"Huh? Let me go with him? "

Obviously, Hua Yanyan was extremely surprised and surprised by Aunt Sue's decision.

She originally wanted to go with Aunt Sue to see what kind of person Uncle Nine was, and then find him to reason.

But who would have thought that he would be sent by Aunt Cane to go to Tengteng Town with Ye Tian.

However, not only Hua Yanyan, but even Ye Tian was surprised by this incident, but then after thinking of the intriguing smile of Aunt Sue just now and the plot that happened in the movie.

Ye Tian instantly understood why Aunt Sue did this!

Dare she want to get rid of all the light bulbs!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, wondering if Uncle Nine would be able to escape Aunt Sue's "claws" this time.

"That's right!"

Aunt Su replied categorically: "You are not deeply involved in the world and lack of experience, go with my Senior Brother Ye, just to deepen your experience!" "


"No, but!"

Hua Yanyan wanted to speak again, but was directly interrupted by Aunt Cane.

"If you don't obey, I'll write to your father and ask him to send someone to pick you up!"

"Don't, don't, I'll go, can't I go?"

Hearing Aunt Sue say this, Hua Yanyan waved her hand again and again, although she was full of reluctance, she still agreed to Aunt Sue's request.

Seeing this, Aunt Sue nodded with satisfaction and said to Ye Tian: "Senior brother, please take care of Yan Yan on the way!" "

"It's nature!"

Ye Tian nodded and replied.

"Doctor Ye, let's go!"

Seeing that this cane girl looked like she was going to drive herself out, Hua Yanyan could only agree, and then patted Ye Tian on the shoulder, and was about to go out.

"Stinky girl! Nothing big or small! "

As soon as Hua Yanyan turned around, the back of her head was knocked hard by Aunt Sue again: "He is my junior brother, your elder!" Call Uncle! "

"Huh? Uncle! "

Hua Yanyan was stunned, she had discussed with Ye Tian just now because of this matter, and only called the other party Doctor Ye.

But who would have thought that this cane aunt really let herself call the other party's uncle!

For a while, Hua Yanyan was a little reluctant, and her eyes looked at Ye Tian with a hint of disgust.



At this time, Doudou poked his head out of his pocket again, and looked at Hua Yanyan's reluctant and aggrieved appearance, and even clapped his paws again, as if he was very happy.

"You little thing!"

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan couldn't help but glance at the bean, then looked at Ye Tian, trying to calm her mood, and two words popped out of her mouth with difficulty.


"Stinky girl, what kind of attitude is this!"

Seeing that Aunt Sue was about to teach Hua Yanyan a lesson again, Ye Tian hurriedly stopped the other party when he saw this, waved his hand and said:

"Forget it, forget it! I don't mind! "


Seeing this, Aunt Sue gave up, looked at Hua Yanyan with some displeasure, and reprimanded: "Next time, let me see that you are disrespectful to Senior Brother Ye, be careful that I will continue to beat you!" "

"Yes ... Be... "

Hua Yanyan was helpless, so she had to nod in response, but the disgust for Ye Tian in her heart became a little bigger.

In this regard, Ye Tian said that she didn't care, after all, she was a little girl who was not deeply involved in the world, and she was still Aunt Cane's niece.

"That's it!"

After that, Aunt Sue took out two pieces of ocean and handed them to Ye Tian, and said, "Go back and go to Lao Wang's house at the east entrance of the village to buy two horses, just say that I introduced Aunt Sue, and he will give you cheap!" "

"Well, no need! I have money! "

Ye Tian waved his hand and pushed back the ocean in Aunt Sue's hand, then looked at Hua Yanyan on the side, and said teasingly:

"Let's go, niece?"


It was the first time for Hua Yanyan to hear such a young guy call herself, and she felt very angry for a while.

I just wanted to fight back, but after seeing Aunt Sue's sharp eyes, I finally shrank my neck stupidly and walked out of the dojo with Ye Tian.

At this time, seeing that Aunt Sue had arranged everything, Mi Nianjiao hurriedly pulled the other party and said, "Aunt Sue, let's go quickly!" "

"Well, let's go!"

Aunt Sue agreed, but she was smiling in her heart.

Lin Fengjiao, you wait and see, hum!

According to Aunt Sue's instructions, Ye Tian bought two horses, and took Hua Yanyan and hurried towards Natengteng Town.

Along the way, Hua Yanyan looked very unhappy with her face, and Ye Tian didn't bother to care about this, because what he cared about now was the zombies in Tengteng Town!

Full merit points are beckoning to you!

There were no words all the way, Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan rode all the way east, and when they came to the outside of Tengteng Town, it was already afternoon.

Sure enough, just as Ye Tian imagined, this Tengteng Town was like an uninhabited empty city.

Looking from afar, I saw that the town of Tengteng was shrouded in corpse qi, and the entire sky may have become gray because of this reason.

It's as if even sunlight can't penetrate it.

"How many zombies are there in this Tengteng Town?"

Hua Yanyan rode on a horse and watched this scene, and the whole person was completely stunned.

Although she is the heir of the Yin and Yang family, this is the first time Hua Yanyan has encountered such a place with such a strong corpse qi, and she was a little overwhelmed for a while.


Ye Tian turned his head to look at the other party and asked with a smile.

"Afraid? How could it be, I'm the heir of a dignified family! "

When Hua Yanyan heard this, she immediately jumped off the horse, and kept patting her chest with her palms, acting like she was not afraid.

"Well, that's good!"

Ye Tian nodded, jumped off the horse, and then tied the horse to a tree stump on the side of the road, and continued:

"Let's go, let's go in and have a look!"


Seeing this, Hua Yanyan also tied the horse to the side, then clenched the sword in her hand and quickly followed Ye Tian's pace.

Ye Tian had seen the movie and knew that although the city was full of zombies and there were many of them, they were just some low-level zombies at best, and there was no danger.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been killed back and forth by the two stupid guys Qiusheng and Wencai, and he also pulled out the zombie teeth of one of the zombies.



As he got closer to the gate of Tengteng Town, Doudou peeked out of his pocket and screamed incessantly as he looked at the corpse-filled place in front of him.

"What's wrong with it?"

Hua Yanyan was curious, looking at Doudou, who was a little excited.

"It smells the yin qi in the town, and these yin qi is helpful for its cultivation!"

"Hey, yes, how did I forget this!"

Hua Yanyan suddenly realized, and then said: "My father told me that yin qi is very beneficial to the demon clan, I can't imagine that such a little guy can also know the way of cultivation. "

"Doudou is a lightning marten, and he is very spiritual!"

Ye Tian touched Doudou's head approvingly, smiled and continued to walk forward.

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