"Run? How can it be so easy! "

These powerful ghosts are all powerful ghosts who are full of evil following the ghost face Langjun, surrounded by blood and energy, Ye Tian has no reason to let them go and escape.

I saw more than a dozen golden rays of light galloping out from behind Ye Tian in an instant, like life-chasing bullets, drawing several graceful arcs in mid-air, all of which fell into the bodies of those fleeing ghosts.

"Ding! Destroy a ghost and get 10 merit points and 1 ocean! "

"Ding! Destroy a ghost and get 10 merit points and 1 ocean! "

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 10 merit points and an apple! "


In an instant, more than a dozen prompts sounded in his ears, and all the escaped ghosts were wiped out by Ye Tian, but those tricky golden needles did not return to Ye Tian's body, but all turned around and came out together, all of them plunged into the soul of the ghost-faced Langjun!


I saw a miserable roar from the ghost-faced Langjun, and his entire body instantly slipped from Ye Tian's palm, slumping on the ground and shaking non-stop.

The golden needles continued to release a trace of electricity, and the ghost-faced Lang Jun's yin qi collapsed, screaming in pain, and there was no longer the posture of the handsome boy just now.

"Hmph, a terrible ghost who has been practicing for less than fifty years dares to be so rampant!"

While speaking, Ye Tianjian pointed at the ghost-faced Langjun, and opened his mouth to say:

"Lingbao Tianzun, comfort the body. The cave is void, and it is too yuan. According to the five mountains, the eight seas know and hear. The ferocity dissipates, and the Tao Qi remains. The golden needle opens the mouth of the ghost, and the trick is up! Haste as a law! Chi! "


Suddenly, the ghost-faced man's face became no longer painful, and his eyes became vague and dull.

The whole body fell to the ground in an instant, muttering to himself, not knowing what he was saying!

"Let me ask you, where is Wang Qiangrose's soul hidden by you!"

"I hid in the hollow of a locust tree!"

Ghost-faced Langjun's eyes were dilated, and he answered Ye Tian's inquiry with a mechanical voice.

"Well, take me!"


As he spoke, Ye Tian raised his hand and waved lightly, and more than a dozen golden needles had already fallen into his sleeves.

And the ghost-faced Langjun was still glazed with a confused expression, and slowly walked forward without a trace of hesitation.

Soon, under the guidance of the ghost-faced Langjun, Ye Tian came to a locust tree with him.

"This is it!"

Looking at the direction pointed by the ghost-faced Langjun, a tree hole emitting green light appeared in front of Ye Tian, and after a closer look, the soul of Wang Qiangrose who had been hooked stood in it upright, closing his eyes and being stunned.


Seeing this, Ye Tian didn't delay any longer, and a talisman was instantly attached to the locust tree.


Streams of black smoke erupted from the locust tree, and the green glow in the hollow disappeared with it.


I saw Ye Tian's fingers tremble, and the soul of Wang Rose flew out of the tree hole in an instant, and then fell into the golden needle between Ye Tian's fingers and disappeared.

"Alright, it's none of your business!"

Finally found Wang Qiangrose's lost soul, and Ye Tian's task was completed.

Then the corners of his mouth snorted lightly, and the sword finger of his right hand pointed directly at the door of the ghost-faced Langjun.

"It's too much of a star on the stage, and the strain doesn't stop! The Jade Emperor has a ruthless force, and the gods are in all directions! Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, purple thunder and lightning! Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law! "


A purple lightning surged out, and the ghost-faced Langjun was instantly hit by this electric light without any change in his expression, and then his entire body collapsed and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and there was no longer any breath.

"Ding! Destroy a ghost, get 50 merit points, and a Browning pistol! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Second Grade Heavenly Master

Merit: 320/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

After destroying the ghost-faced Langjun and taking away Wang Qiangrose's lost soul, Ye Tian did not leave this gloomy locust forest quickly.

Instead, he stood aside and burned the locust forest with Tiangang fire.

If this land of four yin is not eradicated, I am afraid that I don't know how long it will take, and another powerful ghost like Ghost Face Langjun will be born.

At that time, I am afraid that I don't know how many people's lives will be destroyed in their hands again.


Just as Ye Tian watched this large locust forest turn into dust, a swarm of bats suddenly flew in the sky.

The black crank is pressed into a piece, and I don't know how many there are.

And what surprised Ye Tian the most was that when he looked up, there seemed to be something on top of the group of black and pressed bats, and there was a thick yin qi!

It looks very strange in the moonlight!

"Bats? Yin Qi? "

Ye Tian's brows furrowed, and the group of bats flew away quickly in unison and disappeared.

"Could it be! Western zombies! "

In an instant, Ye Tian woke up like a dream!

He finally remembered the true origin of the things that were held on these bats!

It is the Western zombie in the plot of the movie "One Eyebrow Taoist"!

It seems that it must be the senior brother and Uncle Jiu who watched the feng shui situation in Hongfa Village, which led to the fact that the dried corpses were unearthed and turned into Western zombies!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian didn't delay any longer, waited for all the fires to be extinguished, then pulled out his legs and rushed towards Wang Youcai's home.

"Doctor Ye, you're finally back!"

Since Ye Tian left the mansion, Wang Youcai and Mrs. Wang have not dared to go away, standing outside Wang Qiangrose's room and waiting for Ye Tian to come back.

Seeing the familiar figure rushing into the courtyard, Wang Youcai and Mrs. Wang were overjoyed and stepped forward to greet them again and again.

"Yes, Miss Wang's soul that was snatched away was recovered by me!"

Although Ye Tian knew that the Western zombie had been born, the top priority was to fix Wang Qiangrose's soul, and he would not slack off.

At that moment, Ye Tian and Wang Youcai walked into the room, and saw that Wang Qiang Rose was still resting calmly on the bed, Ye Tian pointed his finger at the sword, and a golden needle instantly fell on Wang Qiang's eyebrows.


With a flash of golden light, Wang Qiangrose's unconscious body suddenly trembled, and then her eyes slowly opened.

"Dad, mother, my head is so dizzy!"

Hearing that Wang Qiangrose finally recognized the two of them, Wang Youcai and Mrs. Wang ran to the bed quickly, hugging the very weak Wang Qiangrose and crying out in pain.

Wang Qiang Rose herself didn't know what was going on, her face was confused, and she didn't know what to say.

"Doctor Ye! Thank you so much for my daughter's affair this time! "

Wang Youcai hurriedly walked to Ye Tian, took out a bill of exchange of one hundred oceans and stuffed it into Ye Tian's hand, and said gratefully: "You have to accept this hundred oceans no matter what!" You're my daughter's savior! "

"Okay, then you're welcome!"

Ye Tian didn't refuse, and with a wave of his hand, the ocean bill of exchange fell into the system storage space and disappeared.

"Ling Qianjin needs to recuperate, in the past few days, I have prepared more warm ingredients to nourish her body, I still have some things, so I will leave first!"

"Doctor Ye, it's the middle of the night, let's rest and leave! Dr. Ye... "

Wang Youcai hurriedly kept Ye Tian, but he couldn't keep up with the other party's pace at all, and before he walked out of the room, Ye Tian had already disappeared in front of him, without a trace.

I'm sorry, I just finished working overtime, and I secretly coded one while the boss was away, and now it's coming!

After a while, take a bath, eat, and do housework, hey, a man in his thirties has a hard life!

Thanks for the support, I'll write another one later, I'm so tired today!

I can only say four or eight thousand words, please understand and support!

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