"Hello, is this Mr. Wang's house?"

According to the address given by Uncle Jiu, after Ye Tian had breakfast, he set off early, drove twenty miles, and finally came to Hongxi Village.

"You are?"

The man who opened the door looked at Ye Tian's eyes, and couldn't help but be a little vigilant.

"My name is Ye Tian, I am the doctor of the Shenlong Medical Hall in Renjia Town, and my senior brother is the ninth uncle of Yizhuang, he asked me to come to Master Wang!"

"Oh, you're Dr. Ye Tianye!

The zombie battle in Renjia Town made Ye Tian's reputation greater, and the nearby countryside was singing about the original battle between Ye Tian, Uncle Jiu and the four-eyed Taoist against zombies.

It was blown so faintly that it was as if everyone had seen it with their own eyes at the scene.

Therefore, hearing Ye Tian's self-introduction, the family was full of happiness and a little excited in his heart.

"Thank you!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and entered the mansion with the other party.

Wang Youcai's family is also a big family in Hongxi Village, although it is not as good as the Ren family, but it also supports more than ten family servants to serve.

"Master, Dr. Ye of Renjiazhen is looking for you!"

After quickly bypassing a few corridors, Ye Tian was led to the main hall by the family.

"Oh, Doctor Ye, why are you here!"

Wang Youcai had been to Renjiazhen earlier to see a doctor, and he had also specially visited the famous doctor Ye Tian, so he admired his medical skills very much.

Now I heard about him fighting zombies angrily, and I praised him again and again for his superb Taoist skills!

"Master Wang, it was my senior brother Ninth Uncle who asked me to come, he has a lot of things to do, and he lacks skills, so let me take a look at Ling Qianjin's condition!"

Ye Tian opened his mouth to explain his intentions, and then continued: "I'm just afraid that Master Wang won't blame him!"

"Where's the word!"

Wang Youcai waved his hand again and again, looking flattered: "Doctor Ye's skills are now a household name, with you here, my king has a hundred rest assured!"

"Okay, please lead the way and see how Ling Qianjin is doing!"

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, Doctor Ye, come with me!"

Wang Youcai hurriedly agreed, and took Ye Tian to a place in the side courtyard.

"Open the door, it's me!"

I saw Master Wang open the door and knock on the door, and a middle-aged woman walked out with red eyes and said, "Uncle Nine, is he here?"

"Uncle Nine didn't come, his junior brother Doctor Ye came!"

"Doctor Ye, hurry, fast forward!"

The middle-aged woman was Wang Youcai's wife, and when she saw Ye Tian coming, she hurriedly greeted her politely into the house.

At this time, on the bed in the room lay a girl who was bound by a thick rope and had messy hair.

"I don't want to marry him! I don't want to marry him! let go of me!

The girl kept screaming, trying to break free from the restraints on her body, but the thick rope was so close that no matter how she struggled, it was in vain.

"Doctor Ye, take a look at my daughter, she has been like this for a day and a night!"

Wang Youcai looked sad, and hurriedly led Ye Tian to the front, and continued: "This kid always yells, saying that he was taken in by a guy named Ghost Face Langjun, and he was going to be taken away by the other party to get married!"

"Yes, Doctor Ye, can you help us see what happened to my child Xiao Qiang?"

Mrs. Wang also cried out in a hurry at this time, grabbed Ye Tian's hands, and begged repeatedly.

"He's coming in the evening! He's coming in the evening! Let me go! I'm getting out of here!"

At this time, Wang Qiangrose was lying on the bed, shouting and screaming, and even the skin on her body was strangled with blood marks because she was bound by a thick rope.


Seeing this, Ye Tian didn't delay, and a golden needle flew out in an instant, hovering above Wang Qiangrose's head.

"Taishang star, the strain is non-stop! The hole and wisdom are thorough, and the five qi are soaring! The left blessing, the right god helps!


In an instant, the golden needle bloomed, and instantly pierced into the top of the other party's head.


A black smoke instantly drifted out from the top of Wang Qiangrose's head, and at this time, the other party's state gradually eased down, not as excited and frightened as just now.


A talisman flew out and landed on Wang Qiangrose's heart, while the other party slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep quietly.


Ye Tian put away the golden needle, and at this time, Wang Qiangrose had fallen asleep, and there was no longer the restlessness of the past.

Seeing this scene, Wang Youcai and Mrs. Wang were both pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly thanked Ye Tian and said:

"Doctor Ye, Doctor Ye, thank you!"

"Don't say thank you just yet!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and said with a serious face: "The three souls and seven souls of the daughter are missing, which caused her to be so crazy, if she doesn't get her lost soul back as soon as possible, I'm afraid she will become a crazy and stupid idiot from now on." "

"How so?"

Wang Youcai and Mrs. Wang were both shocked, the joy that had just surged up was suddenly gone, and Mrs. Wang fainted directly and fell into Wang Youcai's arms.

"I'm afraid that this matter will only have an answer tonight when that ghost-faced man appears. "

For this matter, Ye Tian is also confused, Wang Qiangrose's soul has been taken away by the other party with evil magic, if you want to recover the lost soul, the only way to find the true location of the ghost-faced Langjun is first!

"Okay, okay! Then I'll leave everything to Dr. Ye!"

Wang Youcai first asked the servant to help Mrs. Wang back to the house to rest, and then took out the 200 ocean bill of exchange that had been prepared early from his pocket and handed it to Ye Tian:

"Doctor Ye, I'll leave this matter to you! If the reward is not enough, I will send someone to the money village to get it!"

"That's enough, I'll leave this matter to me!"

Ye Tian smiled and put the bill of exchange into his sleeve, and then calmed Wang Youcai's mood, and asked people to arrange a room next to Wang Qiangrose's room, waiting for the arrival of the ghost-faced Langjun at night.

At this time, in Hongfa Village, Uncle Jiu and his party had already come to the hillside outside the village, looking at the feng shui pattern in front of them, and praised again and again.

"The village chief, the village is surrounded by mountains, the golden basin on the left, and the water pavilion on the right. The front exhibition is a crane in the garden, and the back pillow is a jade in Jingshan. It is in line with the phenomenon of wind and water, and it should be prosperous and prosperous!"

Listening to Uncle Jiu's description very clearly, but the village chief's face was full of gloom, "But the six animals in the village have been uneasy for no reason recently, and the population is not working, is there something wrong with feng shui?"

"The wind and even the air current, must not block the air!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, he pointed straight to the sky around him and said, "Now that the tiger is windy, the air flow is smooth, and the wind should not be a problem." "

"Is there anything wrong with the water?"

"Village Chief, take me to see where the water source is!"

"Okay, Uncle Nine, come with me!"

After that, the village chief took Uncle Jiu and his party and walked in the direction of the water source.

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