey the call.

hurriedly retreated to the tent, and reported to the little brother with a frightened face:

"Oh no, master, the zombie is out again!"

"Uncle Huang!"

Little Brother was shocked to hear the news, and hurriedly took out a sharp dagger from his arms and held it in the place of his heart.


At this time, another roar came from outside the tent, and the royal zombie instantly flew up, plunging its sharp claws straight into the chest of one of the guards closest to him.


The guard screamed in pain, but in the next second, his neck was bitten by the royal zombie, and there was no more sound.

Looking at this scene, the Qianhe Dao people and the four people in the southeast, northwest, and northwest were extremely anxious to push the pure gold coffin plate on his leg, but it didn't play a role at all!

In the blink of an eye, the guard's blood had been sucked dry by the royal zombies, and the Thousand Crane Daoist was still suppressed by the golden coffin, unable to move at all.


The royal zombie roared angrily, and flew directly from the golden coffin, falling heavily on the ground.

Looking at this scene, the Thousand Crane Daoist hurriedly shouted anxiously: "South, south, north, west, hurry up and use the corpse rope!"

When the four of them heard this, they threw out the corpse rope and wrapped it around the body of the royal zombie.

The corpse rope was touched, and the royal zombie instantly erupted into a string of firecracker-like explosions, and then jumped non-stop, kicking his legs straight on the golden coffin coffin board, and flew out dozens of meters away in an instant!

"Hmph, it's just in time!"

Seeing that the pressure on his thighs was instantly relieved, the Thousand Crane Daoist flew up, and a peachwood sword appeared in his hand, stabbing straight towards the heart of the royal zombie.


The peachwood sword was instantly broken by the opponent's steel-like body, and the Thousand Crane Daoist was also instantly clasped by the claws of the royal zombies, and it was difficult to break free.


The claws of the royal zombies were sharp, and the Chizuru Dao people seemed to feel that the other party had pierced their bones, and the pain was unbearable!

Seeing this, the southeast and northwest immediately sacrificed the corpse talisman in their hands and pasted it on the body of the royal zombie.

Bang bang bang!

Several explosions sounded, and the several corpse suppression talismans all turned into flying ashes, and the corpse ropes on the royal zombies were also broken by them with huge force.

"Take the glutinous rice!

At this time, the Qianhe Dao people were grabbed by the arms of the royal zombies, and they couldn't move at all, seeing that those corpse suppression charms and corpse binding ropes had no effect, and hurriedly shouted.


An apprentice jumped forward, instantly removed the cloth bag from the waist of the Thousand Crane Daoist, grabbed a handful of glutinous rice and sprinkled it on the body of the royal zombie.

Bang bang bang!

The glutinous rice attack played a great role, and I saw that the royal zombies exploded one after another, emitting bursts of scorched smoke.

As if feeling a sharp pain, the royal zombie shook his arms hard, and directly threw the Thousand Crane Daoist straight out.


The Thousand Crane Daoist only felt that he had hit a big tree in an instant, as if his whole body was about to fall apart, and he fell heavily to the ground, and the pain was unbearable!

At this time, the royal zombie had once again aimed at the bodies of the registered disciples of the Thousand Crane Daoists, and with a quick leap, he grabbed the shoulders of one of the disciples.

The strong bloodthirsty desire made the royal zombie completely ignore the other disciples throwing glutinous rice at him, and directly opened his bloody mouth and bit the disciple's neck.


A scream came, and at this time, the four disciples in the south, east, and northwest had been killed by the royal zombies, and the blood on their bodies had been sucked dry.

And those guards armed with steel knives and swords were not spared, and they died under the fangs of the royal zombies!

And the Thousand Crane Daoist dragged his body as if it was about to fall apart, stood up with difficulty, and sacrificed three corpse suppression talismans, preparing to attack the bronze armored corpse with a surge of corpse qi again.

It didn't seem to be trying to attack the Chizuru Dao people at all, and the royal zombies at this time had already focused all their attention on the huge tent in front of them.

A summoning and attraction from the bloodline made the royal zombies feel a strong sense of bloodthirstiness, and they immediately stood up and rushed into the tent in front of them.

The flowers haven't moved for a few days.,It's because I'm not good at writing, don't you like to read it?

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