"Forget it, I'd better go to Uncle Nine and ask for clarification!"

Seeing that Ye Tian didn't know how to speak, Hua Yanyan puffed out her mouth angrily, and was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing this, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, followed behind Hua Yanyan, and continued: "I think you should go to my senior sister first, even if you find my senior brother theory, is it a little weaker to be alone?" "


Hua Yanyan pondered for a long time, and said: "It makes sense, I'll go to my aunt first, and then call her to find Uncle Nine Theory together!" "

Seeing that Hua Yanyan finally gave up this idea for the time being, Ye Tian's heart breathed a sigh of relief.

The emotional entanglement between Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue is not something that ordinary people can solve, and Hua Yanyan's theorizing will only make things worse and worse!

In case the marriage contract between Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue is really invalidated because of this incident, I am afraid that it will be a real bad thing.

"By the way, what should I call you! You're my aunt's junior brother.,Logically speaking, you're my elder.,But you're so young.,I really can't shout.。。。 "

"I opened a medical clinic in Renjia Town, everyone calls me Dr. Ye, so you can call me Dr. Ye too!"

Ye Tian smiled, then pointed to the bottom of the mountain and continued: "You come with me, I'll take you to see your aunt!" "

"Okay, then thank you Dr. Ye!"

Hua Yanyan smiled, and then followed Ye Tian on the road and headed towards Wujia Village, where Aunt Sue was located.


In Wujia Village, outside Renjia Town, at this time, Aunt Sue was losing her temper alone in the dojo, kicking this and kicking that from time to time!

In short, she has now imagined everything that can be angry as Ninth Uncle Lin Fengjiao.

"Lin Fengjiao, if you have a kind, don't come to me for the rest of your life!"

With a kick that shattered a wine jar, Aunt Sue sat down, panting and scolding.

"Tut-tut, how did my Senior Brother Lin provoke you again, Senior Sister?"

At this time, Ye Tian's voice came in from outside the hospital, and when she heard this, Aunt Su stood up in an instant, and said angrily:

"Stinky boy, you guy still remember that there is a senior sister like me! How long will I not come to sit! "

"Hehe, isn't it that there are many patients in the hospital, so I can't be busy!"

Ye Tian smiled and walked up to Aunt Sue, and with a wave of his hand, two bags of tea fell into Aunt Sue's hands.

"This is Longjing before the rain, although it is last year's old tea, but the taste is also good, if the senior sister does not dislike it, just try it!"

"Hmph, you kid has a heart!"

Aunt Sue glanced at Ye Tian, but still took the tea leaves, and said to Ye Tian: "Say, what's the matter with me today?" "

"I don't miss you, senior sister, so I'll come and see you, and give you a surprise by the way!"

"Cut, what's the surprise!"

Aunt Su muttered impatiently, then stood up instantly, and said with some excitement: "Did Lin Fengjiao ask you to apologize to me?" "

"Huh? Apologize? "

Ye Tian didn't know why, he didn't know how Uncle Jiu had offended Senior Sister Sue when he was not in Renjia Town for a day.

But now is not the time to say this, then pointed in the direction of the door, and said with a smile: "Look who is coming!" "

"Who? Senior brother? "

Although she was angry with Uncle Nine in her heart, Aunt Su still wanted to take another look at Uncle Nine, so when she saw Ye Tian raise her hand and point outside the house, she hurriedly stretched out her head and looked out.

However, it was not Uncle Nine who appeared, but a beautiful shadow!

I saw Hua Yanyan appear at the door of the gate in a flash, and shouted loudly to Aunt Sue with a smile on her face:

"Auntie! I want to kill you! "

"Yan Yan!"

Aunt Sue was very surprised, looking at the familiar figure, a little unable to believe her eyes.

"Hehe, auntie, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you're still so beautiful!"

Hua Yanyan walked into the dojo quickly, holding Aunt Sue's hands, full of happy laughter.

And Aunt Sue was also very excited to caress the other party's cheeks, and said with a smile: "Our Yanyan has grown into a big girl, and she is getting better and better!" It's exactly the same as when your mother was young! "

"I'm good-looking, my aunt is good-looking, and my mother is good-looking, right!"

"Uh-huh, that's it, the three of us are good-looking!"

Aunt Sue held each other's hands full of happiness, and the troubles just now were swept away, and then she looked at Ye Tian with some surprise, and said puzzledly: "How did the two of you meet together!" "

"That's right, senior sister!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian told Aunt Su everything that had happened, and Hua Yanyan also interjected from time to time.

"I see...

Aunt Su nodded with some concern, and then said to Hua Yanyan dissatisfiedly: "Your child is really fateful, if you don't meet my Senior Brother Ye, I'm afraid that Aunt I won't see you in my life!" "

"Uh-huh, I've already thanked him!"

Hua Yanyan nodded again and again, and then said a little unconvinced: "Besides, he also snatched the Gathering Spirit Fruit I found!" "

"You can't complain about me, it's because you're not as good as others, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Ye Tian spread his hands on the side, saying that he didn't feel any fault in this matter.

"Cut, Miss Ben is not a stingy person, let's even if this matter is even! Oops! Auntie, why are you beating me! "

As soon as Hua Yanyan finished speaking, she was knocked on the head by Aunt Cane, and hurriedly said aggrievedly.

"What a! It was originally the Gathering Spirit Fruit that my Senior Brother Ye obtained, what does it have to do with you! "

Aunt Cane looked displeased and said angrily.

"Auntie, why are you still elbowing out, I'm not your niece anymore!"

"Nothing else, I'm helping my relatives!"

Aunt Sue muttered with her waist inserted, then looked at Hua Yanyan, frowned and said, "I haven't asked you yet!" You ran out this time, didn't you tell your father! "

"Cut, I don't want to tell him! When does he have me in his eyes? Except for business and business, he has never cared about me! "

As soon as she heard Aunt Sue mention her father Hua Manjiang, Hua Yanyan's face instantly looked a little unhappy, and she puffed out her mouth and said angrily.

"Your Hua family is a yin and yang family, with medicine into yin and yang, inherited for thousands of years, of course the things in the clan are important, you have to learn to understand your father!"

"Cut, I don't care, anyway, I ran out this time, I must do something big to show him!"

Hearing Aunt Sue say this, Hua Yanyan raised her head and muttered with dissatisfaction.



At this time, the little white mink, which had regained some strength, poked its head out of Ye Tian's pocket, looked at Hua Yanyan's proud appearance, and kept whispering.

"Yo, lightning marten! Senior Brother Ye, you are in good luck! "

Looking at the cute little head shaking around, Aunt Sue praised in some surprise.

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