"Hmph, let you fly away, wouldn't my senior brother and senior sister be too faceless!"

Ye Tian suddenly appeared, and a punch hit the evil baby's body hard.


This punch was fierce, the qi and blood were strong, and the evil baby only felt that the world was spinning, and then the blood hole in his chest that had just been pierced by the Ninth Uncle's peachwood sword erupted again with bursts of thunder and lightning, and they swarmed towards Ye Tian's body.

"Look for death!"

Ye Tian's blood soared, and he glared angrily, and two talismans flew out from his fingers in an instant, and they met the thunder and lightning in front of him.


I saw a loud noise, and the evil baby was overturned by the huge wave of qi in the blink of an eye, and flew out upside down.

And Ye Tian soared into the air, and several talismans flew out together, all of which landed beside the evil baby's body.


Several talismans were all stained, and the evil baby's body was like a firecracker, and it exploded non-stop.

I saw that Ye Tian had come to the other party's approach again, and with a wave of his big hand, a fire dragon instantly galloped out and hovered above the evil baby's head!

"Blazing Flames!"

Ye Tianjian pointed at the fire dragon, and a golden light submerged into the fire dragon's body, and in an instant, the flames were monstrous, and the dragon groaned.

The evil baby seemed to feel that a huge crisis was coming towards him, and at that moment he showed an extremely frightened expression on his face, turned around and flew towards the handsome mansion.


The sound of the dragon's groan shook the sky, as if a real dragon was born, and the fire dragon shook its huge body, and came behind the evil baby at a very fast speed, opening a huge dragon's mouth!

"No! No!

The Evil Baby had screamed in despair, but there was no room for escape.

I saw that the fire dragon instantly devoured the evil baby, and in an instant, it exploded and lit up the sky.


With a shocking explosion, the fire dragon turned into a golden light and flew away, and the soul of the evil baby completely disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Ding, destroy a bad baby, get 100 merit points, and increase the power of thunder and lightning spells by 10%!"

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Sanpin Heavenly Master

Merit: 980/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

"Senior Brother Ye has good skills!"

At this time, Uncle Jiu's body had also recovered as before, and the evil baby's slight thunder and lightning attack did not cause much damage to him, but it still made him feel a little paralyzed, and said embarrassedly:

"This evil baby has average strength, I didn't expect to be able to absorb aura and control thunder and lightning, if it weren't for Senior Brother Ye's timely action, Miss Yan and I would have turned into roast ducks!hahaha!"

"Senior brother, you are polite, it's just a trivial matter, no one thought that the evil baby would have such ability!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, indicating that he didn't care.

And Hua Yanyan looked at Uncle Nine and Ye Tian, and said with a smile: "Thank you Uncle Nine, thank you Doctor Ye!"

"Stinky girl, are you still so rude?"

As soon as Hua Yanyan's words fell, she saw Qiusheng and Wencai walking closer with Aunt Sue who was displeased.

"Senior sister, the yin qi in your lower abdomen has entered your body, so it's not easy to get angry at this time!"

Listening to Ye Tian's ridicule, Aunt Sue suddenly felt angry, and couldn't help but spit two mouthfuls of saliva towards the place where the evil baby was eliminated, and cursed loudly:

"This bastard boy, I see that he is pitiful and wants to help him, and he even kills me! It's really a boat capsized in the gutter!

In fact, the strength of this evil baby is not very strong, and with the cultivation of Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue, it is not difficult to join forces to kill him.

It's just that I didn't expect this evil baby to first show weakness by deceit, and then sucked the aura of Aunt Cane and manipulated the thunder and lightning to temporarily repel Uncle Jiu, which gave the other party time and opportunity to escape.

It's just that in the end, it was because of Ye Tian's timely appearance that the evil baby's hope of returning to the mother's body was completely shattered!



It seemed that Lightning Sable Doudoudou also felt the joy brought by the lifting of the crisis, and then jumped out of Ye Tian's pocket, standing on Ye Tian's shoulder and patting his claws back and forth, causing everyone to laugh again and again.

"Hey, hey, what just happened!"

At this time, Long Dashuai finally dragged his extremely weak body to this clearing.

The repeated fights just now caused a loud noise, if it weren't for Mi Nianjiao who stopped those loaded soldiers in time in the Shuai Mansion, I am afraid that everyone would think that a war had just taken place here.

"Dashuai, I didn't expect you to be quite energetic!"

At this time, Qiusheng looked at Long Dashuai's very haggard appearance that had been sucked away from his yang energy, so he ran close to make a joke.

I was also fascinated by the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu, but how could I be so unbearable, as if the whole person had collapsed.

"It's okay, it's okay, if you hadn't appeared in time, maybe it would be me who looks like this now!"

Wen Cai couldn't help but gasp again and again, looking at Long Dashuai's pale face and sweaty appearance, he felt extremely uncomfortable thinking about it.

"Ninth Uncle!

At this time, Mi Nianjiao ran over from not far away, and when she saw Uncle Nine and the others in front, she shouted eagerly:

"Sister, she's going to give birth!"


Uncle Nine was shocked when he heard this: "The soul of the fetus in Sister Lian's womb has long been devoured by the evil baby, and now this evil baby has also been destroyed, if the fetus is born, it will become a fool!"

"What's this!"

Aunt Su glanced at the anxious Ninth Uncle with disdain, and then walked up to the group of spirit infants, crossed her hands on her hips and said loudly:

"Do you want to be reincarnated!


"I want to be reincarnated! I want to be reincarnated!"

"Pick me, choose me!"


As soon as they heard this, all the spirit babies were boiling, and they rushed to the front of Aunt Sue, shouting loudly.

For these spirit children, it is the greatest dream to be reincarnated as a human being.

Now that such a great opportunity is in front of you, how can you give it up?

"Hey, it's you, it's the cutest in vain!"

Aunt Sue looked around, and finally chose a chubby little spirit baby, the talisman flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the clay puppet in her hand.

"Yan Yan, come with me!"

"Yes, auntie!"

After choosing a suitable spirit baby, Aunt Cane took Hua Yanyan and ran quickly towards the Shuai Mansion.

What made Ye Tian and the others feel funny was that when Aunt Su passed by Uncle Jiu, she didn't forget to snort coldly at him, which made Uncle Nine embarrassed and could only smirk.

Wow ~ Wow ~ Wow ~

With the sound of a baby crying, the door to Micheline's room was finally opened.

I saw Mi Nianjiao walking out with a cute baby with a happy face, and said excitedly to Long Dashuai:

"Brother-in-law, my sister gave birth to a son for you!"

I just came back from dinner with customers, wait for me to rest for a while and sober up, and then I will serve a code!

Hey, life is not easy, men are not easy!

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