At this time, not only the four-eyed Taoist, but also Master Yixiu rushed over when he heard the news, and he couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the royal zombie that had landed.

I saw that the royal zombie's chest had been completely smashed, his face was scarred, and his two eyes were gone, only the green slime kept flowing out of the black hole.

Today's royal zombies are not as good as before, not to mention that the corpse qi of one body has collapsed by more than eighty percent, and even the bronze luster of the body has disappeared a lot.

"Watch Ben Dao stab you bastard!"

Looking at this scene, the four-eyed Daoist immediately raised the bronze sword he had just taken out and stabbed it fiercely into the chest of the royal zombie!


However, although the chest of this royal zombie has been smashed flat by Ye Tian, it is still extremely hard!

The heavy sword of the four-eyed Daoist fell, and it instantly cracked open, and all of them were broken!

The four-eyed Taoist who watched it was stunned and surprised!


It was as if he felt the breath of a living person beside him, and a strong sense of bloodlust surged into his heart!

The royal zombie roared angrily, and was about to turn over and get up, sucking up the blood of the two people in front of him!


However, at this moment, Ye Tian's figure suddenly flashed in front of the zombie, and he saw him raise his leg and kick it, hitting the zombie's chest!

The idea of getting up was wiped out on the spot, and it fell to the floor again.



The royal zombie felt the huge pressure from his body, and the pain was incomparable, but he had no way to break free, so he could only keep screaming.

Ye Tian was already sweating profusely at this time, his blood was rolling, even if the corpse qi of this royal zombie had been broken by himself, his strength was still very strong!

I desperately pressed it with both hands and feet, so that it did not break free from its own clamps!

"Master, go and get all the snake medicine out!


Master Yixiu was puzzled, why did Ye Tian know that he had snake medicine in the house, but now he didn't think about it, he got up again and again, and hurriedly ran towards his courtyard!

"Senior brother, glutinous rice, take all that glutinous rice and stuff it into the zombie's mouth!"


Ye Tian just left a whole basket of glutinous rice for the four-eyed Daoist, and although more than half of the corpse poison was used to treat several people, there was still a lot left!

Hearing Ye Tian's order, he didn't ask the reason, turned around and ran into the back room to take out all the glutinous rice in the basket!

Ye Tian had watched the movie in his previous life and knew that the reason for the final elimination of this bronze armored corpse was to use various snake medicines and poisonous snakes that drank glutinous rice water to stuff into the mouths of the royal zombies, start to destroy them from the inside, and finally eliminate them!

All this in front of us now fully confirms this.

Although he had already broken up the corpse of the royal zombie and was seriously injured, he also used the tricky golden needle to give it a heavy blow.

But Rao is like this, the body of this royal zombie is still extremely hard, and it is impossible to use magic weapons to attack it again and again.

Therefore, the only way to do this is to attack its internal organs and destroy it, just like the one in the movie!

"Senior brother, you hold him down!"

At this time, although the royal zombie was pressed under Ye Tian with the power of the overlord, he still kept struggling.

Especially the sharp fangs, constantly opening and closing, if you are not careful, you will be bitten on the spot.

Aiming at the timing, the four-eyed Taoist raised his hand and patted it, and a whole handful of glutinous rice was already stuffed into the bloody mouth of the royal zombie.




Bursts of black smoke exploded, and the struggle of the royal zombies became even more intense.

Seeing this, Ye Tian increased his strength, and the four-eyed Daoist also began to keep stuffing glutinous rice into the other party's mouth.

"The snake medicine is here!"

At this time, the mouth of the royal zombie has begun to spew green mucus non-stop, and the opening force of the mouth is not as good as before.

Seeing this, Master Yixiu quickly opened all the bottles and cans, and poured all the snake medicine into the big mouth of the royal zombie.

"Uncle Shi, you don't need this!"

At this time, Jia Le and Wen Cai also hurriedly ran over, grabbed a poisonous snake in their hands, and asked Ye Tian in a loud voice!

"Stuff it in, quick!"

The poisonous snake drank glutinous rice water, which has a strong restraint effect on the royal zombies, and in less than a while, two one-meter-long poisonous snakes have followed the mouth and all of them have drilled into the abdominal cavity of the royal zombies!

"Give you the final blow!"

Ye Tian saw that the whole body of the royal zombie kept struggling, and the corpse qi kept collapsing, and at that moment, a corpse suppression charm flew out of his fingers, and it was immediately stuffed into the big mouth of the royal zombie.




I can only hear the chest of the royal zombie exploding again and again, constantly spilling out green slime!

Ye Tian knew that at this time, the things in the internal organs of the royal zombies had already begun to work!

At that moment, he immediately drank everyone back, and instantly picked up the royal zombies, blasted out of the house with one punch, and landed in the courtyard!

Bang! Bang!

The explosions came and went, and the royal zombies even roared much hoarser than before, and they could only wave their claws again and again, but they couldn't make any resistance!

Bang! Bang!

The corpse qi on the body of the royal zombie continued to collapse rapidly, and the inside of the chest exploded again and again, and several large black holes had collapsed, and countless green slime also flew out and fell on the ground!

"Liuding Liujia, left and right blessings, divine soldiers order fire, ten thousand magic powers, Maoshan Tiangang fire, urgent as the law!"


A fire snake flew out from Ye Tian's fingers in an instant, and rushed straight to the tattered body of the royal zombie.

In an instant, the royal zombie was engulfed by the Tiangang flames, and its whole body was constantly burning violently, and thick black smoke kept spraying out from its body, but it could no longer extinguish the Tiangang flames!



For a while, the entire courtyard was full of flames, roaring again and again, and the Tiangang fire on the royal zombie became stronger and stronger, while the corpse qi on its body was getting weaker and weaker.

After more than ten minutes, the royal zombies who had been struggling in the courtyard finally fell to the ground slowly, and there was no longer a sound.

However, the Tiangang flame was burning violently, and in less than a moment, it completely wiped out the flesh of the royal zombies, and the entire courtyard was filled with a thick stench of scorched smoke.

"Ding! Destroy a zombie and get 800 merit points! Get attribute: copper skin and iron bones!"

At this time, the system prompt sounded in Ye Tian's ears again, and when he heard the words, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth.

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: a product of the heavenly master

Merit: 1210/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

Fourth, there's another one later, I'll take a shower first!

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