"Brother Ye, you're back!"

Ren Tingting, who was still immersed in work, saw Ye Tian standing at the door with a surprised face, walked up to the front full of excitement, wiped the beads of sweat on her face, and said with a smile: "Quick, Brother Ye, sit down!"

After that, Ren Tingting led Ye Tian to the table, pointed around and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that this medical hall will be uncleaned for a long time, and there will be a lot of ashes, and it just so happens that Uncle Nine said that he has a spare key here, so I will give it here! Brother Ye, don't worry, I didn't move your things at will, I just came over occasionally to clean it briefly." "

"Good work!"

Ye Tian nodded, his face was full of smiles, and then gently pulled Ren Tingting's slender hand, and a box of rouge appeared in the other party's hand.

"What is this?"

Ren Tingting was a little surprised, looking at the rouge box in her hand, she was a little at a loss for a while.

"This is what I saw when I was shopping with Wencai, and I bought it because I thought it was good, I don't know if you like it or not. "

Originally, this box of rouge Ye Tian was going to take the time to send it to Ren's mansion, but he didn't expect to meet Ren Tingting today, so he simply handed it over to the other party.

"Yes, yes!"

Ren Tingting instantly smiled, her face was full of happiness, and she said happily: "Whatever Brother Ye sends me, I like it!"

"Hehe, if you like it!"

After that, Ye Tian gently wiped the beads of sweat off Ren Tingting's cheeks with a handkerchief, and said with a smile: "I'm tired, I'll invite you out to eat!"

"No, let's not go out to eat, I'll make you noodles to eat!"

Ren Tingting hurriedly put the rouge box carefully into the small satchel, and said with a smile: "People say that the dumplings for the guests welcome the noodles, I'll make noodles for you to eat, see if my craftsmanship is progressing!"

"Hehe, I've been a guest for a long time!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, raised his hand and gently scraped Ren Tingting's nose.

"Ah, that's what people want to say!"

Being made by Ye Tian like this, Ren Tingting instantly blushed with shame, turned around and stood up, and ran to the kitchen to get busy.

Soon, two bowls of fragrant shredded egg and meat noodles were served on the table, smelling the fragrant noodles, Ye Tian couldn't help but move his index fingers.

"Quick, Brother Ye, taste whether it's delicious!"

Ren Tingting said with a smile while giving Ye Tian the eggs in her bowl.

"Well, it tastes better and better!"

Listening to Ye Tian's praise, Ren Tingting laughed happily again and again, and for a while, the whole dining table was Ren Tingting's cheerful laughter, which was beautiful and pleasant.

"Oh, it's so fragrant! Senior brother, I said why didn't you come back and sit with me, dare to have an appointment with a beautiful woman here!"

At this time, a hearty voice came from the door, and I saw Uncle Nine walking in with a smile on his face, seeing Ye Tian and Ren Tingting eating noodles happily, and couldn't help but joke.

"Senior brother, you're here!"

"Hello Uncle Nine!"

"Sit down, sit down, you're not an outsider!"

Uncle Nine saw the two of them get up to greet him, and waved his hand again and again, but Ren Tingting didn't sit down, and said with a smile: "Uncle Jiu, I'll go and serve you a bowl of noodles!"

"No need, Miss Ren, I've eaten it!"

"That's good!" Ren Tingting smiled and took the small satchel in her hand, and continued: "You must have come to talk to Brother Ye about things, I'll go back first, and the key to this medical hall will be returned to you!"

Uncle Nine didn't take the key handed over by Ren Tingting, but pushed it back and said with a smile: "It's better for you to put it away, if Senior Brother Ye goes out again in the future, this key will be able to be used at that time, right?"

Ren Tingting didn't speak anymore when she heard this, but looked up at Ye Tian.

"Take it!"

"Okay, then I'll take it! Brother Ye, you and Uncle Nine eat slowly, I'll go back first!"

Ren Tingting happily agreed, put away the key and left the medical hall, and walked towards Ren's mansion full of joy.

"Miss Ren, this girl is really good, Senior Brother Ye, you are blessed!"

While making fun of Ye Tian, Uncle Nine poured himself a cup of tea and drank it leisurely.

"I think Senior Sister is also good, Senior Brother, aren't you also very blessed?"


Sure enough, as soon as he heard Ye Tian mention Aunt Sue, Uncle Jiu's tea was like being cursed, and it squirted out in an instant.

"Didn't you say you didn't mention her!

"You made fun of me first!"

Ye Tian smiled and poured another cup of tea for Uncle Jiu, and said, "Senior brother is here this time, what's the matter!"

"That's right. "

Seeing Ye Tian asking, Uncle Nine straightened up and said: "Master Wang Youcai of Hongxi Village asked someone to send a letter today, saying that her daughter seems to have fallen into evil, I hope I can solve it as soon as possible, I think this matter will trouble you, junior brother!"

"What's the matter? The matter of exorcism and ghost hunting has always been the source of your business, senior brother, why do you leave it to me in a good way?"

Ye Tian was very surprised, he and Uncle Jiu lived in Renjia Town, but there was a clear difference in the direction of the dojo's operation.

Uncle Jiu's Yizhuang is responsible for the feng shui of the entire Renjia Town and the surrounding villages, as well as the good fortune and avoiding evil, while Ye Tian's Shenlong Medical Hall is mainly for treating patients.

It can be said that there is no conflict between the two sources of income at all, so Ye Tiancai is a little curious about this matter.

"Hey, that's the case, I made an early appointment with the village chief of Hongfa Village to go to their village tomorrow to see feng shui, so the matter of Wang Yuanwai's daughter being evil can only be entrusted to you, junior brother!"

"Okay, I'll take this thing!"

Ye Tian directly agreed when he heard this, and then said to Uncle Nine jokingly: "This is the business that you took the initiative to stuff into me, senior brother, don't blame me when the time comes!"

"Stinky boy, tell me this!

Uncle Nine pretended to be angry and knocked Ye Tian's head, then turned into a serious face, and said in a loud voice: "I heard Wen Cai say that you encountered a bronze armored corpse this time, and Senior Brother Qianhe almost died in its hands?"

"That's right, this bronze armored corpse is indeed very powerful, even stronger than the one we met at the foot of Maoshan back then!"

Ye Tian nodded and said with a straight face.

"Hey, I'm glad to have you, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll never see Senior Brother Chizuru again in the future. "

Speaking of this, Uncle Nine showed a grateful expression on his face, and his tone became a little sad.

"My own junior brother, don't talk about this!"

"Yes, yes, we're all our own family!"

Hearing this, Uncle Nine nodded again and again, and then pulled Ye Tian to talk in detail about the situation of the bronze armored corpse of the royal family, and Uncle Nine was shocked and full of surprise when he heard it.

Good night everyone, have a good dream!

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