"Senior brother, what now?"

The evil baby suddenly lost all of his anger, which made Aunt Sue and her party feel extremely surprised.

If an evil child does evil, he can kill it completely, and then prevent it from causing a curse to the world.

However, this evil baby has obviously become the same as other ordinary spirit babies, and it would be extremely inappropriate to kill it again.

"Well, I feel cheating!"

The evil baby has been repeatedly aborted by the mother, and the resentment and anger are extremely heavy, and it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the anger in such a short period of time.

It is very likely that this evil baby is deceiving himself and others.

When Uncle Nine heard this, his brows furrowed, looking at the painful appearance of the evil baby, and he couldn't bear to continue to do it for a while.

"Hey, forget it... "

Aunt Su still couldn't bear to watch the evil baby at this time continue to suffer, but she still had the talisman in her hand and walked to the front of the evil baby.

"I don't care if your anger is really eliminated or not, but I still want to take you back into the spirit baby clay puppet and seal it temporarily!"

With that, Aunt Cane floated in her palm, and the talisman instantly stuck to the door of the evil baby's face.


For a while, the black qi around the evil baby's body no longer continued to leak out, and then a faint pink light flashed around his body, as if he had really returned to the appearance of a spirit baby.

"Well, that's good!"

Seeing this, Aunt Cane nodded in approval, and then reached out and grabbed the evil baby's neck, about to seal it in the clay puppet.

"Not good!"

Just when Aunt Sue touched the body of the evil baby, the aura in her body seemed to be like a river that had opened a floodgate, and it gushed out instantly.

Then the evil baby's body once again showed a thick black yin qi, and his face returned to its original hideous appearance.

"It can suck the aura from me!"

Aunt Su was shocked and was about to withdraw her palm, but at this time it was already too late.

The evil baby showed an incomparably hideous smile, and in an instant, majestic yin qi gushed out, and the golden light rope on his body suddenly turned into bursts of powder and floated in the air.


This time, the evil baby let out a roar, raised his palm and struck the body of the cane girl beside him.

As if she had been suddenly hit by a train, she only felt a heart-piercing pain in her lower abdomen, and she had already flown upside down in an instant.


Hua Yanyan was startled, watching Aunt Cane's figure fly high above her, and her hanging heart had already reached her throat.

However, at this moment, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and Aunt Cane, who was about to fall to the ground, was instantly embraced by Bai Ying and slowly fell to the ground.

"Senior sister, are you okay?"

"Stinky boy, why are you here!"

Aunt Sue only felt some pain in her lower abdomen, and couldn't help complaining.

"Senior Brother Ye, take care of Senior Sister!"

Seeing Ye Tian appear, Uncle Nine felt relieved, and then pointed with both hands, and the purple thunder immediately came out and fell straight on the evil baby's body.

"Taishang star, no stop! The Jade Emperor has a force, and the gods are in all directions! Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, purple thunder and lightning! Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law!"



Two loud explosions came from the evil baby's body, but the next scene greatly surprised Uncle Jiu.

I saw that the purple thunder attack on the evil baby's body did not produce any effect, with the two loud noises, the evil baby actually soared into the sky, punched out, and the two purple thunderbolts were already hitting the ninth uncle in an instant.

"Oops, he can control thunder and lightning!"

Thunder and lightning are the strongest and the nemesis of all evils in the world!

But what Uncle Nine didn't expect was that the purple thunder that had just been summoned did not produce a trace of damage on the evil baby's body, but was absorbed by it for its own use, and he was stunned at the moment.


Seeing that the purple thunder was approaching, Uncle Nine turned around and hurriedly dodged, and then his body spun rapidly in the air, and the peachwood sword in his hand sped out in a blink of an eye.



Hearing the evil baby let out a miserable shout, the peachwood sword had been inserted into the evil baby's chest in the blink of an eye, and with a burst of black gas, the explosion continued.



I saw that purple thunder appeared on the evil baby's body again, and it was soaked in the hilt of the peachwood sword that was condensed in his chest.

For a while, purple light flashed and thunder continued.


I saw a huge red light coming out of the evil baby's body, and the peachwood sword on the evil baby's chest was instantly broken in two and fell to the ground.

And the evil baby was also shocked by the red light just now, and flew to the ground, with black scorched smoke all over his body.


At this time, the evil baby was already seriously injured, and his soul was unstable, and if he didn't escape and hide in Mi Qilian's mother as soon as possible, he was afraid that his soul would be scattered and disappear.

Thinking of this, the evil baby soared up again, and then stopped paying attention to everyone, and instantly got up and was about to fly towards the great marshal's mansion.



I saw two cyan rays of light explode on the evil baby's body again, and the opponent's body that had just flown up fell heavily on the ground again, and most of the yin qi on his body had already collapsed.


The evil baby was very painful, stood up and looked back, only to see Hua Yanyan walking towards the evil baby with an angry face, and said angrily: "You stinky boy, dare to hurt my aunt, I won't let you go!"

After that, four silver needles flew up in Hua Yanyan's hands again, and streams of cyan light appeared again, appearing in front of everyone.


As if completely enraged, the evil baby burst out with bursts of purple thunder.

Suddenly, a thunder snake spun out and rushed towards Hua Yanyan's face.

"Yan Yan be careful!"

Uncle Nine was shocked, and quickly got up and threw Hua Yanyan to the side, while he was hit by the thunder snake, and the whole person collapsed to the ground.

"Uncle Nine!"

Hua Yanyan didn't expect that it would be Uncle Nine who saved her.

At this time, Uncle Jiu's hair that had been ordered was all standing upside down, his face was dark, and his whole body was twitching.

"Out of the way, out of the way!"

Although being hit by the opponent's thunder snake made Uncle Jiu feel a little paralyzed for the time being, in the end, the yin qi of the spirit baby's body was dissipated, and he did not exert much strength.


Seeing this, the evil baby roared again, and another thunder snake came out immediately, striking in the direction of Uncle Nine and Hua Yanyan again.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

I saw that the thunder snake disappeared in an instant, turned into flying ashes and disappeared.

At a glance, there were ten golden needles hovering in front of Hua Yanyan and Uncle Jiu, and the golden light appeared all around them, like a giant barrier protecting the two of them.

Seeing this, the evil baby was shocked, and then he was about to turn around and fly away, but he was hit by a golden light again and fell heavily on the ground.

I didn't talk to the customer representative until four o'clock, and I had to drink in the evening, and I wrote the remaining two now, and I tried to send them all out before ten o'clock.

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