With the leadership of the village chief, Uncle Nine and his party came to a spring in the mountains, looking at the surrounding environment, Uncle Nine nodded again and again:

"Village head, the so-called wind pipe person Ding water management wealth, the wind does not enter the household, the water does not prosper the house! This feng shui pattern of Hongfa Village is really first-class!"

Speaking of this, Uncle Nine pointed to the spring water mountain stone in front of him and continued: "This is called the Dragon Tuzhu Cave, which has been impacted and eroded by the mountain stream to form a water ring!

"As the saying goes, the pearl is round and jade, and the house is fat, whether it is like this or not, just look at the pearl!"

After that, Uncle Nine got up and jumped a few steps to a shore, and then gently lifted the stone in front of him, and a round bead appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"How so?"

Uncle Jiu's face was full of surprise, this so-called dragon ball had cracked several lines, and its luster was also very dim, and it didn't have the appearance that the dragon ball should have been.

"Uncle Nine, is there something wrong with this Dragon Ball?"

"Well, I'll take a look!"

Uncle Nine frowned and agreed, then picked up a branch and forked a dead fish from the water.

The gills of this dead fish were pitch black, full of all kinds of filthy impurities, and the stench was unpleasant.

"Village chief, there is a problem with the water source in your village, inform everyone not to drink it!"

"Then what should we do now, more than 100 people in our village live on this water source!"

Water is the source of life, there is nothing wrong with this, a person's food, clothing, shelter and transportation, eating, drinking and Lazar are inseparable from water.

Now that there is a problem with the water source, it can no longer be quoted, which makes the village chief feel a little busy and anxious.

"Don't worry, I'll find a new source of water for your village in a moment!"

"Okay, okay, then thank you Uncle Nine!"

When the village chief heard this, the stone in his heart fell to the ground.


Just as the two were talking, there was a sound of falling water not far away, and I saw that Chang Wei had fallen into the river, and kept shouting for help.

On the shore, there was a girl in a Western-style gauze skirt who kept waving her hand and said, "Oh, don't scream, this water is not deep at all!"

"Ang, really? hehe. "

Chang Wei, who was in a panic, was a little surprised when he heard this, and then his feet occupied the land, and the river water was just below his waist, and there was no danger to his life at all.

This girl is the distant cousin that Chang Wei once mentioned to Ye Tian, Junru.

I just came to Renjia Town a few days ago, and I was protected by Chang Wei as a baby, taking care of him in every detail in life, and the relationship between the two was also heating up rapidly.

Therefore, when he heard that Uncle Nine was going to come to Hongfa Village to see feng shui this time, Chang Wei brought his cousin and a group of security team members here.

said that he could provide some help to Uncle Jiu, but in fact, he was just here to enjoy the mountains and rivers.

Just now, Junru's handkerchief accidentally fell into the river, Chang Wei volunteered when he saw this, but one accidentally fell into the river.

"Oh, come up, the river is dirty!"

Jun Ru complained while reaching out to pull Chang Wei in the river.

"Hey, thank you, cousin!"

Although Chang Wei fell into the water, his face was full of happiness, but suddenly Junru shouted, turned around and ran back to the shore.

"There are snakes!"

"Huh, there's a snake?"

Chang Wei heard Junru's scream, he was extremely scared, and he also felt that something was wrapped around his feet, and instantly burst out with the power of the whole body, and desperately crawled to the shore.

As Chang Wei desperately climbed ashore, the thing wrapped around his feet was also revealed, not a snake, but a rattan!


I saw that the rattan spread long in the river, and when Chang Wei came to the shore, a large net of countless rattan intertwined was dragged up from the river.

Unexpectedly, the rattan net was full of dead bats, dozens of them, and it was full of weirdness.

At this time, Uncle Nine and the others also rushed over because they heard Chang Wei's cry for help just now, but the rattan net full of dead bats instantly attracted the attention of Uncle Nine and the village chief.

"Strange, when did there be so many bats here?"

The village chief was very surprised, this entire Hongfa Village was very familiar to him, and he had never seen so many bats for so many years.

"I'm afraid there's a big bat nest here!"

Uncle Nine was also very surprised, and then glanced at Chang Wei, who had just come back to his senses, and said, "Captain, please take someone to search nearby to see if there is a bat nest!"


Chang Wei agreed even that for these bats that made him look good in front of his cousin Junru, Chang Wei couldn't wait to burn the bat nest with a fire.

Just like in the movie, a nearby church that was being renovated attracted the attention of Chang Wei and the other security teams, and Uncle Nine also hurried over.

After some fruitless negotiations with the fat nun of the church, she used Taoist tricks to enter the retreat room in the church that had been closed for many years.

The ashram was covered with garlic, smoke and cobwebs.

On the wall of the ashram there are also photos of two priests who came here to preach, but only one of the bones belonging to Father Qi was found in the ashram, and the whereabouts of the other priest are unknown.

After searching for a long time, Uncle Nine and the others did not find the whereabouts of the bat nest, so they no longer paid attention to the nuns in the church, but went to find a new water source.

Soon, with Uncle Jiu's rich experience and profound knowledge of Feng Shui, a new source of water has been discovered.

Uncle Jiu even instructed Qiusheng and Wencai to insert a wooden stake as a mark in the place of the new water source, and only after noon, they could start digging the earth.

Towards noon, everyone went to eat, and there was no one at the new water source marker.


A group of bats that had been waiting in the woods for a long time came out in unison, turning into a mass of black claws and uprooting the wooden stakes that had been planted in the ground.

Then they quickly landed the stake in a place not far away, and then they all flew away.

After arranging everything, Uncle Jiu, Qiusheng and Wencai returned to the township office to wait for the water source to be successfully opened, but what they didn't expect was.

Suddenly, the sky was cloudy, the wind was howling, and in an instant the rain was falling.

A thick yin and evil aura then evaporated from the ground and enveloped the construction site.

"What's going on? Who moved the stake?"

Uncle Nine realized that a strong sense of uneasiness was coming, and he quickly ran towards the place where the water source was dug.

When he arrived at the construction site, he found that the location of the worker's excavation was not at all the location of the water source he had marked, and he hurriedly asked loudly.



At this time, no one paid attention to Uncle Jiu, but pulled the rope hard in unison, and a dried corpse with strips of cloth wrapped in strips of cloth on its chest and covered in dirt was dragged up from the deep pit by everyone.

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