
I only heard the sound of metal impact, and the little brother's claws directly caught the demon stick in Master Yixiu's hand, but the corpse qi in his body instantly showed a tendency to collapse.

Seeing this, Master Yixiu immediately swung the magic wand again, swung it again and again, and hit the little brother in the chest.


The little brother was instantly knocked out of the house by the demon stick and fell heavily on the ground.

At this time, the four-eyed Taoist also instructed Jia Le and Wen Cai to treat the bite wound of the little brother with snake venom for Jingjing, and joined Master Yixiu's team with a bronze sword in his hand.

"Monk, you can't do this, a little kid can't be beaten to death for a long time, isn't it empty?"

"Nonsense, the poor monk only attacked twice, how could he not destroy a little zombie!"


Listening to the two of them arguing in front of them, but the magic weapon in his hand was flashing brightly, the little brother felt that the situation was not good, and suddenly he turned around and galloped out of the dense forest.

"It's not that easy!"

The four-eyed Taoist raised his hand and waved, and the three corpse talismans came out in unison, all of which were attached to the back of the little elder brother.

Boom! Boom!

Three explosions sounded in a row, and the little brother fell to the ground in an instant, and thick black smoke was emitting from his back, and he was crawling towards the dense forest with great difficulty at this time, trying to avoid a new round of attacks by the two people.

"Stinky boy, can I still let you run away?"

The four-eyed Taoist and Master Yixiu walked quickly to the approach of the little brother, and the two of them raised the demon stick and bronze sword in their hands one after another, and stabbed the little brother in the back fiercely.


Who knew that when the magic weapons of the two were about to pierce the back of the little elder brother, a black corpse qi rushed straight to the front of the two, and instantly exploded a huge pit on the ground.


The corpse qi exploded, and the four-eyed Daoist and Master Yixiu didn't have time to react, and they all fell to the ground, looking at the scene in front of them in great surprise.

I saw that the little zombie was picked up by a big claw, and then a zombie with a roaring corpse and a bronzed luster appeared in front of the two of them!

"Damn, it's that royal zombie!

Although he hadn't seen the true face of the royal zombie, the four-eyed Taoist recognized its true identity from the other party's shroud at a glance.


The royal zombie slowly picked up the little brother and put it on his shoulder, and the corpse qi of his body continued to sway out of his body, and then all of them were absorbed by the little brother, his face was full of excitement and pride.

"This is a problem!"

Seeing that this little brother zombie can be eliminated immediately, but who knew that at this critical moment, a powerful bronze armored corpse suddenly appeared!

The situation of the battle in front of us changed dramatically in an instant.


The royal zombie roared angrily, as if to vent his strong dissatisfaction with Master Yixiu and the four-eyed Taoist, and immediately grabbed the little brother on his shoulder with one hand, turned into a sharp claw with the other, and quickly rushed forward in the direction of the two.

"Hack you!"

The four-eyed Daoist was shocked, raised the bronze sword in his hand, and slashed at the forehead of the royal zombie.

And Master Yixiu directly picked up the demon stick and hit it directly on the chest of the royal zombie.



Who knows, two cracking sounds sounded, and the magic weapons that had followed the two for many years all collapsed in an instant, while the royal zombies were unscathed, and the corpse was thick.

Looking at this scene, the little brother on his shoulder jumped up and landed directly in front of Master Ikyu.


Master Yixiu's intuition felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and the little brother actually opened his bloody mouth and bit on it, greedily sucking fresh blood.

"Monk, I'll help you!"

Seeing that Master Yixiu was bitten by the little elder brother and was in pain, the four-eyed Taoist hurriedly raised the corpse suppression talisman in his hand and rushed towards the little elder brother's body.


Who knew that he hadn't run far just now, and his back was hit by a huge force, and the four-eyed Taoist only felt that the sky was spinning in front of him, and then his whole body flew to the center of the room and fell heavily to the ground.

"Master, are you okay?"

Jia Le and Wen Cai had already placed the injured Jingjing in a corner, surrounded by glutinous rice and corpse talismans.

Seeing that the four-eyed Taoist fell in front of the two of them like a meteor, he hurriedly helped him up and asked loudly.

"Nonsense, it's okay!"

The four-eyed Taoist seemed to feel that the bones in his whole body were about to fall apart, but outside the courtyard, Master Yixiu was beating the little brother vigorously with a Bodhi rosary, and the royal zombie had already begun to attack it!

A bad premonition reached the mind of the four-eyed Daoist, and he got up in an instant and picked up the various magic weapons that had been prepared a long time ago, and shouted at Jia Le and Wen Cai:

"Get out there and help!"


Jia Le has a good kung fu, although the Tao is not good, but full of courage.

Seeing that the four-eyed Taoist raised a bigger and stronger bronze giant sword and rushed out of the house again, Jia Le also picked up a money sword and several corpse suppression talismans when he saw this, and followed behind him.

"Grandma's, I'll fight with you!"

Wen Cai was extremely flustered at this time, but he still picked up an ink fountain and a peachwood sword coated with rooster blood, and joined the battle with a loud roar.

"Monk, I'm here to save you!"

The four-eyed Taoist shouted loudly, jumped more than two meters into the air, raised the bronze giant sword in his hand, and slashed straight at the little brother's body.


Seeing this, the royal zombie directly turned into a black figure, rushed into the air, raised two sharp claws, and directly caught the rapid attack of the four-eyed Taoist.


This time, the bronze giant sword did not break, and a person and a corpse fell in an instant, smashing heavily on the ground.

"I'll see how strong you can be!"

Seeing the claws of the royal zombies constantly emitting black smoke, the four-eyed Taoist exerted all his strength and slashed down desperately.

At this time, Jia Le and Wen Cai also came to the front with magic weapons, brandished the money sword and peach wood sword in their hands, and stabbed at the little zombie.


The baby zombie roared, trying to jump to dodge the attack of the two.

But as soon as he got up, his whole body was instantly wrapped around his body by Master Yixiu with a Bodhi prayer bead, and he couldn't move.

Bursts of violent explosions also continued to sound, and the corpse qi of the body continued to tilt out.


Little Brother couldn't dodge, and Knorr's money sword and Wencai's peachwood sword stabbed into Little Brother's chest one after another, and there was no sword body.


The little elder brother let out a cry of pain, and his entire body instantly flew into the air, instantly exploding into countless pieces of minced flesh and corpses, setting off bursts of corpse qi.

Today's third watch, everyone votes and flowers voted, thank you!

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