"What the hell! You two want to die, don't you?"

The four-eyed Taoist picked up the wooden stick that taught Jia Le on weekdays, and shouted again and again: "Hurry up and get in and soak me!"

"Master, don't be kidding, there's a snake here, it's still a poisonous snake!"

"Yes, Uncle Four-eyed, I don't want to die in the mouth of this poisonous snake before I am killed by zombies!"

Although they received two more solid greetings from the four-eyed Taoist, the two of them still didn't dare to obey each other's orders and jumped into the bathtub.

"You know the!"

The four-eyed Taoist took the wooden stick and beat it in his hand again and again, and said loudly: "The zombie that ran out of the golden coffin, the corpse qi is very strong, although I didn't see the other party's appearance, but I really smelled the thick corpse qi left by the zombie there! It's not comparable to ordinary zombies at all!"

"If you don't hurry in, use snake venom to wash your wounds and fight poison with poison, and then heal with glutinous rice water! If you wait for the corpse poison to attack your heart at that time, even the Daluo Immortal will not be able to save you! Hurry inside!"


Jia Le and Wen Cai wanted to cry without tears, where did they think of so much, they still jumped into the bathtub with guts at the moment, and didn't dare to continue jumping out.

After all, turning into a zombie and being bitten by a poisonous snake make the latter choose the latter.

And the two finally understood why after treating the little brother with glutinous rice water just now, the other party finally turned into a zombie.



Sure enough, it didn't take much time for the two of them to enter the bathtub before there were bursts of screaming pain, and there was no need to ask, it must have been those poisonous snakes that had bitten their bodies.

But unexpectedly, the two of them felt some pain at first, and then a crispy and numb feeling spread throughout their bodies, and the corpse poison seeping out of their bodies was much more than just now.

Looking at this scene, the four-eyed Taoist nodded reassuringly, looked out of the door with some concern and said:

"I don't know what happened to Senior Brother Ye and Senior Brother Qianhe!"

"Yes, the two uncles don't know what the situation is! If you run into the escaped zombie, you will be in trouble!"


"Oh, master, why are you beating me!"

Jia Le covered his swollen forehead and complained repeatedly, but after seeing the eyes of the four-eyed Taoist who seemed to breathe fire, he choked back what he was about to say.

"Don't say if you can't speak, your two junior brothers!

The four-eyed Taoist was also very anxious at this time, but he lacked skills and could not take care of the situation on both sides at the same time.

I can only silently pray in my heart for the blessing of Master Zu, Ye Tian and Qianhe Daoren can be safe and sound!

"Uncle Shi, you said that the zombie in the golden coffin and the zombie that the little brother became, will they find it again!"

At this time, Wen Cai already felt that the strength of his whole body had recovered a lot, and he was a little surprised to see that he did not encounter the appearance of two zombies for a while.

"Nonsense, there are no people in a radius of dozens of miles here, why don't you come here?"

The four-eyed Taoist muttered as he kept packing up the magic weapons that could be used to kill zombies, and then raised an even larger bronze sword with a bright smile on his face.

"Hmph, if these two uncles and nephews dare to appear again, I will let them go again without returning!"


After speaking, the four-eyed Taoist stood up and swung his sword, and directly cut the stone table in the courtyard in half on the spot.

Jia Le and Wencai looked at each other, and they didn't dare to continue to interject at all, but hid in the bathtub and watched the situation around them.

In this way, the royal zombies and little brother did not appear again, and most of the corpse poison on Jia Le and Wencai had been expelled, and their strength had recovered a lot.


However, at this moment, two large trees not far from the courtyard exploded in unison, turning into pieces of debris and scattering on the ground.

The four-eyed Taoist was shocked, and hurriedly rushed out of the room with the bronze sword, and at this time, Master Yixiu also heard the sound, holding the bronze demon stick, and quickly ran out.

"Four eyes, what's going on!"

"I don't know, you won't see for yourself!"

Although the two trees exploded in unison, kicking up puffs of smoke and dust, what was unexpected was a surprisingly calm ensuing, and there was no other noise at all, which surprised the two of them.

"By the way, your apprentice and your nephew are fine!"

"Don't worry, I can't die, Jia Le is still waiting to give me a pension!"

The four-eyed Taoist seems to have regarded it as a habit to reply to Master Yixiu, even if the other party is concerned about the inquiry, he does not forget to reply in a bad tone.

Seeing this, Master Ikkyu was not angry, but shouted slogans to express his happiness.

"Hmph, how is your apprentice? dead or not, do you want me to get her some paper figures and paper horses!"

"Hehe, don't worry, my apprentice Jingjing has nothing to do, she is still waiting for you to go to your grave to make incense when you die!"

"Oh, you stinky monk, you really have to be unforgiving, you have enough annoyance!"

"Hey, hey, each other! Four eyes, you're welcome!"

Just as the two of them unconsciously began to quarrel again, a scream came from Master Yixiu's room.



Seeing this, Master Ikkyu instantly rushed into the house at a flying speed, and the four-eyed Taoist also felt that the situation was not good, and ran in with Master Ikkyu.

"It's not good, Jingjing is in danger!"

Knorr has a crush on Jingjing, and now when he hears her shouting, he jumps out of the bathtub in a blink of an eye and goes straight to the house.

And Wen Cai saw that all the people were gone, even if there was an accident in that room, he didn't dare to stay in this room anymore.

Otherwise, if any other zombies rush in, I'm afraid that I won't be enough to stuff the other party's teeth!


Master Yixiu had already rushed into the room at this time, and what caught his eye was the little brother lying on Jingjing's back and constantly biting the other party's shoulder.

Jingjing, on the other hand, was desperately trying to break free from the other party's bite, but after all, she was too seriously injured and couldn't use any extra strength at all.

"Stinky boy, dare to bite my apprentice!"

Master Yixiu was extremely angry, and immediately waved the bronze demon wand in his hand, and slammed it on the back of the little brother.


Suddenly, a red light came into view, and the little brother let out an extremely miserable roar, and instantly jumped off Jingjing's back, and then his eyes widened, and he grabbed Master Yixiu's body fiercely.

"Simu, there is snake medicine in the hall, hurry up and apply it to her!"

got rid of the little brother's bite, and Jingjing at this time had already passed out again!

Seeing this, Master Yixiu immediately pushed it into the arms of the four-eyed Taoist, and then picked up the bronze demon stick again and smashed it into the little brother's body.

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