"Captain, Captain, it's time to go find the Bat's Nest!"

In his sleep, Chang Wei was awakened by the sound of the door, and hurriedly looked to the side, only to see Junru lying on the bed intact, without any abnormalities.

And the color around the wound on Nabo's neck has also improved a lot.

Looking at this scene, Chang Wei was relieved, and just about to wake up Jun Ru, who was sleeping with his eyes closed, there was a knock at the door again.

"Captain, are you awake? We're all waiting for you! "

"Alright, alright! Annoying, here it is! "

Chang Wei shouted impatiently, then gently patted Jun Ru's somewhat cold body, and said lovingly: "Cousin, I'll go out to do some errands, and I'll be back soon, stay here by yourself, but don't run around!" "

After that, Chang Wei wanted to untie the ropes on Jun Ru's hands and feet.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't do it, and then took out a corpse talisman and pasted it on the wound on Jun Ru's neck, and then left with confidence.

"You stay, stay here, no matter what movement you hear, don't open this room, let alone let outsiders in, understand!"



Seeing that the security team member answered cleanly, Chang Wei relieved himself and followed Qiusheng and Wencai to find the whereabouts of the bat's nest together.

Inside the house, Jun Ru lay quietly on the bed alone, without any sound.

Then, Jun Ru's originally closed eyes opened instantly, and then two red pupils appeared, and sharp fangs slowly grew on both sides of the mouth.


In an instant, the corpse suppression talisman on Jun Rubo's neck suddenly turned into a ball of flames and burned into ashes.

And Jun Ru shook his body slightly, and the ropes that had bound his hands and feet suddenly broke and were scattered aside.


Jun Ru sneered, and a strong bloodthirsty instinct kept coming, prompting Jun Ru to get up from the bed and slowly walk towards the door.


At this moment, a ray of sunlight shining through the window instantly shone on Jun Ru's face, and bursts of scorched smoke rose in an instant, and Jun Ru retreated to the dark corner in great panic, staring at the sunny window viciously.


At this moment, the smell of a living person came into Junru's nose from outside the gate, which was very good, and aroused her bloodthirsty desire even more.

But the ray of sunshine in front of him blocked his way forward, which made Jun Ru feel extremely angry and angry.

Then, a sinister smile appeared on Jun Ru's face, and then he stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and the Eight Immortals Table in front of him was instantly split into several pieces and scattered on the ground.


A loud bang came from inside the room, instantly startling the security guard guarding the door.

I wanted to open the door to see what was going on inside, but after thinking of the captain's advice and instructions before leaving, the team member finally stopped and did not enter.

But not long after the loud noise just came, there was a sound of glass falling to the ground in the room, and from time to time, a woman's low voice could be heard coming from the room.

"Something is wrong with the captain's cousin!"

The team member couldn't help but start to get a little worried.

This Jun Ru is the treasure of captain Chang Wei, who is afraid of falling when he holds it in his hand on weekdays, and is afraid of melting in his mouth.

If something really happens to her inside, if there are three long and two short, I'm afraid that she won't be able to eat and will have to go around!

Thinking of this, the more the team member thought about it, the more frightened he became, and finally made a decision to go into the house and take a look.

"Hello, did something happen?"

The team member cautiously pushed open the door and slowly walked inside.

At this time, the room was pitch black, except for the glimmer of sunlight shining in, and some of them were just messy all over the room.

"Miss Junru? Are you there? "

The team member was very worried, and slowly walked inside, but he didn't see the figure of Junru, which made the team member a little worried.


I only heard a sound behind the crooked cabinet, and the team members hurriedly ran over when they heard this, and said repeatedly: "Miss Junru, are you okay?" "

As he spoke, he hurriedly helped Jun Ru up from the ground, and said with concern: "Fortunately, I rushed in quickly, if something really happens to you, the captain will have to pick my skin!" "

"Truly, abruptly."

Who knew that Jun Ru instantly waved his hand and grabbed the neck of the team member, and a pair of red eyes with a fishy light appeared in front of him.

The team member wanted to scream, but found that he couldn't make a sound at all, because Junru's two sharp fangs had pierced into the arteries in his erect neck at the fastest speed.


"Senior brother, why are you here?"

Here, Uncle Jiu, the village chief and other squires were chatting together in the township office, and when they saw Ye Tianfeng walking in, they were a little curious, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"Senior brother, the matter over there is solved, and if I have nothing to do, I will come to you to see if there is anything I can do to help!"

Of course, Ye Tian wouldn't say that it was because he had watched the movie and knew that something was going to happen, so he would casually find an excuse to find Uncle Nine.

"Well, I'm worried about what happened here!"

When Uncle Nine saw Ye Tian coming, he was very happy in his heart, and immediately introduced him to everyone.

After greeting everyone for a while, Ye Tian called Uncle Jiu aside and said in a low voice: "Senior brother, don't hide it, I also saw the matter of bats last night. "

"Huh? Where is it? When did you see it! "

Uncle Nine was very surprised when he heard this, and hurriedly asked.

"I saw it in the early morning at Niutou Mountain in the west of Hongxi Village, when the group of bats was black and pressing, I can't count how many there were, and I also saw that the group of bats seemed to have something lying on their bodies, and the yin qi was extremely heavy!"

"How so? Impossible! "

Uncle Jiu's brows furrowed more and more: "The bat nest must be around this Hongfa Village, and it will never appear so far away, could it be that there is also a group of bats in Hongxi Village?" "

"I don't think so, I have specially seen the feng shui of Hongxi Village, the feng shui there is very good, and there has not been any damage, so I think that the group of bats must have flown over from this village!"

"That's weird, why are these bats flying so far?"

Uncle Nine fell into deep thought, and always felt that this matter was strange.

Judging from the plot played in the movie, in addition to the resurrected Western male zombie, there is also a Western female zombie.

Although the other party only appeared in a short picture in the movie and fell off the cliff, Ye Tian guessed that this Western male zombie must have gone to find the Western female zombie after being resurrected!

As for what happened back then, why the two Western zombies were so far apart when they died, no one knew, and Ye Tian didn't care.

The main thing now is to find them this morning and destroy them!

Today's four shifts and 8,000 words are over, and it's too late to work overtime, and tomorrow the five shifts will be restored with 10,000 words!

Ask for flowers, ask for recommended tickets, ask for monthly passes!


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