The matter of the bat swarm, Ye Tian could only stop at the point, and seeing that Uncle Nine was still pondering, he diverted the topic and continued to ask:

"By the way, senior brother, when I came here just now, I heard the villagers say that when you dug the water source yesterday, you dug the wrong place and dug up a dried corpse, is there such a thing?"

"That's right, just dug up a dried corpse!"

When Uncle Nine heard Ye Tian ask about this, he immediately replied: "When the corpse was dug up, all of a sudden, the yin qi rose suddenly, and it was raining, and the corpse's eyes were red, I was worried that the corpse would change, so after the rain stopped, I ordered the captain to burn the dried corpse." "

"Really burned?"

Ye Tian pretended not to believe and asked.

"It was really burned, when the corpse was burned, I also took a special look, although the corpse was already full of flames, but I could see it clearly, it was the dried corpse!"

While answering, Uncle Nine asked Ye Tian with some doubts: "Why do you ask that, do you doubt that the dried corpse was not burned?" "

"For some reason, I always feel that this dried corpse has something to do with those bats!"

Ye Tian pretended to be very puzzled, and said at the same time: "And senior brother, you also said, you just saw the burning dried corpse, but you didn't inspect the dried corpse before burning it, right?" "


Uncle Nine nodded and replied: "At that time, the dried corpse was covered with a white cloth when it was carried out of the captain's room, and I wanted to check it, but it was always disturbed by the captain's interruption, so I haven't seen the dried corpse with my own eyes before the corpse is burned!" "

Speaking of this, Uncle Jiu's eyes widened instantly, and he hurriedly said, "Could it be that the dry corpse was dropped by the captain last night!" "

"I think it's possible!" Ye Tian nodded and replied.

"This damn Chang Wei!"

When Uncle Nine heard about this, he felt extremely angry, and without saying a word, he pulled Ye Tian and went straight to the captain's house.

"Okay, it's been a busy morning, let's go back and rest!"

After a hasty search, Chang Wei casually found an excuse to disband the team, and he hurried back to his house.

"Damn! What about that guy! "

As soon as he arrived at the door, Chang Wei found that the security team members who had been arranged by him to guard the door had disappeared, and the door was still hidden, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

"Chang Wei!"

Just as Chang Wei was about to enter the house to find out, Ye Tian's shout came from behind him.

Seeing that Ye Tian and Uncle Nine were rushing over angrily, Chang Wei saw this and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello:

"Brother Tian, Uncle Nine, why are you here?"

"Captain, let me ask you, is the dried corpse you burned yesterday really the one dug up from the ground?"

Uncle Nine directly asked Chang Wei directly, after all, that dry corpse is in danger of corpse transformation at any time, if you don't deal with it earlier, I'm afraid that many innocent people will be harmed!

"Yes ... Yes, it really burned down! "

Chang Wei saw Uncle Nine asking like this, and replied with some hesitation.

"Hmph, you guy don't know what you've done!"

Chang Wei's expression had completely betrayed him, and Uncle Nine instantly knew that he had deceived himself, and it wasn't the real dried corpse that was burned last night!

"Where's your cousin Junru!"

After Ye Tian returned to Renjia Town yesterday, Chang Wei took his cousin Junru to his medical hall together.

And according to the plot of the movie, at this time, his cousin Junru should have been bitten to death by Western zombies and turned into a new zombie!

"She... She... "

Chang Wei didn't dare to look directly at Ye Tian's gaze, lowered his head and didn't dare to say more.

"Get out of the way!"

Ye Tian pushed Chang Wei away and strode into the room.

Suddenly, a strong smell of blood and corpses rushed straight to the front door of Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu, and then the corpses of a member of the security team appeared in front of several people.

"Ahh How did he die! Impossible! "

Chang Wei shouted at the first time, and then directly bypassed Ye Tian and the others, rushed to the inside of the room, and shouted loudly: "Cousin! Cousin! Where are you! Come out! "

"Boom, boom, boom...

I only heard a treacherous laugh coming from the dark corner, and a black shadow instantly rushed towards Chang Wei's body, like a huge bat in the dark room!


However, at this moment, Ye Tian raised his hand and waved, and a corpse suppression talisman instantly flew out from his fingers and hit the black shadow's body directly.


The black shadow was hit by the corpse talisman, and instantly screamed, and then the whole body instantly jumped up and squatted on the high beam!

"Junru! Didn't I cure you of the corpse poison with glutinous rice! How could you still be like this! "

Chang Wei couldn't believe that the woman squatting on the beam of the room with scarlet eyes in her eyes would be her cousin Junru!

And she still has a trace of human appearance, with miserable cheeks and sharp fangs, she clearly looks like a zombie!



Jun squatted on the beam of the room at this time, staring at the three people below fiercely, and the corners of his mouth kept making a sinister laugh.

"Demons! Death! "

Although Uncle Nine didn't understand why the zombie that Jun Ru had turned into was so agile, he still screamed loudly.

Then he flew straight up, and a sharp peachwood sword had already appeared in his hand.


The peachwood sword galloped out, and Jun Ru dodged again and again when he saw this, and kept jumping on the roof, and even dodged the repeated attacks of the ninth uncle.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, Uncle Nine directly flew out the peachwood sword in his hand, accompanied by bursts of golden light, which hit Junru's heart.


Jun Ru screamed, and then his whole body fell from the roof, falling to the ground and struggling.

"Cousin! Cousin! "

Seeing this, Chang Wei hurriedly stepped forward to help, but Ye Tian grabbed his shoulders and couldn't move, so he could only beg in a wailing voice:

"Brother Tian, my cousin, she is still saved! She's not a zombie! I used glutinous rice to exorcise the corpse poison for her last night! She's still saved! "

Ye Tian raised his hand and slapped Chang Wei's face directly, and said angrily: "Save? If she had been saved, you'd not have died! "

After that, Ye Tian directly threw Chang Wei aside, kicked the struggling Jun Ru to the other corner of the room, raised his hand, and a golden needle pierced into the opponent's eyebrows!

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and Qiankun borrows the law. Maoshan Demon Suppression Needle, Haoran is angry, and he is as urgent as a law! "


Junru's head exploded into powder in an instant, and Chang Wei screamed in surprise, fell to his knees, and cried.

"Ding! Destroy a zombie and get 20 merit points and 10 catties of Longjing tea! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Second Grade Heavenly Master

Merit: 340/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

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