
As the pill entered, the little white sable's closed eyes opened slightly, and he let out a weak cry.

Seeing this, Ye Tian smiled slightly, raised the little white sable in front of him, and said, "You can rest in my pocket for a while!" "

With that, Ye Tian put the little white sable in his pocket, turned around and continued to walk in the direction of the cave.

"Hey, don't go!"

The girl shouted and hurriedly ran over with Ye Tian.

At this time, when he came to the mouth of the cave, what caught his eye was Ye Tian squatting and digging the soil, and beside him, there were two white minks covered in blood and bleeding from their internal organs.

But by this time the two sables had lost their breath at all, and were lying motionless on the ground.

And the little white mink that was rescued by Ye Tian had already stuck his head out of his pocket at this time, looking at the two dead white mink with tears in his eyes, and kept screaming.

"Chirp... Haw... "

"If my estimate is correct, this little sable is the child of these two sables, and this cave is where these three sables live!"

Ye Tian said to himself while digging the soil with his hands: "The giant bear spirit wants to snatch the spirit fruit that grows here, and the two big white minks have fought with the giant bear spirit spirit in order to protect this spirit fruit!" "

"It's a pity that there is a huge difference in strength, these two sables died at the hands of the giant bear spirit, and even this little white sable was injured by the giant bear spirit!"

Ye Tian put the two white minks into the soil pit that had just been dug out, slowly filled in the soil, and then stood up again to look at the girl, and said:

"And then you reappeared and fought the bear spirit, didn't you?"

"Since that's the case, then you should hand over the Gathering Spirit Fruit, I found it first!"

The girl looked at Ye Tian with a smile on her face, and then accused loudly.

"That's right, you found out first!"

Ye Tian wiped the soil in his hand and said nonchalantly: "But have you thought clearly, if I hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid you would have died a long time ago!" "


The girl was angry, but powerless to refute.

What the other party said is not wrong, if it weren't for him today, I am afraid that I would have died on this Niuxin Mountain a long time ago, where is there any spirit fruit to talk about.

Thinking of this, the girl's face kept changing, and finally raised her head again, and reluctantly squeezed out two words: "Thank you!" "

"Yes, a sensible girl!"

Ye Tian looked at the girl with a smile, then looked at the wounds on her arms and legs that were still oozing blood, and said, "Sit down, I'll stitch up the wounds for you!" "

"No, I can do it myself!"

Who knew that as soon as Ye Tian's words were finished, he was rejected by the girl.

I saw a slight flash in the girl's hand, and a silver needle appeared between the other party's fingers.

The girl's fingers flicked slightly, and the silver needle instantly emitted a little blue light, and then in less than half a minute, the girl had already stitched up all the wounds on her body.

"Nine needles in the green bag, you are from the Hua family!"

Ye Tian watched the girl put away the silver needle, nodded and said slowly, "No wonder you are also interested in the Gathering Spirit Fruit!" "

"That's right, I'm from the Hua family! You are the descendant of the golden needle of the Maoshan faction! "

"The little girl has insight!"

Ye Tian nodded in agreement, and said straight to the point: "Maoshan Ye Tian, the teacher inherits the real person of Tianxu!" "

"My name is Hua Yanyan! Father Hua Manjiang! "

The girl nodded slightly, then stretched helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect to be preempted by the heirs of the Golden Needle of the Trick Gate today, hey... It's not a loss! "

Looking at Hua Yanyan's aggrieved face, Ye Tian smiled helplessly, and said comfortingly: "Sometimes you have to accept your fate for some things!" "

"You're pretty conceited!"

Hua Yanyan moved her body slightly, then put the sword into the scabbard, looked at Ye Tian and said, "I want to ask you something, you are from Maoshan, so do you know Aunt Sue?" "

"Senior Sister Cane?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, looked at Hua Yanyan, and asked, "Do you know my senior sister?" "

"Huh? My aunt is your sister? "

Obviously, Hua Yanyan's reaction was even stronger than Ye Tian's, she looked at Ye Tian with an unbelievable gaze, shook her head and said:

"No way, you must be lying to me! You are not a few years older than me, how can you be my aunt's junior brother! "

"Believe it or not, Aunt Cane is indeed my senior sister! Her master is my fourth master! "

"It's a little bit small...

Hua Yanyan whispered to herself helplessly, and then blinked a pair of big eyes and asked Ye Tian:

"Then my aunt is now living in Renjia Town? I once heard my father say that my aunt moved to Renjia Town with her favorite brother! "


Ye Tian was a little at a loss, and he didn't know where he heard the news of Hua Yanyan, so he had to explain:

"Senior Sister Sue did move to Renjia Town, but she lived in Wujia Village, which is under the jurisdiction of Renjia Town, and did not live with my senior brother Uncle Jiu."

"Huh? Auntie isn't with that ninth uncle? "

Obviously, Ye Tian's words surprised Hua Yanyan very much.

"Who told you they were together?"

"I listened to my mother when I was a child, and I also heard my aunt say that she liked that senior brother Uncle Nine very much! And they still have a marriage contract! "

Hua Yanyan kept shaking her head and muttering, and continued to speak: "Then count it down, my aunt is already thirty-one years old this year, isn't this an old girl!" "

After that, Hua Yanyan waved the sword in her hand vigorously, and said indignantly:

"Isn't this ninth uncle intent on delaying my aunt! If you don't want to be with my aunt, why don't you make it clear and just withdraw the marriage contract! "

"No, I'm going to Renjia Town and ask that ninth uncle to understand! Hum! "

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Seeing Hua Yanyan walking towards the bottom of the mountain in a rage, Ye Tian felt very speechless, and caught up with him in a few steps, stretching out his hand to hold the other party.

"Calm down! After all, you are a junior, and the elders' feelings matter, you better not interfere! "

"What's wrong with the junior!"

Hua Yanyan flicked her sleeves angrily and said loudly: "My mother died early, although I spent less time with my aunt, but my relationship with my aunt is nothing!" I can't just watch my aunt being bullied! "

After speaking, Hua Yanyan looked Ye Tian up and down, and said unhappily: "Aren't you the two of them, don't you care about this matter?" "


Ye Tian didn't know how to explain it.

Why didn't you care about it?

Over the years, I don't know how many times I have said something about Aunt Cane in Uncle Jiu's ear, but is it useful?

Uncle Nine has always been thinking about his first love Michelle in his heart, so he has delayed the marriage contract to such an age.

At the end of the fifth watch, there are readers who like it to give a flower or ticket, thank you!

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