"Okay, give it to me!"

Seeing that the housekeeper took the leech, Ye Tian directly reached out and took the bowl, and a golden needle instantly hovered over the body of Zhang Youkui's son.

"The Golden Needle! Chi! "


I saw that the golden needle was glowing, and it instantly penetrated the thick layer of fecal hard armor and pierced the chest of Zhang Youkui's son.



As the golden needle fell, the dung, which had long since dried up, began to crack, and then all fell from its body and fell onto the bed.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Zhang Youkui's son's skin color has all returned to the appearance of a normal person, and even the hair and eyebrows have changed back to black.

This scene stunned everyone, Zhang Youkui and Mrs. Zhang were even more shocked to walk closer and open their eyes wide to see the changes in their son, as if they couldn't believe that this was true.



The golden needle that fell on Zhang Youkui's son's chest kept buzzing, and then the skin at the tip of the needle slowly bulged, and a blister the size of a child's fist appeared.

The bulging bubble was filled with a black liquid that tumbled like pitch-black ink.

The black liquid seemed to want to break through the thin skin like a cicada's wings, but it was always difficult to break free.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian instantly pulled up the golden needle, and then with a rapid flight between his fingers, one leech after another was placed on the bulging black blister.


As a strong foul smell came from above the blister, the leeches kept squirming on the blister, as if they had seen something delicious.

For a moment, the six leeches swelled rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their originally brown skin gradually began to turn red.

In less than half a minute, the leech, which was originally only the length of the little finger, had doubled, and became extremely red and shiny.

Seeing this, Ye Tian raised his hand and waved, and the six leeches were grabbed by Ye Tian in unison and thrown back into the water bowl.


When the leech fell, the water in the bowl instantly began to boil, and layers of water vapor rose.

In less than a few breaths, a whole bowl of clear water turned into an ink-like appearance, and the six leeches, which had already turned into shriveled crumbs, floated in the bowl.

Everyone was speechless when they saw this wonderful change.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, gently helped Zhang Youkui's son up from the bed, and instantly pointed his sword at his throat.


Zhang Youkui's son exhaled a breath of red turbidity softly, then his eyelids moved slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes, looking at Ye Tian in front of him extremely weak and confused.

"You... Who are you? "

In an instant, Zhang Youkui and Mrs. Zhang rushed to the bedside the moment they heard their son speak, hugging the child full of surprise and excitement, and crying bitterly.

And Zhang Youkui then knelt on the ground, and kept kowtowing to Ye Tian to thank him, obviously treating Ye Tian as the benefactor of the whole family.

"Doctor Ye! Thank you for saving my son! Thank you! "

"Okay, you get up first, I have something to ask you!"

"Good! Good! "

Hearing this, Zhang Youkui didn't dare to delay, quickly stood up and wiped away his tears, then looked at Ye Tian with respect and gratitude, and hurriedly said:

"Doctor Ye, you ask, as long as I Zhang knows something, I will tell you the truth!"

"Okay, then tell me when and where did your son faint?"

The ghost fire bee venom is very violent, and it takes less than half a minute to attack quickly.

The person will then fall into a coma in an instant, and the skin and hair will all turn red within half an hour.

Over the next forty-eight hours, the poisoned person will slowly awaken from a coma, then become agitated and roar with rage.

If the poison is not treated in time, it will not take more than five days at most, and the poisoned person will die of ulceration all over his body, and then the bones of his body will be corroded by mucus, and the bones will not remain.

Therefore, as long as you ask about this matter, you can determine the location of the ghost fire bee.

"It was noon the day before yesterday, when we were rushing from Niuxin Mountain to the village, and the child fainted at that time!"

Zhang Youkui didn't dare to hide anything, and told Ye Tian everything he knew.

"Where is Ox Heart Mountain?"

"Twenty miles to the west, there is a Yong'an Village, and behind the village is Niuxin Mountain!"

Zhang Youkui replied repeatedly, and then asked very curiously: "Doctor Ye, do you want to go to Niuxin Mountain?" "

"That's right!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, then stood up and pointed to the son in Mrs. Zhang's arms, and instructed: "Go back and wipe your body with water every two hours, then boil water with the peel of the east melon and drink it, drink it three times a day, and you will be fine if you drink it for three days in a row!" "

"Yes, yes, Doctor Ye, I remember!"

Zhang Youkui promised again and again that he didn't dare to be a little sloppy, and then hurriedly turned around to get his coat, wanting to take the five hundred oceans bill just now and hand it to Ye Tian.

But who knew that as soon as he took the money order and turned around, he heard the sound of the door closing, and Ye Tian had already run out of the room and disappeared.


Holding the bill of exchange in his hand and looking at the direction where Ye Tian disappeared, Zhang Youkui was a little confused for a while, and he didn't know what to do...

Out of Zhang's house, Ye Tian used the qi, blood and mana of his whole body on his legs, and ran quickly towards the Niuxin Mountain in the west.

Soon, Ye Tian came to a small village, looked at the woodcutter who was walking in front of him, smiled and asked:

"Hello, uncle, I want to ask, is this Yong'an Village, and is the mountain in front of it Niuxin Mountain?"

"That's right, this is Yong'an Village, and that mountain is indeed Niuxin Mountain!"

The woodcutter looked Ye Tian up and down, and then asked, "You didn't come here to plan to go to Niuxin Mountain, right?" "

"Huh? Did anyone else go? "

Ye Tian was a little surprised, and immediately asked.

"Yes, just now there was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl who asked me the same question, are you together?"

"How long has that girl been around?"

Ye Tian secretly said that it was not good in his heart, and hurriedly asked this woodcutter.

"It's been more than half an hour!"

The woodcutter thought thoughtfully, and then persuaded Ye Tian again and again:

"Child, you can't go to that Niuxin Mountain, there are red-haired ghosts living in that mountain, and you will eat people if you go crazy!"

"It's okay, uncle, thank you very much!"

Ye Tian replied, then quickened his pace and rushed towards the Niuxin Mountain in front of him!

Ye Tian was not afraid of the red-haired ghosts in the woodcutter's mouth, if he didn't guess wrong, the so-called red-haired ghosts were those patients who had mistakenly fallen into the ghost fire bee venom and went crazy.

What Ye Tian is most worried about now is the girl who rushed to Niuxin Mountain before him!

It is very likely that the other party's goal is the same as his own, and he is coming for the gathering spirit fruit!

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