
It seemed to sense the demise of the little brother, and the royal zombies erupted with a strong momentum, and then the corpse qi around them rose rapidly.

I only heard the sound of the blade breaking again, and the claws of the royal zombie had already clasped the sword god of the bronze giant sword, and then the entire sword body was shocked by its corpse qi and turned into pieces of slag.

"What's the situation!"

The four-eyed Daoist was extremely surprised to see that such a huge bronze giant sword was actually crushed into pieces by the other party.

And Jia Le, Wencai and Master Yixiu instantly took out the corpse suppression talisman and ink bucket line, and pounced towards the royal zombie.

Bang bang bang!

The ink bucket line and the corpse suppression talisman exploded on the body of the royal zombie and turned into flying ashes, while Master Yixiu kicked in the air and hit the back of the royal zombie's head.


A muffled sound came, and the royal zombie directly threw a punch, hitting Master Ichikyu firmly in the chest, and directly knocked it out.


The mana around Master Ikkyu was sharply damaged, and the ribs in his chest were broken, lying on the ground vomiting blood, and his whole body was shaking involuntarily.

And the four-eyed Taoist saw that the royal zombie was so strong, and he spat blood from the mouth of Master Yixiu, and he felt extremely angry in his heart at the moment, and yelled:

"Jia Le, Wencai, scatter all the talismans!"


Hearing this, the two didn't dare to delay, and scattered all the dozen or so talismans in their hands into the sky.

For a while, more than a dozen talismans floated down beside the royal zombies, each of which was bright and powerful.

"Taishang star, no stop! The Jade Emperor has a force, and the gods are in all directions! Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, purple thunder and lightning! Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law!"

The four-eyed Taoist instantly rushed to the front of the royal zombie and punched out, hitting the royal zombie in the face.

Then purple lightning burst out, all falling on the body of the royal zombie.


Suddenly, he was haunted by lightning, and the royal zombies roared again and again, but the corpse qi in his whole body instantly rose rapidly, and the purple thunder and lightning in that body all fell into his body and disappeared.

"What's going on!"

The four-eyed Daoist people were shocked, this purple thunder and lightning light was hugely powerful, and it was a terrifying demon in the world, even if it was a royal zombie who was a bronze armored corpse, it was impossible to be unscathed, without a single scar!

Seeing this, the four-eyed Taoist jumped to the rear and shouted:

"Liuding Liujia, left and right blessings, divine soldiers order fire, ten thousand magic powers, Maoshan Tiangang fire, urgent as the law!"


A swift fiery snake flew out of the palm of the four-eyed Dao man, heading straight for the front door of the royal zombie.

However, the royal zombie did not dodge at all, but shook violently all over his body, and with a big mouth, a thick storm of corpse qi flew out and hit the fire snake.


The fire snake fused with the corpse qi storm, and there was a violent explosion in an instant.

The four-eyed Daoist was directly shocked back a few meters away by this wave of qi, and even Jia Le and Wencai were also shocked by Qi Qi and fell on the grass not far away.

Although the royal zombies did not retreat, they already burned a little Tiangang fire on their bodies.


It's a pity that at the same time, the corpse qi of the royal zombie quickly burst out, and that little spark instantly turned into nothing and ceased to exist.

At this moment, Master Yixiu had already flown in front of the royal zombies, and sent out a palm, driving an invisible wave of qi!

"King Kong descends to the clutches of the devil!"

Master Yixiu roared angrily, and a golden "swastika" symbol flew out in an instant, hitting the back of the royal zombie.


The royal zombie felt the damage caused by the golden Buddha light on his body, screamed in pain, and then turned around violently, directly grabbed Master Ichixiu's arm, and smashed directly to the ground.


Master Ikkyu landed on the ground with his face on the door, as if his whole body was about to fall apart.

At this time, the four-eyed Taoist attacked again, and it was another Maoshan Tiangang fire, which hit the front door of the royal zombies.


This time, the royal zombie was hit by the Maoshan Tiangang fire, and flew straight out dozens of meters away, falling into the black dense forest.

The four-eyed Taoist walked quickly to the front of Master Yixiu, and hurriedly helped him up and said, "Monk, are you okay?"

"It's okay!

Master Yixiu only felt that the world was spinning and unbearable, and the bones in his body seemed to be about to fall apart, and he was almost loaded on the ground one by one, but fortunately he was immediately mixed by the four-eyed Taoist.

"Why don't you two come over here and help!"

Seeing that Jia Le and Wen Cai were also struggling to get up from the ground at this time, the four-eyed Taoist hurriedly scolded loudly.

Hearing this, the two of them didn't dare to delay more, and took over the seriously injured Master Yixiu from the arms of the four-eyed Taoist.

"Master, what now!"

"Help the monk to the side to rest, and leave it to the master here!"

Although the royal zombie was attacked by a Tiangang fire just now and fell into the dense forest, the four-eyed Daoist knew that the royal zombie would soon be killed again!

Sure enough, as soon as the four-eyed Taoist spoke, there was a burst of explosions in the dense forest, and a figure with black smoke slowly appeared in front of several people!

What is it if it wasn't the royal zombie that was just sent flying!

At this time, the four-eyed Taoist did not dare to delay, and at the moment he pointed with both hands and went straight to the sky.

The mouth was chanting incantations again and again, and the whole body was shaking:

"The fragrance should be heavy, and the fragrance will be burned through the gate of heaven. The golden bird runs like a cloud arrow, and the jade rabbit shines like a wheel. Nanchen and Beidou are full of skylight, and colorful clouds are noisy. Thousands of miles of incense please, flying clouds and horses coming. The disciples have four eyes, please come down quickly! Hurry like a law!"


I saw a meteor in the sky, and then a cyan light instantly fell above the head of the four-eyed Daoist.

In an instant, the four-eyed Daoist's whole body shook violently as if it were a contact point, and then his entire body began to expand rapidly.

In less than a few breaths, the originally thin four-eyed Daoist had already turned into a hard-core strong man with muscles all over his body, as if every muscle was filled with endless power, and his eyes were also bursting with dazzling light.


Jia Le was overjoyed when he saw this, and was just about to open his mouth to cheer for his master, but he was instantly covered by the four-eyed Taoist on the side, and whispered:

"Don't alarm him! He is holding on to this breath now, if he is deflated, his divine power will be gone!"


Jia Le nodded again and again, and Wen Cai's face was also full of excitement and surprise, staring at the four-eyed Taoist who had become tall and mighty.



At this time, the four-eyed Taoist looked at the royal zombie not far away, showed a contemptuous smile on his face, and walked over with a swagger, as if he didn't take the other party in his eyes at all!

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