"Cousin... Cousin... "

Seeing that cousin, who had a good relationship with him, turned into a zombie and died in front of his eyes, Chang Wei's mood at this time was as uncomfortable as a knife.

Seeing this, Ye Tian gently patted him on the shoulder, and then placed the bodies of Jun Ru and the members of the security team who died tragically in the courtyard, and burned them to ashes with Tiangang fire.

"Senior brother, the zombie that this captain's cousin has turned into is very strange, I have never seen such a weird zombie!"

At this time, Uncle Nine calmed Chang Wei and walked out of the house, looking at the scattered ashes on the ground, and asked Ye Tian very suspiciously.

"Senior brother, I once treated a scholar who came back from abroad, and he told me that there is a dark creature in the West, called vampires, and zombies, they all feed on human blood, but they look the same as normal people, and they move freely and can speak well, presumably this Junru should have been bitten to death by vampires!"

Of course, Ye Tian has not diagnosed and treated any foreign scholars, it is completely the knowledge of his previous life, and the reason why he said this is just to make Uncle Jiu believe it.

"Huh? And this evil? I've never heard of it! "

Uncle Nine was extremely surprised, and then nodded thoughtfully: "But I also smelled a strong corpse smell on that Junru's body, it should be a zombie!" "

"There is only one possibility, that dried corpse was a vampire before it was born, and then buried here for so many years, absorbing the surrounding evil energy, and finally becoming this kind of existence similar to a half-zombie half-vampire!"

"How can Western vampires appear in the good Central Plains?"

Uncle Nine pondered for a long time, and then suddenly realized: "Could it be the priest in the church who has been missing for many years?" He's the vampire? "


Ye Tian pretended to be puzzled and asked.

"Senior brother, don't you know, yesterday the captain and I went to find the whereabouts of the bat nest, and then found a church that had been abandoned for many years and was being renovated, where there was a priest's ashram, and there was a priest's bones in it!"

Uncle Jiu's face was solemn, and he kept shaking his head and said, "But I found the photos of two priests there, and the bones of the other priest have never been found!" According to you, the dried corpse that was dug up yesterday should be that of the vampire priest! "

"As it should be!"

Ye Tian nodded and said softly.

"No wonder that dry corpse has such sharp fangs!"

While chattering, Uncle Nine rushed into the room angrily, pulled Chang Wei, who was still crying bitterly, from the chair, and asked loudly: "Say, why did you change the dry corpse yesterday!" Why! "

"I... I... "

Chang Wei had never seen Uncle Nine so angry, and when he saw Ye Tian with a serious face behind the other party, he sighed helplessly, and then took out half of the cross inlaid with rubies from his pocket and handed it to Uncle Nine:

"At that time, I found that the dried corpse had a ruby cross inserted on its body, so I wanted to get it down and give it to my cousin as a wedding gift, but who knew that it would be so difficult, so I changed the dried corpse and left the real dried corpse in the room!"

"Okay, no wonder you interrupted yesterday and didn't let me check the corpse!"

Uncle Nine took the half of the cross, and pushed Chang Wei to the ground very angrily, and said angrily: "Do you know that because of your greed, that Western zombie will not only kill your cousin and subordinates, but also kill more people!" "

"I... I... "

Chang Wei knew that he was ashamed, and he had nothing to say, so he could only stand stupidly on the side, wanting to cry without tears.

"You what you! Get over here, do me something! "

"Huh? Be! Be! "

Chang Wei had always been shocked and frightened by Ye Tian, and when he saw his unhappy face and shouted to himself, he hurriedly hurried to the front.

"Go and call out to Qiusheng and Wencai and all of you security team members to collect all the garlic in the village! After that, I sent it to the church to find me and my brother! Did you hear me clearly? "


Chang Wei was a little confused, and he didn't know why Ye Tian wanted so much garlic.

"If you want to go, what so much nonsense! I don't want to be a Western zombie or more people, just do my way! "

"Yes, yes, I'll do it!"

Chang Wei nodded again and again when he heard this, he didn't dare to delay at all, and hurriedly called out to all his subordinates, turned around and ran into the village.

"Senior brother, why do you want to get garlic water?"

The identity of the Western zombie has been confirmed, but Uncle Nine doesn't quite understand why he wants to get so much garlic.

"Senior brother, although this Western zombie has mutated now, it still retains a lot of the attributes of the original vampire, and the Dao technique poses little threat to it, we must prepare with both hands!"

"Garlic, silverware, and sunlight are all lethal to vampires, so I'm going to use garlic as a weapon and give it a little bit of power when the time comes!"

"Well, there's so much more to learn here!"

Uncle Nine listened to Ye Tian say these things, and nodded again and again in some surprise: "It seems that I can't always live in this acre and three points of land, if I have time, I should also go out for a walk and see more knowledge!" "

"Hehe, senior brother, you have to be quieter when you move, otherwise Senior Sister will know and will definitely come with you again!"


Ye Tian's joke almost made Uncle Jiu cough up his lungs, then glared at Ye Tian fiercely, and said, "Let's not talk about this first, how can you be sure that the Western zombie will go back to the church again?" "

"Well, intuitively!"

Ye Tian nodded and said: "That church used to be where he lived, and the bat nest must be in the church, but you didn't find it last time, I expect that that Western zombie will definitely return to the church again!" "

"Well, I hope so!"

Uncle Nine is now like a headless fly, but now listening to Ye Tian's comprehensive analysis, he also feels reasonable, so he followed the other party's advice and ambushed Western zombies in the church!


At this time, all the nuns in the church were gathered together in a panic, chattering non-stop.

Seeing this, the fat nun who was the leader slapped the table and said loudly: "The matter of bats in the church last night must not be revealed, otherwise they will really burn down our church at that time!" "

"What then, Dean! With so many bats in the church, something will happen sooner or later! "

Listening to a little nun asking herself, the fat nun's face was slightly gloomy, and she thought for a moment and said:

"In this way, let's go to that ninth uncle together, he has a good reputation and high morality, as long as he believes in our teaching, he will definitely speak to us!"

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