"Great, it's finally dead!"

Seeing the royal zombies turn into ashes in front of his eyes, Wen Cai sat down on the ground with relief, while Jia Le quickly ran into the dilapidated back room and went straight to Jingjing.

"Damn zombie, because of him, Dao Ye's house is about to be demolished!"

At this time, the four-eyed Taoist looked back at the house that had been damaged by the battle with the royal zombies, as if he was about to cry.

"Okay, okay, give you five hundred oceans, go back and find some craftsmen to repair it well!

Ye Tian couldn't see the four-eyed Taoist put on such a appearance in front of him, and he directly raised his hand and flew out of a bill of exchange, and it fell into the hands of the four-eyed Taoist.

"Wow! Five hundred oceans! Senior brother, you're not joking with me!"

Simu rubbed his eyes vigorously, as if he couldn't believe that the money order in his hand would be real.

And Master Yixiu walked up to Ye Tian, clasped his palms together and said: "Good, good, Ye Daochang is kind-hearted, the poor monk will beg the Buddha to bless you!"

"Don't be, master, I have received your wishes, let the Buddha bless you! Otherwise, if the Dao Ancestor knows, his old man will be angry!"

"Hehe, it's the poor monk who said the wrong thing! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Master Ikkyu smiled slightly, then turned and walked towards the room.

Seeing this, the four-eyed Daoist gently came to Ye Tian's side and said, "Senior brother, these five hundred oceans are too much, even if you buy these two courtyards for the two of us, you won't need so much!"

Although the four-eyed Daoist people are more picky on weekdays, they never care about these things for Ye Tian and other senior brothers.

Now after seeing that Ye Tian gave him a bill of exchange of five hundred oceans at once, it was as if he had received a hot potato.

"Just take it for you, although Senior Brother Qianhe is no longer in danger of life, but his injuries are serious and he needs to be well recuperated, you can keep this money to buy some supplements for him to eat!"

"Look at what you said, Chizuru is your senior brother, and he is also my junior brother, how can I wronged him!"

"Don't be verbose, let's go back and rest quickly, look at your injuries, what are you still messing around!"

"Oh, don't say it, my body looks like it's going to fall apart, it hurts!"

"Let's go, I'll show you when I get inside!"

After that, Ye Tian directly helped the four-eyed Taoist back to the house, and the other party thanked Ye Tian from time to time for giving him this huge sum.

In this regard, Ye Tian said that he didn't care, because no one knew that the bronze horn gold coffin had been put into the system storage space by Ye Tian early.

A mere 500 oceans is nothing compared to this golden coffin weighing a thousand catties.

The crisis of the royal zombies was finally resolved, and Ye Tian also successfully changed the fate of the Thousand Crane Dao people, successfully dragging them back from the ghost gate.

Except for Ye Tian, who was the least injured, everyone's bodies were blue and purple, and blood wet their clothes. In particular, Chizuru Daoren and Jingjing were the most seriously injured, and the four-eyed Taoist and Master Ichiyu also had multiple fractures on their bodies.

Since almost all of the houses of the Shimechi people were destroyed, everyone was crowded into the house of Master Ikkyu.

Then, the bickering career on weekdays has now become commonplace.

As long as the four-eyed Daoist and the master of Yixiu had time, they would quarrel with each other, which was unbearable for Ye Tian and the others.

Finally, after the Thousand Crane Daoist woke up, Ye Tianer returned to Renjia Town with Wencai without saying a word, and vowed that he would never come to the Dojo of the Four-Eyed Daoist again in the future.

"Uh... Master... "

Finally, Jingjing, who had been unconscious, finally opened her eyes, looking at Master Yixiu sitting in front of her, Jingjing only felt that she didn't have any strength in her body!

"Ha, Jingjing, you're awake! Great! Great! Ye Daochang's pill really works!"

In fact, after the Thousand Crane Daoist woke up, Master Yixiu couldn't help but ask when Ye Tianjingjing would wake up.

And the explanation given by Ye Tian was that Jingjing's physique was very weak and she couldn't do it in her body, so her recovery speed was also the slowest, so she was in a coma for a whole day before she woke up.

"Daoist Ye?"

Jingjing was a little curious, and then the picture of Ye Tian saving himself from the hands of the royal zombie appeared in her mind, as if she had imprinted the appearance of the other party in her mind, and she couldn't forget it for a long time.

Seeing this, Jingjing took a deep breath and said, "Master, is Ye Daochang here? I want to thank him!"

"Daoist Ye, he's gone. "


When Jingjing heard the news, a trace of loss flashed in her heart, and she regretted her unreasonable attitude towards Ye Tian at the beginning, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"Ah, Jingjing, you're awake!"

At this time, Jia Le also walked in with hot tea, and saw that Jingjing had woken up, and said happily: "Jingjing, are you thirsty, come, drink more hot water!"

"Thanks, you go out, I want to be alone!"

Jingjing glanced at Jia Le lightly, as if she was completely listening to the other party's words.

"Jingjing, do you know I'm worried about you... "

Jia Le hurriedly replied, but was covered by Master Yixiu, shook his head and said, "Let's all go out, Jia Le, let Jingjing have a good rest!"


Seeing this, Jia Le could only nod again and again, not daring to say anything more.

Master Ikyu glanced back and saw Jingjing's eyes staring at the scenery outside the window, revealing a trace of lost emotion in her eyes.

Master Ikkyu shook his head slightly, sighed and didn't say another word, but turned around and walked out of the room with Knorr.

"Ye Daochang... "

Jingjing murmured softly, as if the figure hadn't gone far and had been standing quietly in the yard...

"Uncle Shi, are you really not going to Yizhuang with me?"

After rushing for nearly a few days, it was already ten in the evening, and Ye Tian and Wen Cai finally returned to the familiar Renjia Town.

"No, you go back and say hello to me and my senior brother!"

Ye Tian handed over the gifts he had bought on the road to Wencai, and walked straight in the direction of the Shenlong Medical Hall in the town.

"Huh, why is the door unlocked?"

When he came to the door of the medical hall, Ye Tian was surprised to find that the copper lock on the door of the medical hall had disappeared.

Pushing the door in, I saw a shadow wiping the table and chair with a rag, and her cheeks were already sweating.

"Tingting, why are you here?"

If Ye Tian hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that the dignified lady of Renjia Town would deign to clean in a small medical hall, and she was already tired and sweaty.

couldn't help but feel warm and good in Ye Tian's heart.

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