At this time, the evil baby has obviously become the absolute overlord of this playground, and he will never allow other spirit babies to play in front of him.

Looking at the pile of beautiful and interesting toys on the ground, the evil baby wants to play, but he is resentful, and he can't help but trample on it.

In less than a while, all the toys were trampled by the evil baby, and Qiusheng and Wencai had already hid aside.

And Hua Yanyan is protecting the spirit babies behind her, so that they can avoid the threat of evil babies.



The lion dance of Uncle Nine and Aunt Cane did not stop, constantly jumping and twisting in front of the evil baby, and successfully attracted the other party's attention for a while.

"Boom, this is fun, Boom!"

The evil baby smiled fiercely and couldn't help clapping his hands back and forth.

Then he jumped and jumped directly onto the lion dance, and roared wantonly:

"Quick, run, jump!"

At this time, Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue had already felt that the vigilance of the evil baby was getting weaker and weaker, and at that moment, Uncle Nine glanced back at Aunt Sue behind him, and the two exchanged glances with each other.

Then he jumped up in an instant, and the lion dance robe wrapped the evil baby in it in the blink of an eye.

Then, in the blink of an eye, countless golden runes flickered on the outer robe, and all the golden runes were attached to the evil baby's body.


The evil baby roared, and the monstrous resentment suddenly turned into bursts of black light and exploded.


This explosion was earth-shattering, and Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue only felt a tingling pain in their chests, and then the two of them were instantly shocked and flew out and fell heavily on the ground.


At this time, he sensed the ambush, and the evil baby was already angry to the extreme, looking at the ninth uncle and Aunt Sue below, he instantly opened his mouth.

A thick yin qi turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards the two of them.

"Senior sister, get out of the way!"

Seeing this, Uncle Nine directly kicked the cane girl beside him to the side, and then waved it in his palm, and a peachwood sword appeared in his hand.

"If you want to run, how can it be so easy!"

At this time, the evil baby was no longer entangled with everyone, but was ready to get up and fly back to Micheline's mother.

Once he successfully entered the mother body, he expected that everyone would not dare to continue to kill him.

Seeing this, the peachwood sword in Uncle Jiu's hand pointed at the sky, and golden light flew out one after another, constantly staggering.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge net and pounced on the evil baby's body.

"Jiuyao is going down, and the beginning is wandering. Hua Jing Ming, Yuan Ling scattered. Endless longing, bring me brilliance. The green light is lit by the starlight, and the moon shadow shines on the ground!


I saw that the huge golden net was instantly entangled together, binding the evil baby under him firmly in the center.


Clouds of black smoke kept coming out of the evil baby's body, and the majestic yin qi poured out endlessly, as if the Yellow River was overflowing.

At this time, the evil baby's face was hideous and painful, and the terrifying eyes in his eyes emitted an eerie light.

All of a sudden, the miserable cry seemed to resound through the nine heavens.

"Oops, the master is in trouble!"

At this time, the demon servant had just absorbed Long Dashuai's yang qi for less than ten seconds when he heard the cry for help from the evil baby.

For a moment, he no longer cared about the prey under him, Long Dashuai, but flew up and went straight to the Dashuai's mansion.


Then, just as the demon servant got up and flew to the shore, a dazzling golden light instantly exploded in front of the demon servant.

Then her whole body flew upside down in an instant, and her whole body emitted black smoke, and she fell heavily to the ground.

"Great... SAVED ... SAVED ... "

The short few tens of seconds just now were definitely like years for Long Dashuai.

Whether it was mentally or physically, he was ruthlessly destroyed by this demon servant, and at this time, Long Dashuai only felt that his eyes were shining with golden light, as if his legs were not very flexible.

Seeing that golden light appearing, Long Dashuai's heart instantly rose with a ray of hope.

"Bastard, why are you here!"

At this time, the demon servant's body had been hit by the golden light just now, and it was full of holes.

But even so, she still didn't forget the evil baby who was far away in the marshal's mansion, and wanted to return to him.

"Of course I'm here to destroy you!"

Ye Tian didn't talk nonsense, and with the sword finger in his right hand, a purple thunderbolt burst out, heading straight for the demon servant.

"Taishang star, no stop! The Jade Emperor has a force, and the gods are in all directions! Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, purple thunder and lightning! Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law!"



In an instant, the demon servant was struck by purple thunder, and a burst of bang came, and countless rotten flesh and green slime burst out and scattered in an instant, and then turned into bursts of scorched smoke, completely disappearing.

"Ding! Destroy one demon servant, get 30 merit points, 3 oceans!"

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Sanpin Heavenly Master

Merit: 880/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

"Phew, garbage!"

Listening to the sound of the system prompt, Ye Tian couldn't help but mutter, then glanced at Long Dashuai, who was pale on the shore, and said with a smile:

"Are you alright?"

"No... It's okay... "

Long Dashuai was overjoyed to see that the demon servant was finally dead, and then dragged his weak body forward, only to find that there was still half of Ye Tian's shadow.

"Hey, don't go, take me with you!"

Long Dashuai's heart was once again clouded with a sense of despair, looking at the legs that were trembling back and forth and did not obey the call.

Long Dashuai only felt that the bones in his body seemed to fall apart, and he had no choice but to take one step at a time, slowly walking towards the handsome mansion in the distance.

At this time, in the open space outside the Shuai's Mansion, the evil baby was already dead and tied to his body by the giant net rope summoned by the Ninth Uncle, and most of the anger in his body had dissipated.

Seeing that the demon servant did not appear for a long time, the evil baby with a painful face let out a miserable cry, and then black smoke gradually drifted from his body, and a child who was no different from other spirit babies appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"How come? His anger is gone?"

Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue were shocked, this evil baby who was originally extremely ferocious should have turned into a cute little baby at this time, and at this time looked at everyone with tears on his face, showing an aggrieved expression:

"Let me go, okay, please let me go, I just want to be reincarnated!"

"Master, is the anger on his body really gone?"

This is Qiusheng, Wencai and Hua Yanyan also came closer, looking at the evil baby with a painful face and tears in his eyes, and he didn't know what happened for a while.

Just got off the train, and I'm going to get ready for a bite to eat.

I wrote this one at five o'clock with my computer, I hope you can like it?

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