"This is a dead city, what happened to this Tengteng Town, it has become like this!"

Hua Yanyan walked in the front, and when she looked at the scene full of dead people's bones and tattered everywhere, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

As soon as you enter Tengteng Town, you will be greeted by a thick corpse qi and yin qi, as if the environment in the town and the situation outside are completely two worlds.

It's just that Ye Tian doesn't understand that with such a strong corpse aura in Tengteng Town, there will inevitably be a large number of zombies, but why these zombies didn't come out to cause trouble is a little incomprehensible.

"Didn't you say that Uncle Nine's two apprentices are here, why haven't you seen anyone!"

Hua Yanyan waved the sword in her hand to clear the obstacles on the road in front of her one by one, then turned to look at Ye Tian and asked puzzledly.

"I don't know."

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he had no idea.

Doudou, on the other hand, exposed his head from his pocket, opened his small mouth and kept breathing, as if he was absorbing the yin qi around him.

"Well, yes, a little bit of ability!"

Ye Tian watched the wisps of black yin qi constantly being sucked into Doudou's mouth, and touched the hairy head approvingly.


Perhaps it was because he came into contact with so much yin qi out of this, and Doudou soon stopped absorbing it, but chirped twice, and fell back into his pocket, without movement.

And Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan continued to wander in the deserted town, looking for traces of zombies.


A soft knock on the door came, Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan were both startled, and then their eyes noticed a broken courtyard behind them.

"Looks like there's our prey there!"

Ye Tian turned around and pointed to the house, and said to Hua Yanyan, "Hide behind me for a while!" "

"Hey, what are you calling it, will I take it in my eyes as a mere zombie!"

Hua Yanyan was obviously a little unhappy because of Ye Tian's words, and then walked quickly to Ye Tian with a sharp sword, and said, "I'm from the Hua family, and the little zombie can't help me at all!" "

After saying that, Hua Yanyan really turned around and continued to walk forward, walking towards the courtyard where the sound came.

This courtyard was dilapidated, full of all kinds of messy debris and human bones, and Hua Yanyan was holding a sharp sword, cautiously walking forward, looking left and right.

Then I saw the back of a zombie appear in a corner of the corner, seeing this, Hua Yanyan raised her sword and shouted: "Little zombie, come out and die!" "


Who knew that the zombie turned around and screamed, then hurriedly lifted his pants and fled to the side frantically:

"Qiusheng, come and save me, someone is going to kill me!"

"Autumn birth?"

Hua Yanyan had already swung her sword and came behind the zombie, but after hearing that the zombie actually called out the name of Uncle Nine's apprentice, she was instantly stunned.

And then another zombie came out from the side, pulled the panicked Wencai, and said loudly: "You guy, be sober, you're a girl!" She's killing zombies, not us! "

After speaking, the zombie rubbed his hands, showed a friendly smile, and explained as he walked towards Hua Yanyan:

"Don't get me wrong, girl, we're not zombies, we're dressed like this because we have something to do!"

After speaking, the zombie looked Hua Yanyan up and down, and continued: "Xiaosheng is not talented, the big name Qiusheng, that stupid is my junior brother Wencai, I don't know the young lady's surname, can you tell me one or two!" "

"Sure enough, it's the two of you!"

Looking at Qiusheng's incomparably innocent eyes, Hua Yanyan's heart instantly felt extremely disgusted, and at that moment, the sword was swung and hit Qiusheng's throat directly.

"Hey, miss, you're making a big joke!"

Qiusheng didn't expect that Hua Yanyan would have such a huge reaction, but at this time, the sharp sword blade was against her throat, so she could only be careful not to act recklessly, and said loudly:

"We're not bad people, there's no need to do this to me!"

"yes, we're really not bad people!"

At this time, Wen Cai also came closer, looked at the angry look on Hua Yanyan's face, and hurriedly explained.

"Who are you two trying to scare?"

Just when Qiusheng and Wencai didn't know how to drink Hua Yanyan's explanation, a familiar voice came in from outside the courtyard.

The two of them saw the appearance of the person clearly, and instantly screamed in surprise!

"Uncle Shi, save us!"

"Yan Yan, let them go, they are all your own people!"

Ye Tian didn't make a move when he heard this, but walked to the front of a few people.

"Huh? Yan Yan? "

Qiusheng and Wencai were stunned, how could Uncle Ye Tian know this fierce girl?

"Who's their own with the two of them!"

Hua Yanyan muttered dissatisfiedly, but still put away the sword, and then walked to the side and sat alone in the corner.

"Uncle Shi, why are you here? Also, who is he? "

"He is the niece of Senior Sister Sue, a member of the Hua family! Hua Yanyan! "

"The Hua family? What is Huajia? Is it famous? "

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng both shook their heads again and again when they heard this, as if the name of the Hua family was extremely unfamiliar to the two of them.

"You two, you need to know more about the knowledge of the cultivation world in the future!"

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, and explained: "The Hua family has been inherited since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the ancestor is Hua Tuo, who enters yin and yang with medical Taoism, and the power and reputation of the nine needles of the green sac are very loud!" This yin and yang family has been passed down for thousands of years, whether it is financial resources or power, it is an existence that cannot be underestimated in the cultivation world! "

"Obediently, can the medical Tao also enter yin and yang?"

"Stupid, isn't the eighteen needles of the trick that your uncle and I practiced are the way of medicine?"

Ye Tian glanced at the two of them angrily, and continued to explain: "Many yin and yang families in this world did not practice the art of exorcism and demon hunting at first, such as Zhuge Liang's descendant, the Zhuge family, who entered yin and yang with Qimen Dunjia. "

"Then why is that Hua Yanyan so bad-tempered and fierce to the two of us?"

Listening to Ye Tian explain so much, Qiusheng and Wen Cai can be regarded as having a certain understanding of the Yin and Yang family, but they are very puzzled, why the two of them have already reported their own family, and Hua Yanyan is still so arrogant.

"Well, this has nothing to do with the two of you, it has to do with Senior Brother Lin!"


Qiusheng and Wencai first glanced at each other in confusion, and then immediately understood the meaning.

There's no way, this morning, the two of them saw that Uncle Jiu hurt the heart of the cane girl, and now that the niece knows, she will definitely not give the two of them a good face.

I got up early in the morning and gave everyone a horse, I hope I can like it.

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