"Uncle Shi, what did you say about what I did just now, I feel like I can get a hundred points!"

"Well, that's good!

In fact, Ye Tian had been observing every move of Wencai and the demon servant just now on a big branch outside the Great Marshal's Mansion, and even the sudden appearance of Long Dashuai did not escape his eyes.

In the movie, it was this dragon who followed the demon servant to the lake and almost drowned.

What he didn't expect was that now he took the initiative to send it to the door again, which made Ye Tian have to feel some sympathy for what happened to this guy tonight.

"Hehe, what is the actor!"

Wen Cai touched the back of his head and smirked, then looked at Ye Tian with some concern, and said, "Then you will have to protect me in the dark, otherwise I will really die in the hands of that demon servant!"

"Don't worry, you don't need to do the rest of the matter, go find Senior Brother Lin and them!"

"Huh, don't you need me?"

Wen Cai was very surprised and asked curiously.

"Well, I don't need you, I'll leave the rest to me, you go and ask my senior brother for help!"

"Hey, hey, okay! Then I'll go!"

Although I don't know why Ye Tian doesn't need to continue acting by himself, at least he doesn't have to risk his life anymore to continue to entangle with female ghosts.

Therefore, he didn't ask more about the reason, and said goodbye to Ye Tian with a smile on his face, and went to look for Uncle Nine and the others.

Before Wen Cai left, the door of Mi Qilian's room slowly opened, and the demon servant quietly walked out of the door, turned around and walked out of the Dashuai's mansion, heading towards the lake.

Then another figure came out of the attic hall and quietly followed with a wicked smile on his face, like a thief.

Ye Tian saw it really, this person was the handsome Long Aotian.

I don't know what is going on with this couple, they both like to give each other cuckolds, and their lives will definitely be colorful in the future!

Soon, the demon servant walked quickly to the lake that he had made an appointment with Wencai.

But when I looked at it, there was no shadow of literary talent, and a bad feeling came to my heart.

"Baby, I'm coming!"

Just as the demon servant was about to turn around and leave, Long Dashuai trotted over from behind with a wicked smile on his face, and hugged the demon servant's waist tightly, which made him feel a little surprised.

"How are you?"

"Hehe, yes, it's me, aren't you waiting for me?"

Long Dashuai sniffed the aroma of the demon servant, and the whole person thought about it.

"It's okay, since you're here, let's have some fun with me!"

"Hey, yes, fun, fun!"

Long Dashuai didn't hear the chill in the demon servant's words at all, and he replied with some excitement.

"Well, don't regret it!"

"I will never regret it, I will never regret it, you will accompany me well tonight, and I will marry you as my aunt's wife when I turn around!

Long Dashuai said happily as he slowly turned the body of the demon servant.

But who knows, Long Dashuai's expression that was still looking forward to it instantly turned into an extremely frightened look, and he couldn't help but exclaim loudly.


At this time, the demon servant no longer had that bright and moving appearance, but instead had rotten cheeks.

From time to time, there are meat maggots coming out of the face, and a fishy smell is even more disgusting!

"Why? Didn't you just say you liked me very much, why did you say I was a ghost?"

After revealing his true face, the demon servant grabbed Long Dashuai's body with a cruel smile on his face, as if his sharp nails had been embedded in his shoulders.

"No... No... "

Long Dashuai was already frightened and his legs were weak at this time, and he didn't know what to continue to say.

The demon servant, on the other hand, showed a mouthful of pitch-black teeth, and said with a sneer:

"Originally, I was going to suck that guy's yang energy, but I didn't expect it to be you!

With that, the demon servant waved his big arm and threw Long Dashuai directly into the lake, and then he fell into a black shadow beside him and hugged him tightly.

"Mom! Help! Help me... "

Although it was only in the lake near the shore, Long Dashuai felt as if he had fallen into a boundless hell, and he was stuck to his body by the demon servant, and he couldn't break free at all.

For a while, the entire water surface was constantly tumbling, and Ye Tian, who was hiding in the woods not far away, looked at the scene in front of him sympathetically.

"Hey, who told you to throw yourself into the net, half a minute at most, you hold on!"


The words were divided into two ends, from the first time the demon servant left the Great Marshal's Mansion, Uncle Nine got Ye Tian's signal and began to prepare measures to attract evil babies.

At this time, the open space was filled with all kinds of toys that children loved.

Knock knock, knock knock.

Knock knock, knock knock.

Qiusheng, Wencai and Hua Yanyan kept playing gongs and drums, and the two ninth uncles and Aunt Cane also danced lion dances on the side, attracting the arrival of evil babies.

"Hee-hee, it's fun, it's fun!"

"yes, kick the ball to me!"

"Hehe, let's play hide and seek!"


A lively and lovely spirit baby is playing happily in the open space, as if this is a playground, bringing infinite joy to the spirit children.

At this time, in Micheline's room, Micheline, who had already slept soundly, did not notice the movement outside the door at this time.

And her high bulging belly slowly emerged as a black phantom, which was the head of a child.

It's just that this child's head is black and bloodshot, and an extremely hideous appearance is presented in front of him.

This little child is the evil baby in the fetus parasitic in Micchilian's belly.

At this time, hearing a lively sound not far from the door, the evil baby slowly floated out of Micheline's belly, came to the window and looked out vigilantly.

I saw that in an open space not far away, a group of spirit babies of the same size as themselves were playing in collapse, and there were people beating gongs and drums next to them, and lion dances to help the fun, which can be described as very lively.

Seeing this, the evil baby's heart had a trace of curiosity and happiness, and then his body turned into a blood-colored rainbow, and he came to this clearing in an instant.

"It's coming!"

Uncle Nine muttered quietly, and then everyone watched this scene with great vigilance, quietly waiting for Uncle Nine's signal.


As soon as the terrifying-looking evil baby appeared, he made an extremely terrifying expression.

Suddenly, the spirit babies who were still laughing and happy were so frightened that they hid aside, not daring to linger any longer.

"Evil baby!"

"Run, the evil baby is coming!"

Seeing those spirit babies fleeing in parts, the faces of the evil babies showed a trace of hideousness.

Then he stepped on it with his foot, and a toy car instantly turned into a mass of debris and fell to the ground.

Today's five more 10,000 words are over, and friends who like it can vote and support it with flowers!

Also, Xiao Langjun is going on a business trip by train early this morning, so tomorrow's update may be a little later, and I will take the time to try to get as many yards as possible on the train.

But I can guarantee that tomorrow I will give you at least four more and eight thousand words, and if things go well at work, it may also be five more!

Thank you for your understanding and support!

It is not easy for authors to write books, and your support is the greatest encouragement to me!

Finally, Xiao Langjun is here to say to all readers: thank you!

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