"Ghost fire bee venom?"

Zhang Youkui looked at Lin Fan's surprised expression, very surprised, but then full of excitement.

"Ye... Dr. Ye, what do you mean, do you know what kind of disease the child has? "

"Well, according to your description, I can be sure that Ling Lang was stung by a ghost-headed bee and poisoned!"

Ye Tian suppressed his excitement when he heard this, and explained: "That ghost fire bee is very rare, so those ordinary doctors can't diagnose any disease, it's normal!" "

"Doctor Ye, since you know that the child has been poisoned, you must be able to find a way to treat it, right?"

"Well, I'm done with it! Let's go, go to your house now! "

"Good, good! Doctor Ye, the carriage is ready! "

Seeing that Ye Tian said that he could cure his son's strange illness, Zhang Youkui was overjoyed, hurriedly greeted Ye Tian into the carriage, and ordered his entourage to hurry up and go towards Qingquan Village.

Along the way, Ye Tian's mood was very excited and happy.

Because he knew that where the ghost fire bee appeared, there must be a magical plant growing nearby.

And that plant is called the Gathering Spirit Fruit!

According to the records of Maoshan medical books, the whole body of Juling fruit is green, shaped like lime, the smell is fragrant, and it melts in the mouth, which is extremely rare!

And a Gathering Spirit Grass will only produce a maximum of four Gathering Spirit Fruits, which is extremely precious!

Ordinary people take the spirit fruit, which can prolong life and prevent all diseases.

If a practitioner takes it, he can greatly improve his cultivation and advance to a higher level.

Ye Tian now has a system to add his body, so he doesn't have to worry about improving his cultivation realm at all. And the practice of the tricky door golden needle technique is even more unfathomable, relying on the blessing of other attributes, even if you encounter an opponent who is several levels higher than your own cultivation, you still have no fear at all, dare to fight with it!

The reason why he wanted to get these four Gathering Spirit Fruits was completely for the sake of the future of the Ninth Uncle, the Four-Eyed Daoist and the Thousand Crane Daoist.

The Ninth Uncle and the Four-Eyed Daoist are now both in the realm of the third-grade Heavenly Master, while the Thousand Crane Daoist are the cultivation of the second-grade Heavenly Master.

If there was the blessing of this Gathering Spirit Fruit, Ye Tian believed that it would not be long before the cultivation of the three of them would be upgraded to a new level in a short period of time.

Maybe he will surpass the cultivation of Senior Brother Shi Jian's five-grade Heavenly Master and advance to a higher level of real human realm!

Therefore, no matter what, you must get these four spirit gathering fruits!

Soon, under the gallop of the carriage, Ye Tian followed Zhang Youkui to Qingquan Village.

Quickly walked to the room where Zhang Youkui's son was, and saw a child who was over seven or eight years old, full of heat, and red-haired, lying on the bed in a coma.

The child's skin is already translucent at this time, and the blood vessels and meridians are clear from the outside.

Moreover, the child's body has begun to ooze yellow-brown mucus, and the white sheets have already been soaked.

Looking at the appearance of Zhang Youkui's son, Ye Tian was even more sure of the fact that he had the ghost-headed bee venom in his body.

"You are Dr. Ye, please save my son!"

Mrs. Zhang had already cried into tears, and now seeing Zhang Youkui and Ye Tian walking into the house, she rushed to Ye Tian's approach in an instant, knelt on the ground and begged in pain, very pitiful.

"Don't worry, I can cure him!"

Ye Tian helped Mrs. Zhang up, and then after glancing at the painful expression on Youkui's son's face, a golden needle pierced the other party's heart.


A burst of white smoke rose, and I saw that the mucus on Zhang Youkui's son's body stopped leaking in an instant, and even the redness and swelling all over his body seemed to have subsided a lot.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Youkui and Mrs. Zhang were very happy and excited, standing aside and not daring to speak, quietly watching Ye Tian treat his child.


As the white smoke gradually dissipated, Ye Tian pulled out the golden needle, and saw that Zhang Youkui's son coughed lightly, and a thick puff of red smoke erupted from his mouth.


Mrs. Zhang shouted excitedly, and subconsciously wanted to get closer, but was stopped by Zhang Youkui from behind.

"Doctor Ye, has my son's poison been cured?"

"Not yet!"

At this time, Zhang Youkui's son fell into a coma again, Ye Tian turned to look at the two of them, and said, "You send someone to get some fresh feces, let it be thin, the more the better!" Then go and find some leeches, no more, five or six are enough! "

"Huh? Feces? Leech? "

Zhang Youkui and Mrs. Zhang were shocked, why did this good poison use feces.

However, after seeing the scene just now, although Zhang Youkui had thousands of puzzles in his heart, he still followed Ye Tian's instructions and asked the servants to collect these two things.

Soon, a thick stench wafted into the room from outside.

I saw two servants covering their noses and carrying two toilets in, and there were quite a few flies hovering around them, buzzing.

"It's so fresh, it stinks enough!"

Ye Tian covered his nose and shook his head constantly, and then said to the two servants: "Go, wipe the feces on the child, remember, don't miss it anywhere, including hair!" "

"Huh? What the! "

The two family members couldn't believe their ears, and their faces were full of surprise.

And Zhang Youkui and Mrs. Zhang were so shocked that their jaws were about to fall off, and the feces wiped their whole body, is this really detoxifying the child?

"What? Don't understand? "

Ye Tian stood aside and asked with a smile.

"Hurry up! Go and paint it on the young master, everyone will be rewarded with ten oceans! Just go! "

"Huh? Be! Be! "

As soon as they heard that Zhang Youkui was going to reward ten oceans, the two servants no longer had any hesitation, ran to the bed with the toilet, and worked hard to smear it.

You must know that each family member only has two oceans and ten oceans in a month's monthly service, which is a huge amount of money!

Soon, the stinking, mud-like feces smeared Zhang Youkui's son's body.

The faces of the two family members were a little blue, and it was estimated that if it weren't for the ten oceans supporting them, they would have run to the side and vomited.

For a while, the whole room was filled with a thick smell of feces, and everyone was frowning and covering their mouths.

Even Zhang Youkui and Mrs. Zhang hid in the corner and looked at Ye Tian with a suspicious look.

If it weren't for Ye Tian's fame and the scene when he used the golden needle to treat the disease just now, the two would definitely drive him out as a madman.

Soon, the feces that had been smeared on Zhang Fakui's son slowly began to lose moisture, and in less than a few minutes, it seemed to turn into a black armor and wear it on his body.

"Master, the leeches are here!"

Then the butler came running in quickly, carrying a bowl of water in his hand, and there were six leeches still wriggling.

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