
Seeing the blood-covered royal zombie standing in the tent again, the steward instantly screamed.

After seeing the royal zombie standing in front of him, the little brother on the side showed a resolute expression on his face, and then pulled out the dagger in his hand and rushed towards the royal zombie quickly.

"Uncle Huang, I'm sorry!"

When he came to the royal zombie, the little brother picked up a dagger and stabbed it sharply at the royal zombie.



However, the iron dagger did not play a role in the body of the royal zombie, except for the sound of metal crashing, it did not cause any damage at all.

Seeing this little brother who was related to him by blood standing in Qian, the red eyes of the royal zombie suddenly shone brightly.

At that moment, both paws came out, and he grabbed the little brother from the ground and put it to his mouth.


Seeing that the little brother was struggling all over his body and was caught by the zombie, he immediately rose with infinite courage, and rushed straight to the front of the royal zombie, and smashed it vigorously according to the other party's hands.

It's a pity that the steel-like physique of this royal zombie is not something that the black steward can deal with at all, no matter how he kicks and attacks, the other party doesn't take him seriously at all.

"Uncle Huang!

Little Brother was unconscious, and his arms had been deeply pierced into it by the claws of the royal zombies at this time, and the blood flowed, and this scene also instantly aroused the bloodthirsty desire of the royal zombies!


I saw that the royal zombie instantly opened its bloody mouth, and the two sharp fangs immediately stabbed towards the neck of the little brother.


However, at this moment, a whip rope slammed into the back of the royal zombie, and the sharp pain that came from the moment made the royal zombie even throw the little brother in his hand violently, and wailed again and again.


Seeing that the little brother was out of trouble, the steward hurriedly stepped forward to help, but as soon as he came closer, he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and the royal zombie at this time had firmly grasped him, and his body was still exuding a thick black corpse gas.

"Let's go!"

I only heard the heart-rending voice of the Thousand Crane Daoist from behind the royal zombie, and I saw that he had already picked up the arm-thick corpse rope with his hands at this time, and rushed straight towards the royal zombie again.


The pain just now was caused by this bundle of corpse ropes hitting the body, although it did not cause great harm to the royal zombies, but the pain really made it remember.

Now looking at the Thousand Crane Dao people rushing towards him, the eyes of the royal zombies burst out with a burst of murderous aura, and at this time, he no longer cared about the blood summoning of the little elder brother, opened his sharp claws, and rushed towards the Thousand Crane Dao people.

"Master, master, let's go!"

Although the pain in his shoulder was unbearable, the loyal steward still picked up the little brother who was dying of blood, rushed out of the tent quickly, and ran into the dense forest under black pressure.




At this time, the Thousand Crane Dao people could already clearly feel that the corpse poison had begun to change in their bodies, and the mana around them could not be fully exerted at all.

The royal zombie's whole body was entangled in the corpse rope, and there was a roar of explosions, and when the Thousand Crane Dao people saw this, they immediately sounded the rune paper bag that Ye Tian had handed over to him, and immediately took it out of his arms.

"Senior brother, it's up to you!"

Qianhe Daoren's face was worried, and he immediately opened the rune paper bag, and what appeared in front of him was two golden needles of the cabinet door that shimmered with golden light.


As if feeling the terrifying corpse aura of the royal zombie, the two golden needles instantly turned into two golden rays of light, and flew towards the royal zombie whose body was wrapped in bundles of corpses.



I saw two huge explosions in an instant, and the royal zombies were instantly collapsed and flew dozens of meters away, lying on the ground at this time, screaming miserably, trying to break free from the corpse rope on their bodies.


Although the golden needles were scattered on the ground after only one attack, the Thousand Crane Dao people clearly felt that the royal zombie had been injured by the golden needle just now at this time, and the corpse qi in his body had collapsed a lot.

At the moment, he seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, picked up the broken peachwood sword from the ground, and prepared to stab at the body of the royal zombie.


I saw that the body of the royal zombie exploded in an instant, and the corpse rope was all broken free by the strength around it, and the corpse qi of the body was constantly regrouping, and the two eyes were staring at the thousand crane Dao people, and the mouth was constantly spraying black corpse gas.

"Damn it!"

The people of Qianhe Dao didn't expect that the recovery speed of this royal zombie would be so fast, and the time that had just been won was not grasped at all, and the other party was already standing in front of him.

However, at this moment, more than a dozen corpses around exploded in unison.

In an instant, all the people killed by the royal zombies turned into hideous zombies, including the four registered disciples of the Thousand Crane Daoren!


Seeing that the royal zombies have not been eliminated, at this time, there are more than a dozen zombies that have just been resurrected around him!

The Thousand Crane Dao people worked hard to suppress the speed of the spread of the corpse poison with the spiritual power around them, and an unprecedented sense of crisis instantly spread throughout the body.


When the royal zombie saw this scene, it seemed to let out a cold smile, and then he didn't care about the life or death of the Thousand Crane Dao people, turned around and disappeared into the black and oppressive dense forest.

The people of Qianhe Dao know that the current target of this royal zombie is the little brother who escaped!

Helpless, the Thousand Crane Daoist had mixed feelings in his heart at this time, looking at the zombies with fierce eyes rushing towards him, the Thousand Crane Daoist burned the will to fight again, jumped up, and stabbed the half-broken peachwood sword into the heart of one of the zombies. . .

"Damn, it's still too late!"

At this time, Ye Tian finally came to the scene where the royal zombie came out of the coffin, looking at the scattered coffins and the ground full of corpses, a bad feeling rose in Ye Tian's heart.


A zombie roar came from the tent, and I saw that Chizuru Daoren was holding a severed peachwood sword and stabbed into the heart of a zombie in front of him, but his face was extremely pale.

"Senior brother!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian hurriedly rushed into the tent, and when the Thousand Crane Daoist saw Ye Tian appear, a smile appeared on his face, and he said with a faint breath: "Ye... Senior Brother Ye, and... And three more ... "

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