"Ninth Uncle, Ninth Uncle!"

At this time, Chang Wei, who had been sheltering from the rain in the house, saw Uncle Nine coming, and hurriedly ran out, subconsciously glanced at the place wrapped in strips of cloth on the chest of the dry corpse, and then immediately avoided it and stopped looking at it again.

"How can there be a corpse here?"

Uncle Nine was very sensitive to corpses, especially when he saw the evil aura around him condensing and dissipating, he was very uneasy.

"Captain, this corpse's eyes are red, rotting but not dissolving, I suggest that it be cremated immediately, otherwise it will be transformed at any time!"

"But Uncle Nine, it's raining too much now, let's talk about cremation later!"

When Chang Wei heard this, he hurriedly stopped it, for fear that Uncle Nine would have any thoughts about this dry corpse, so he hurriedly said: "Why don't you carry it to my house first, and promise to cremate it after the rain stops, how about it?"

"Well, that's it!"

At this time, the storm was falling non-stop, not to mention cremating the corpse, even a small fire could not be burned, seeing this, Uncle Nine had no choice but to agree to Chang Wei's request.

"Oops, it's scary to put the corpse here!"

In the room, Jun Ru looked at the dried corpse lying on the ground, and then looked at its red eyes, and hid behind Chang Wei in fear.

"Ha, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, while it's raining heavily, let's hurry up and get the ruby down!"

"Hey, yes, yes!"

As soon as Jun Ru heard this, his mind was full of the brilliant and dazzling appearance of the ruby, and he didn't care if it was terrifying or not.

But the ruby was set in the silver cross, and the cross was deeply embedded in the body of the dried corpse.

Chang Wei used great strength to eat, but he still didn't get the ruby down.

In this way, the rain kept falling, and before I knew it, it was already night, and Chang Wei had tried all his might, but he couldn't get the ruby off the cross at all.

"Oh, you can't do it, I tell you, I won't marry you without rubies!"

"Don't worry, cousin, don't I think of another way?"

"Captain, the rain has stopped, and the pyre is ready, so it's time for you and the dry corpse!"

Just when Chang Wei was still struggling to saw the silver cross, the sound of the security guard knocking on the door came from outside the door.

Chang Wei knew that there was no time to get rubies anymore, and the top priority was to make a trick of changing the tanuki for the prince.

In this way, according to the development of the plot in the movie, Chang Wei used a humanoid wood carving as a stand-in for the dried corpse, and successfully deceived Uncle Nine and everyone.

"Hehe, no one can stop us now!

Just burned the fake dried corpse and sent everyone away, Chang Wei couldn't wait to return to the room at this time, ready to show his strength.

"Ha, come on, cousin, love you!"

Seeing this, Jun Ru gently kissed Chang Wei's face, which immediately made the other party feel confident and motivated.

At that moment, Chang Wei directly picked up the axe and cut it on the cross on the chest of the dried corpse, only to see that the cross was broken on the spot.

And Chang Wei also used too much force, his whole face fell on the severed cross on the dry corpse's body, and in an instant, blood flowed and sprayed on the chest of the dry corpse.

"Oh, cousin, you're bleeding, quick, I'll help you out to stop the bleeding!"

"It hurts!"

In this way, Junru sent Chang Wei out of the room and asked the security team responsible for guarding the door to send him to bandage his wounds.

As for himself, he returned to the house with an excited face, picked up the severed cross, and kept wiping the ruby on it.

"Hey, hey, it's so beautiful!"

Jun was already very happy in his heart at this time, and this ruby the size of a pigeon's egg shimmered with dazzling light, which made Jun Ru fascinated.

At this time, she couldn't help but come to the mirror, looking back and forth, her face full of happiness.

But he didn't notice that the blood sprayed on the dried corpse just now had completely disappeared, and all of it had penetrated into the corpse's body.

And as Jun Ru continued to wipe the ruby, the chest of the dry corpse began to rise and fall slowly, as if he was gradually breathing.

"Hee-hee, get rich! get rich!"

Jun was already completely immersed in joy at this time, and he did not even see the half of the cross suddenly pop out of the chest of the dried corpse and fall to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the dried corpse stood up directly from the ground, staring at Jun Ru who was looking in the mirror not far away with a pair of red eyes, and a thick corpse qi instantly sprayed out from the end.

"Lala, lala, it's so beautiful!

Jun Ru was very happy to swing back and forth in front of the mirror, and the dried corpse had already come behind the other party, and with a wave of his hand, he grabbed the other party's neck.


Jun didn't have time to scream at this time, only felt a tingling pain in his neck, and then everything in front of him began to blur, only the swallowing sound in his ears was very clear and clear.



At this time, the dry corpse was constantly swallowing Jun Ru's blood, and that strong bloodthirsty desire prompted him to keep sucking without slowing down in the slightest.

Gradually, Junru's head was completely crooked to the side, and as the blood continued to be sucked by the dried corpse.

The other party's originally shriveled skin gradually began to swell, and gradually took on the appearance of skin and muscles.

In less than a while, the dried corpse that was still skinny and bones was already rejuvenated at this time, and a Western zombie with a pale face exuding black gas appeared in front of him.


As all the blood of Jun Ru's body was devoured by the Western zombies, the two sharp fangs had cracked his lips and reached his jaw.

As if feeling the feeling of being reborn, the Western zombie jumped out of the door of the room in an instant, turning into a black shadow and flying into the air.

At this time, a black and oppressed bat flashed behind it in unison, and disappeared into the distance with the figure of the Western zombie.

"Captain, slow down, I'll help you in!"

"Hey, why is the gate broken!"

At this time, Chang Wei had already bandaged his wounds, and slowly came to the front of the house with the support of the two team members.

However, seeing that the door of the house had collapsed, a bad premonition rose in Chang Wei's heart.


At this time, Chang Wei and two security guards hurriedly ran in, looking at Jun Ru who fell to the ground and the dried corpse that was nowhere to be seen, a haze shrouded Chang Wei's heart.

"Cousin, cousin!"

Chang Wei hurriedly helped Junru up, and unexpectedly, Junru's body moved at this time, and then gradually breathed.

"You go out, and then find a few men to fix the gate, do you hear me?"

Seeing this, Chang Wei immediately covered the two black blood holes on her erect neck with his palm, and turned back loudly to order the two people behind her.

For the fourth watch, I'll go have some dinner first, and I'll serve the fifth watch at nine o'clock!

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