
Qiusheng's sudden scream frightened everyone, and Ye Tian slapped his head directly in anger, and reprimanded:

"You stinky boy, what are you doing!"

"Uncle Shi, you can do it lightly!"

Qiusheng hurriedly covered his head and said with some grievances: "Since you are here, we don't need to look for any zombie teeth, that handsome corpse poison, you can't cure it!" "

Hearing this, Wen Cai also nodded again and again and replied: "Yes, yes, this dress stinks to death, and there is not even a shadow of a zombie, what are you waiting for here?" "

"Go back?"

Ye Tian was definitely unwilling to just give up a bunch of merits and return the way he came, so he straightened his chest and said loudly:

"As a disciple of Maoshan, you should take the purpose of killing demons and eliminating demons, and you don't care if you look at these zombies as a disaster, what will it become!"


Qiusheng still wanted to speak, but he was glared back by Ye Tian's eyes in an instant, so he had to retreat stupidly, not daring to continue talking.

At this time, Na Doudou also seemed to be very dissatisfied with the attitude of the two, and immediately got out of his pocket, standing on his shoulders and gesturing with his hands.



"Uncle Shi, where did you get such a big mouse!"

"Stupid, this is obviously a kitten!"

Ye Tian: ...

Hua Yanyan: ...

Not only Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan were speechless about Qiusheng and Wencai's material, but even the lightning mink bean bean showed strong dissatisfaction.

turned around directly, aimed his ass at the two of them, and let out a long fart.

"Damn, this big rat farted us!"

"I want to slap you to death!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian directly raised his palm and hung it in the air, and scolded Qiusheng and Wen Cai: "This is a lightning mink, not a mouse and a kitten!" The two of you are really hopeless! "

"Huh? Marten? "

Qiusheng looked at Doudou very puzzled, and then said meaningfully: "Uncle Shi, is this obviously a mouse!" I don't read much, don't lie to me! "

"I'm really beaten by the IQ of you two!"

At this time, Hua Yanyan, who had been sitting aside and not speaking, really couldn't stand the low IQ of Qiusheng and Wencai, so she walked forward quickly and asked Ye Tian:

"Are there any zombies in this place, uncle!"


Qiusheng and Wencai were surprised again, as if their jaws were about to fall to the ground.

"What? My senior sister is her aunt, what's wrong with calling her uncle? "

Ye Tian glanced at the two of them, and then said to Hua Yanyan: "It's still daytime, and when it comes to night, those zombies will naturally appear." "

"Alright then, we'll have to wait again!"

Hua Yanyan muttered dissatisfied, turned around and sat back in the corner, began to wipe the sword in her hand with a handkerchief, and stopped talking.

"You two went and changed your clothes, they stinked to death!"

In order to successfully infiltrate the zombie team, Qiusheng and Wencai actually smeared corpse oil on their bodies, and the stench was tangy.

Seeing this, the two agreed, and then rushed into the room where they had changed clothes just now.

Time passed quickly, the gray sky gradually darkened, and the moon was already high in the sky.

Tengteng Town was instantly enveloped in a strange atmosphere, and from time to time, there were also crows chirping.



For a while, the corpse qi of the entire Renjia Town began to slowly change, and one by one the zombies woke up from their slumber and came to the street one after another, jumping towards the restaurant not far away.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others stood on the high roof, watching one zombie after another jump into the distance, Hua Yanyan asked with some confusion: "What are they doing here?" "

"You'll find out when you follow up!"

Ye Tian replied softly.

According to the development of the plot of the movie, there is a zodiac chief trapped in this restaurant at this time, that is, he, who once mentioned to Uncle Nine that there are zombies in Tengteng Town.

I don't know what kind of cultivation this zodiac chief is, but a dozen ordinary zombies subdued him.

When watching the movie back then, Ye Tian said that it was very difficult to understand this matter.

But looking at the current scene, Ye Tian finally understood, there were dozens of zombies in the entire town at a glance.

If the zodiac chief is really subdued by these garbage zombies, it also means that it is understandable.

"You three stay here, I'll go take a look!"

Ye Tian gave an order to the three people behind him, and hurried to the front of the restaurant.

Seeing this, Hua Yanyan picked up the sword in her hand, turned to Qiusheng and Wencai and said, "You two stay here, I'll go over and take a look!" "


Qiusheng and Wencai glanced at each other, expressing great puzzlement, but they still obeyed Ye Tian's orders and did not approach.

At this time, Ye Tian had already come to the roof of the restaurant with a few jumps, through the tattered roof.

Ye Tian clearly saw the zodiac chief who was trapped on the table below, his face full of horror.

And beside him, there is a group of dense zombies standing impressively!

The face of each zombie revealed a bloodthirsty desire, and looking at this struggling zodiac chief was like seeing that delicious food.

"Fire Spell, Edict!"

However, just as Ye Tian was about to rescue Huang Daochang, Hua Yanyan's voice suddenly sounded.

I saw that the big gate of the restaurant was suddenly smashed into powder by a fire snake, and three or four zombies were smashed into pieces.

"What's the situation!"

Ye Tian had been watching the situation below, not noticing Hua Yanyan's tailgating at all, seeing that he had already started killing zombies, Ye Tian couldn't hold back anymore!

With so many merit points, they are about to be robbed!

In an instant, Ye Tian jumped straight from the top of the building to the center of the restaurant, watching those hideous and ferocious waves out, and a few golden rays of light disappeared into the heads of many zombies!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a while, explosions rang out, and the zombies who had been hit by the golden needles in their heads exploded into a blood mist and fell to the ground.

Accompanied by a system prompt, it sounded in the ears.

"Ding! Kill a zombie and get 20 merit points and a pair of underwear! "

"Ding! Kill a zombie and get 20 merit points and a pair of underwear! "

"Ding! Kill a zombie and get 15 merit points and a pair of socks! "


Ye Tian ignored this increasingly undisciplined system, but swung his fists and flying needles and continued to kill.

In less than a few minutes, dozens of zombies inside and outside the restaurant were all killed by Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan, and none of them remained.

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Second Grade Heavenly Master

Merit: 1550/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

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